
Bimal Kumar

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5EEBimal Kumar: Special Section on RFID applications in engineering. Advanced Engineering Informatics 21(4): 349 (2007)
4EEKonstantinos Domdouzis, Bimal Kumar, Chimay J. Anumba: Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) applications: A brief introduction. Advanced Engineering Informatics 21(4): 350-355 (2007)
3EEKrystyna Dziadak, Bimal Kumar, James Sommerville: RFID in the Built Environment: Buried Asset Locating Systems. EG-ICE 2006: 153-162
2EEJinxing Cheng, Bimal Kumar, Kincho H. Law: A question answering system for project management applications. Advanced Engineering Informatics 16(4): 277-289 (2002)
1 Mustafa Kamal Badrah, Iain MacLeod, Bimal Kumar: Object-oriented software patterns for engineering design standards processing. AI in Structural Engineering 1998: 19-29

Coauthor Index

1Chimay J. Anumba [4]
2Mustafa Kamal Badrah [1]
3Jinxing Cheng [2]
4Konstantinos Domdouzis [4]
5Krystyna Dziadak [3]
6Kincho H. Law [2]
7Iain MacLeod [1]
8James Sommerville [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)