
Bernd Laquai

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5EEBernd Laquai, Martin Hua, Guido Schulze, Michael Braun: A Flexible and Scaleable Methodology for Testing High Speed Source Synchronous Interfaces on ATE with Multiple Fixed Phase Capture and Compare. European Test Symposium 2006: 97-102
4EEBernd Laquai: A Model-based Test Approach for Testing High-Speed PLLs and Phase Regulation Circuitry in SOC Devices. ITC 2004: 764-772
3EEUlrich Schoettmer, Bernd Laquai: Managing the Multi-Gbit/s Test Challenges. ITC 2003: 1310
2EEYi Cai, Bernd Laquai, Kent Luehman: Jitter Testing for Gigabit Serial Communication Transceivers. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 19(1): 66-74 (2002)
1 Bernd Laquai, Yi Cai: Testing gigabit multilane SerDes interfaces with passive jitter injection filters. ITC 2001: 297-304

Coauthor Index

1Michael Braun [5]
2Yi Cai [1] [2]
3Martin Hua [5]
4Kent Luehman [2]
5Ulrich Schoettmer [3]
6Guido Schulze [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)