
Michael Braun

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10EEBernd Laquai, Martin Hua, Guido Schulze, Michael Braun: A Flexible and Scaleable Methodology for Testing High Speed Source Synchronous Interfaces on ATE with Multiple Fixed Phase Capture and Compare. European Test Symposium 2006: 97-102
9EEMichael Braun, Adalbert Kerber, Reinhard Laue: Systematic Construction of q-Analogs of t-(v, k, lambda)-Designs. Des. Codes Cryptography 34(1): 55-70 (2005)
8EEZixin Zhang, Michael Braun: Fully 3D Active Surface Models with Self--Inflation and Self--Deflation Forces. CVPR 1997: 85-90
7EEPeter Bach, Michael Braun, Arno Formella, Jörg Friedrich, Thomas Grün, Cédric Lichtenau: Building the 4 Processor SB-PRAM Prototype. HICSS (5) 1997: 14-23
6 Zixin Zhang, Michael Braun, Phillip Abbott: A New Deformable Model for 3D Image Segmentation. ICIAP (1) 1997: 239-246
5 Phillip Abbott, Michael Braun: Segmentation of Ultrasound Image Data by Two Dimensional Autoregressive Modelling. ICIAP (2) 1997: 672-679
4EEMichael Braun, Guy Even, Thomas Walle: Mirroring: a technique for pipelining semi-systolic and systolic arrays. Integration 23(2): 115-130 (1997)
3 Michael Braun, Jörg Friedrich, Thomas Grün, Josef Lembert: Parallel CRC Computation in FPGAs. FPL 1996: 156-165
2EEMichael Braun, Arno Formella: AniGraph-a data structure for computer animation. CA 1995: 126-
1EENeng H. Ching, Dov Rosenfeld, Michael Braun: Two-dimensional phase unwrapping using a minimum spanning tree algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 1(3): 355-365 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Phillip Abbott [5] [6]
2Peter Bach [7]
3Neng H. Ching [1]
4Guy Even [4]
5Arno Formella [2] [7]
6Jörg Friedrich [3] [7]
7Thomas Grün [3] [7]
8Martin Hua [10]
9Adalbert Kerber [9]
10Bernd Laquai [10]
11Reinhard Laue [9]
12Josef Lembert [3]
13Cédric Lichtenau [7]
14Dov Rosenfeld [1]
15Guido Schulze [10]
16Thomas Walle [4]
17Zixin Zhang [6] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)