
Holger Lange

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11EEHolger Lange, Andreas Koch: Low-latency high-bandwidth HW/SW communication in a virtual memory environment. FPL 2008: 281-286
10 Dietmar Hildenbrand, Holger Lange, Florian Stock, Andreas Koch: Efficient Inverse Kinematics Algorithm Based on Conformal Geometric Algebra - Using Reconfigurable Hardware. GRAPP 2008: 300-307
9EEHolger Lange, Andreas Koch: An Execution Model for Hardware/Software Compilation and its System-Level Realization. FPL 2007: 285-292
8EEWenjing Li, Viara Van Raad, Jia Gu, Ulf Hansson, Johan Hakansson, Holger Lange, Daron Ferris: Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) for Cervical Cancer Screening and Diagnosis: A New System Design in Medical Image Processing. CVBIA 2005: 240-250
7EEHolger Lange, Andreas Koch: HW/SW Co-design by Automatic Embedding of Complex IP Cores. FPL 2004: 679-689
6EEThomas Glotzmann, Holger Lange, Michael Hauhs: Population Dynamics under Spatially and Temporally Heterogeneous Resource Limitations in Multi-agent Networks. ECAL 2003: 328-335
5EEThomas Glotzmann, Holger Lange, Michael Hauhs, A. Lamm: Evolving Multi-agent Networks in Structured Environments. ECAL 2001: 110-119
4EEHolger Lange, Andreas Koch: Memory Access Schemes for Configurable Processors. FPL 2000: 615-625
3EEHolger Lange: Advances in the Cooperation of Shape from Shading and Stereo Vision. 3DIM 1999: 46-58
2 Holger Lange: Three Steps to Make Shape from Shading Work Consistently on Real Scenes. Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications 1999: 192-205
1 Holger Lange, Jean-Christophe Culioli: Robust Cooperation Concept for Low-level Vision Modules. Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications 1999: 49-63

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Christophe Culioli [1]
2Daron Ferris [8]
3Thomas Glotzmann [5] [6]
4Jia Gu [8]
5Johan Hakansson [8]
6Ulf Hansson [8]
7Michael Hauhs [5] [6]
8Dietmar Hildenbrand [10]
9Andreas Koch [4] [7] [9] [10] [11]
10A. Lamm [5]
11Wenjing Li [8]
12Viara Van Raad [8]
13Florian Stock [10]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)