
Junghyun Kwon

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5EEJunghyun Kwon, Frank C. Park: Natural Movement Generation Using Hidden Markov Models and Principal Components. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 38(5): 1184-1194 (2008)
4EEJunghyun Kwon, Minseok Choi, Changmook Chun, Frank Chongwoo Park: Particle Filtering on the Euclidean Group. ICRA 2007: 3552-3557
3EEJunghyun Kwon, Minseok Choi, Frank Chongwoo Park, Changmook Chun: Particle filtering on the Euclidean group: framework and applications. Robotica 25(6): 725-737 (2007)
2EEJunghyun Kwon, Frank C. Park: Using Hidden Markov Models to Generate Natural Humanoid Movement. IROS 2006: 1990-1995
1EESamuel Moon-Ho Song, Junghyun Kwon: Interpolation of CT Slices for 3-D Visualization by Maximum Intensity Projections. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2002: 1065-1072

Coauthor Index

1Minseok Choi [3] [4]
2Changmook Chun [3] [4]
3Frank Chongwoo Park (Frank C. Park) [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Samuel Moon-Ho Song [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)