
Minghui Jiang

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43EESergey Bereg, Ovidiu Daescu, Minghui Jiang: A PTAS for Cutting Out Polygons with Lines. Algorithmica 53(2): 157-171 (2009)
42EEAdrian Dumitrescu, Minghui Jiang: Sweeping Points. APPROX-RANDOM 2008: 63-76
41 Adrian Dumitrescu, Minghui Jiang: Monochromatic simplices of any volume. CCCG 2008
40EEZhixiang Chen, Bin Fu, Minghui Jiang, Binhai Zhu: On Recovering Syntenic Blocks from Comparative Maps. COCOA 2008: 319-327
39EEMinghui Jiang, Li Wang, Yi Shen: Asymptotic behavior of stochastic Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with variable delays. IJCNN 2008: 279-284
38EEShengle Fang, Minghui Jiang, Wenfang Fu: Global Exponential Stability and Periodicity of CNNs with Time-Varying Discrete and Distributed Delays. ISNN (1) 2008: 138-147
37EESergey Bereg, Minghui Jiang, Wencheng Wang, Boting Yang, Binhai Zhu: Simplifying 3D Polygonal Chains Under the Discrete Fréchet Distance. LATIN 2008: 630-641
36EESergey Bereg, Adrian Dumitrescu, Minghui Jiang: On Covering Problems of Rado. SWAT 2008: 294-305
35EEMinghui Jiang: On the sum of distances along a circle. Discrete Mathematics 308(10): 2038-2045 (2008)
34EEMinghui Jiang, Ying Xu, Binhai Zhu: Protein Structure-structure Alignment with Discrete FrÉchet Distance. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 6(1): 51-64 (2008)
33EEMinghui Jiang, Yi Shen: Stability of non-autonomous bidirectional associative memory neural networks with delay. Neurocomputing 71(4-6): 863-874 (2008)
32EEMinghui Jiang: Improved Approximation Algorithms for Predicting RNA Secondary Structures with Arbitrary Pseudoknots. AAIM 2007: 399-410
31EEMinghui Jiang, Ying Xu, Binhai Zhu: Protein Structure-Structure Alignment with Discrete Fr'echet Distance. APBC 2007: 131-141
30 Minghui Jiang, James Anderson, Joel Gillespie, Martin Mayne: uShuffle: a Useful Tool for Shuffling Biological Sequences While Preserving the K-let Counts. BIOCOMP 2007: 605-613
29EEMinghui Jiang: A PTAS for the Weighted 2-Interval Pattern Problem over the Preceding-and-Crossing Model. COCOA 2007: 378-387
28EEMinghui Jiang, Martin Mayne, Joel Gillespie: Delta: A Toolset for the Structural Analysis of Biological Sequences on a 3D Triangular Lattice. ISBRA 2007: 518-529
27EEMinghui Jiang, Xiaohong Wang, Yi Shen: Existence and Stability of Periodic Solution of Non-autonomous Neural Networks with Delay. ISNN (1) 2007: 952-957
26EEMinghui Jiang, Shengle Fang, Yi Shen, Xiaoxin Liao: Improved Results on Solving Quadratic Programming Problems with Delayed Neural Network. ISNN (3) 2007: 292-301
25EEVladimir A. Kulyukin, Aliasgar Kutiyanawala, Minghui Jiang: Surface-Embedded Passive RF Exteroception: Kepler, Greed, and Buffon's Needle. UIC 2007: 33-42
24EEMinghui Jiang, Yi Shen, Haigeng Luo, Xiaoxin Liao: Nonlinear behavior of the parameterized Logistic differential systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 189(2): 1694-1704 (2007)
23EEMinghui Jiang: On finding a large number of 3D points with a small diameter. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(17): 2355-2361 (2007)
22EEMinghui Jiang: A 2-approximation for the preceding-and-crossing structured 2-interval pattern problem. J. Comb. Optim. 13(3): 217-221 (2007)
21EEMinghui Jiang, Joel Gillespie: Engineering the Divide-and-Conquer Closest Pair Algorithm. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 22(4): 532-540 (2007)
20EEMinghui Jiang: Subsequence Packing: Complexity, Approximation, and Application. AAIM 2006: 314-323
19EESergey Bereg, Ovidiu Daescu, Minghui Jiang: A PTAS for Cutting Out Polygons with Lines. COCOON 2006: 176-185
18EEMinghui Jiang, Yi Shen, Xiaoxin Liao: An LMI-Based Approach to the Global Stability of Bidirectional Associative Memory Neural Networks with Variable Delay. ISNN (1) 2006: 273-278
17EEChaitanya Gharpure, Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Minghui Jiang, Aliasgar Kutiyanawala: Passive Radio Frequency Exteroception in Robot Assisted Shopping for the Blind. UIC 2006: 51-60
16EEMinghui Jiang, Yi Shen, Xiaoxin Liao: Boundedness and global exponential stability for generalized Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with variable delay. Applied Mathematics and Computation 172(1): 379-393 (2006)
15EEMinghui Jiang, Yi Shen, Xiaoxin Liao: Global stability of periodic solution for bidirectional associative memory neural networks with varying-time delay. Applied Mathematics and Computation 182(1): 509-520 (2006)
14EEMinghui Jiang: Approximating minimum coloring and maximum independent set in dotted interval graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 98(1): 29-33 (2006)
13EEMinghui Jiang: A new approximation algorithm for labeling points with circle pairs. Inf. Process. Lett. 99(4): 125-129 (2006)
12EEBinhai Zhu, Minghui Jiang: A combinatorial theorem on labeling squares with points and its application. J. Comb. Optim. 11(4): 411-420 (2006)
11EEYi Shen, Guoying Zhao, Minghui Jiang, Xuerong Mao: Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Competitive Systems with Variable Delay. ICIC (2) 2005: 238-247
10EEYi Shen, Guoying Zhao, Minghui Jiang, Shigeng Hu: Stochastic High-Order Hopfield Neural Networks. ICNC (1) 2005: 740-749
9EEMinghui Jiang, Yi Shen, Meiqin Liu: Global Exponential Stability of Non-autonomous Neural Networks with Variable Delay. ISNN (1) 2005: 108-113
8EEYi Shen, Minghui Jiang, Xiaoxin Liao: A Generalized LMI-Based Approach to the Global Exponential Stability of Recurrent Neural Networks with Delay. ISNN (1) 2005: 114-119
7EEYi Shen, Minghui Jiang, Xiaoxin Liao: Global Exponential Stability of Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays and Continuously Distributed Delays. ISNN (1) 2005: 156-161
6EEYi Shen, Xiaojun Zong, Minghui Jiang: High-Order Hopfield Neural Networks. ISNN (1) 2005: 235-240
5EEMinghui Jiang: UPS-k: a set partitioning problem with applications in UPS pickup-delivery system. Inf. Process. Lett. 93(4): 173-175 (2005)
4EEMinghui Jiang, Binhai Zhu: Protein Folding on the Hexagonal Lattice in the Hp Model. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 3(1): 19-34 (2005)
3EEMinghui Jiang, Brendan Mumey, Zhongping Qin, Andrew Tomascak, Binhai Zhu: Approximations for Two Decomposition-Based Geometric Optimization Problems. ICCSA (3) 2004: 90-98
2EEMinghui Jiang, Sergey Bereg, Zhongping Qin, Binhai Zhu: New Bounds on Map Labeling with Circular Labels. ISAAC 2004: 606-617
1EEMinghui Jiang, Jianbo Qian, Zhongping Qin, Binhai Zhu, Robert J. Cimikowski: A simple factor-3 approximation for labeling points with circles. Inf. Process. Lett. 87(2): 101-105 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1James Anderson [30]
2Sergey Bereg (Sergei Bespamyatnikh) [2] [19] [36] [37] [43]
3Zhixiang Chen [40]
4Robert J. Cimikowski [1]
5Ovidiu Daescu [19] [43]
6Adrian Dumitrescu [36] [41] [42]
7Shengle Fang [26] [38]
8Bin Fu [40]
9Wenfang Fu [38]
10Chaitanya Gharpure [17]
11Joel Gillespie [21] [28] [30]
12Shigeng Hu [10]
13Vladimir A. Kulyukin [17] [25]
14Aliasgar Kutiyanawala [17] [25]
15Xiaoxin Liao [7] [8] [15] [16] [18] [24] [26]
16Meiqin Liu [9]
17Haigeng Luo [24]
18Xuerong Mao [11]
19Martin Mayne [28] [30]
20Brendan Mumey [3]
21Jianbo Qian [1]
22Zhongping Qin [1] [2] [3]
23Yi Shen [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [15] [16] [18] [24] [26] [27] [33] [39]
24Andrew Tomascak [3]
25Li Wang [39]
26Wencheng Wang [37]
27Xiaohong Wang [27]
28Ying Xu [31] [34]
29Boting Yang (Bo-Ting Yang) [37]
30Guoying Zhao [10] [11]
31Binhai Zhu [1] [2] [3] [4] [12] [31] [34] [37] [40]
32Xiaojun Zong [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)