
Thijs Krol

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12EEAndré B. J. Kokkeler, Gerard J. M. Smit, Thijs Krol, Jan Kuper: Cyclostationary feature detection on a tiled-SoC. DATE 2007: 171-176
11EEMichèl A. J. Rosien, Yuanqing Guo, Gerard J. M. Smit, Thijs Krol: Mapping Applications to an FPFA Tile. DATE 2003: 11124-11125
10EEOmar Mansour, Egbert Molenkamp, Thijs Krol: The Synthesis of a Hardware Scheduler for Non-Manifest Loops. DSD 2002: 78-85
9EEThijs Krol: Interconnecting Lock-Step Synchronous Fault-Tolerant Systems Based on Voting and Error-Correcting Codes. PRDC 1999: 62-69
8 André Postma, Thijs Krol, Egbert Molenkamp: Distributed cryptographic function application protocols. ICICS 1997: 435-439
7 André Postma, Gerie Hartman, Thijs Krol: Removal of all Faulty Nodes from a Fault-Tolerant Service by means of Distributed Diagnosis with Imperfect Fault Coverage. EDCC 1996: 385-402
6EEAndré Postma, Thijs Krol: Interactive Consistency in Quasi-Asynchronous Systems. ICECCS 1996: 2-9
5 Thijs Krol: Interactive Consistency Algorithms based on Voting and Error-correcting Codes. FTCS 1995: 89-98
4 Thijs Krol: (N, K) Concept Fault Tolerance. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(4): 339-349 (1986)
3 A. W. M. v. d. Enden, Thijs Krol: A Proposal for a Wideband Digital Satellite Switch. ICC (1) 1984: 299-302
2 Thijs Krol, A. W. M. v. d. Enden: A Mathematical Description of the Behaviour of Time Division Multiplex Exchanges. ICC (1) 1984: 303-306
1 Philippe Piret, Thijs Krol: MDS convolutional codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(2): 224-232 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1A. W. M. v. d. Enden [2] [3]
2Yuanqing Guo [11]
3Gerie Hartman [7]
4André B. J. Kokkeler [12]
5Jan Kuper [12]
6Omar Mansour [10]
7Egbert Molenkamp [8] [10]
8Philippe Piret [1]
9André Postma [6] [7] [8]
10Michèl A. J. Rosien [11]
11Gerard J. M. Smit [11] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)