
Hiroyuki Kojima

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8EEHiroyuki Kojima, Ken Iwata, Naoki Nishimura: Document Management and Information Organizing Method Using RFID Tags. HCI (4) 2007: 601-610
7EENaoyuki Kubota, Kenichiro Nishida, Hiroyuki Kojima: Perceptual System of A Partner Robot for Natural Communication Restricted by Environments. IROS 2006: 1038-1043
6EECalvin Woodworth, Hiroyuki Kojima: Knowledge Creation through Task Model and Information Organizing Method Using Images/Drawing Expression. SAINT 2002: 46-53
5 Hiroyuki Kojima, Takaaki Yamada, Yoshihiro Mizuno, Toshiyuki Yuasa: Information Organizing and Sharing Technique For Task Performance and Training Support. Educating Professionals for Network-Centric Organisation 1998: 165-170
4 Yukinori Terahama, Hiroyuki Kojima, Hiroh Yamamoto: An Efficient Method For Creating Multimedia Courseware. Educating Professionals for Network-Centric Organisation 1998: 171-178
3 Tadashi Tanaka, Hirotaka Mizuno, Hiroshi Tsuji, Hiroyuki Kojima, Hiroshi Yajima: Tele-Consultation System Supporting Asymmetrical Communications Between Customers and Expert Staff in Distributed Environment. HCI (1) 1997: 27-30
2 Hiroyuki Kojima, Takaaki Yamada, Yoshihiro Mizuno, Hirohide Endoh: Task Adaptive Electronic Manual as Human-Computer Interface for Business Performance Improvement Support. HCI (1) 1997: 789-792
1 Hirohide Haga, Hiroyuki Kojima: On the multimedia computer aided instruction system with an exercise support facility for novice programmers. Computer Mediated Education of Information Technology Professionals and Advanced End-Users 1993: 155-162

Coauthor Index

1Hirohide Endoh [2]
2Hirohide Haga [1]
3Ken Iwata [8]
4Naoyuki Kubota [7]
5Hirotaka Mizuno [3]
6Yoshihiro Mizuno [2] [5]
7Kenichiro Nishida [7]
8Naoki Nishimura [8]
9Tadashi Tanaka [3]
10Yukinori Terahama [4]
11Hiroshi Tsuji [3]
12Calvin Woodworth [6]
13Hiroshi Yajima [3]
14Takaaki Yamada [2] [5]
15Hiroh Yamamoto [4]
16Toshiyuki Yuasa [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)