
Hirohide Haga

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13EEJunichi Tajima, Kimio Shintani, Hirohide Haga, Shigeo Kaneda: Human Identification and Positioning System Based on the Combination of Motion Sensor Video Camera. JCKBSE 2008: 221-230
12EEShigeo Kaneda, Takuya Katsuki, Masahiro Shibata, Hirohide Haga, Mari Ueda, Aki Kono, Kimio Shintani: Extraction of Children Friendship Relations from Activity Level. JCKBSE 2008: 368-372
11EETsuyoshi Shinno, Kazunori Hashizume, Junichi Tajima, Shigeo Kaneda, Hirohide Haga: Detection of multiple human location and direction by integrating different kinds of sensors. PETRA 2008: 87
10EESaeko Tanigawa, Hideaki Nishihara, Shigeo Kaneda, Hirohide Haga: Detecting mastication by using microwave Doppler sensor. PETRA 2008: 88
9EERyo Ariizumi, Shigeo Kaneda, Hirohide Haga: Energy saving of TV by face detection. PETRA 2008: 95
8 Nobuaki Kanazawa, Toshiaki Sasahira, Shigeo Kaneda, Hirohide Haga: Automatic generation method of relation matrix for ISM. JCKBSE 2006: 3-10
7 Kimio Shintani, Aki Kono, Masaya Asano, Hirohide Haga, Shigeo Kaneda: An Advancement-Record System Using Knowledge Adaptable to Children's Developmental Stages. JCKBSE 2006: 317-326
6EEHideaki Araki, Hirohide Haga, Shigeo Kaneda: Automatic Updating of a Book Storage Database in a Ubiquitous Library Information System. UIC 2006: 714-723
5EEShinya Okuda, Shigeo Kaneda, Hirohide Haga: Human Position/Height Detection Using Analog Type Pyroelectric Sensors. EUC Workshops 2005: 306-315
4EEAlexandre Sanguinetti, Hirohide Haga, Aya Funakoshi, Atsushi Yoshida, Chiho Matsumoto: FReCon: a fluid remote controller for a FReely connected world in a ubiquitous environment. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7(3-4): 163-168 (2003)
3 Hirohide Haga: Integration of On-Line and Off-Line Teaching Materials in Distance Education System. Teleteaching 1998: 383-392
2 Hirohide Haga, Hiroyuki Kojima: On the multimedia computer aided instruction system with an exercise support facility for novice programmers. Computer Mediated Education of Information Technology Professionals and Advanced End-Users 1993: 155-162
1 Takeshi Chusho, Hirohide Haga: A Multilingual Modular Programming System for Describing Knowledge Information Processing Systems. IFIP Congress 1986: 903-908

Coauthor Index

1Hideaki Araki [6]
2Ryo Ariizumi [9]
3Masaya Asano [7]
4Takeshi Chusho [1]
5Aya Funakoshi [4]
6Kazunori Hashizume [11]
7Nobuaki Kanazawa [8]
8Shigeo Kaneda [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
9Takuya Katsuki [12]
10Hiroyuki Kojima [2]
11Aki Kono [7] [12]
12Chiho Matsumoto [4]
13Hideaki Nishihara [10]
14Shinya Okuda [5]
15Alexandre Sanguinetti [4]
16Toshiaki Sasahira [8]
17Masahiro Shibata [12]
18Tsuyoshi Shinno [11]
19Kimio Shintani [7] [12] [13]
20Junichi Tajima [11] [13]
21Saeko Tanigawa [10]
22Mari Ueda [12]
23Atsushi Yoshida [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)