
Tim Furche

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25EEFrançois Bry, Tim Furche, Clemens Ley, Benedikt Linse, Bruno Marnette: Taming Existence in RDF Querying. RR 2008: 236-237
24EEFrançois Bry, Tim Furche, Benedikt Linse: Simulation Subsumption or Déjà vu on the Web. RR 2008: 28-42
23EEUwe Aßmann, Sacha Berger, François Bry, Tim Furche, Jakob Henriksson, Jendrik Johannes: Modular Web Queries - From Rules to Stores. OTM Workshops (2) 2007: 1165-1175
22EESacha Berger, François Bry, Tim Furche, Andreas J. Häusler: Completing Queries: Rewriting of Incomplete Web Queries Under Schema Constraints. RR 2007: 319-328
21EEFrançois Bry, Norbert Eisinger, Thomas Eiter, Tim Furche, Georg Gottlob, Clemens Ley, Benedikt Linse, Reinhard Pichler, Fang Wei: Foundations of Rule-Based Query Answering. Reasoning Web 2007: 1-153
20EEUwe Aßmann, Sacha Berger, François Bry, Tim Furche, Jakob Henriksson, Paula-Lavinia Patranjan: A Generic Module System for Web Rule Languages: Divide and Rule. RuleML 2007: 63-77
19EESacha Berger, François Bry, Tim Furche, Christoph Wieser: Visual Languages: A Matter of Style. VLL 2007: 85-96
18EESacha Berger, François Bry, Tim Furche, Benedikt Linse, Andreas Schroeder: Vorführung von Xcerpt und visXcerpt, Anfragesprachen für das Web. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2006: 12
17 Sacha Berger, François Bry, Tim Furche: Xcerpt and visXcerpt: IntegratingWeb Querying. PLAN-X 2006: 84
16EEFrançois Bry, Tim Furche, Benedikt Linse: AMa chioS - Abstract Machine for Xcerpt: Architecture and Principles. PPSWR 2006: 105-119
15EESacha Berger, François Bry, Tim Furche, Benedikt Linse, Andreas Schroeder: Effective and Efficient Data Access in the Versatile Web Query Language Xcerpt. PPSWR 2006: 219-224
14EEFrançois Bry, Tim Furche, Benedikt Linse: Data Model and Query Constructs for Versatile Web Query Languages: State-of-the-Art and Challenges for Xcerpt. PPSWR 2006: 90-104
13EETim Furche, Benedikt Linse, François Bry, Dimitris Plexousakis, Georg Gottlob: RDF Querying: Language Constructs and Evaluation Methods Compared. Reasoning Web 2006: 1-52
12EEFrançois Bry, Tim Furche, Benedikt Linse, Andreas Schroeder: Efficient evaluation of n-ary conjunctive queries over trees and graphs. WIDM 2006: 11-18
11EESacha Berger, François Bry, Tim Furche, Benedikt Linse, Andreas Schroeder: Beyond XML and RDF: The Versatile Web Query Language Xcerpt. WWW 2006: 1053-1054
10EETim Furche, François Bry, Oliver Bolzer: XML Perspectives on RDF Querying: Towards integrated Access to Data and Metadata on the Web. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2005: 43-47
9EEFrançois Bry, Fatih Coskun, Serap Durmaz, Tim Furche, Dan Olteanu, Markus Spannagel: The XML Stream Query Processor SPEX. ICDE 2005: 1120-1121
8EETim Furche, François Bry, Oliver Bolzer: Marriages of Convenience: Triples and Graphs, RDF and XML in Web Querying. PPSWR 2005: 72-84
7EEJames Bailey, François Bry, Tim Furche, Sebastian Schaffert: Web and Semantic Web Query Languages: A Survey. Reasoning Web 2005: 35-133
6 François Bry, Christoph Koch, Tim Furche, Sebastian Schaffert, Liviu Badea, Sacha Berger: Querying the Web Reconsidered: Design Principles for Versatile Web Query Languages. Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst. 1(2): 1-21 (2005)
5EEDan Olteanu, Tim Furche, François Bry: Evaluating Complex Queries Against XML Streams with Polynomial Combined Complexity. BNCOD 2004: 31-44
4EEFrançois Bry, Tim Furche, Paula-Lavinia Patranjan, Sebastian Schaffert: Data Retrieval and Evolution on the (Semantic) Web: A Deductive Approach. PPSWR 2004: 34-49
3EEDan Olteanu, Tim Furche, François Bry: An efficient single-pass query evaluator for XML data streams. SAC 2004: 627-631
2EEFrançois Bry, Tim Furche, Dan Olteanu: Datenströme. Informatik Spektrum 27(2): 168-171 (2004)
1EEDan Olteanu, Holger Meuss, Tim Furche, François Bry: XPath: Looking Forward. EDBT Workshops 2002: 109-127

Coauthor Index

1Uwe Aßmann [20] [23]
2Liviu Badea [6]
3James Bailey [7]
4Sacha Berger [6] [11] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [22] [23]
5Oliver Bolzer [8] [10]
6François Bry (François Bry-Haußer) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25]
7Fatih Coskun [9]
8Serap Durmaz [9]
9Norbert Eisinger [21]
10Thomas Eiter [21]
11Georg Gottlob [13] [21]
12Andreas J. Häusler [22]
13Jakob Henriksson [20] [23]
14Jendrik Johannes [23]
15Christoph Koch [6]
16Clemens Ley [21] [25]
17Benedikt Linse [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18] [21] [24] [25]
18Bruno Marnette [25]
19Holger Meuss [1]
20Dan Olteanu [1] [2] [3] [5] [9]
21Paula-Lavinia Patranjan [4] [20]
22Reinhard Pichler [21]
23Dimitris Plexousakis [13]
24Sebastian Schaffert [4] [6] [7]
25Andreas Schroeder [11] [12] [15] [18]
26Markus Spannagel [9]
27Fang Wei [21]
28Christoph Wieser [19]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)