
Gregor Klancar

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5EEGregor Klancar, Igor Skrjanc: Tracking-error model-based predictive control for mobile robots in real time. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 55(6): 460-469 (2007)
4EEGregor Klancar, Borut Zupancic, Rihard Karba: Modelling and simulation of a group of mobile robots. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 15(6): 647-658 (2007)
3EEMarko Lepetic, Gregor Klancar, Igor Skrjanc, Drago Matko, Bostjan Potocnik: Path Optimisation Considering Dynamic Constraints. RobuCup 2004: 574-585
2EEGregor Klancar, Matej Kristan, Rihard Karba: Wide-angle camera distortions and non-uniform illumination in mobile robot tracking. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 46(2): 125-133 (2004)
1EEMarko Lepetic, Gregor Klancar, Igor Skrjanc, Drago Matko, Bostjan Potocnik: Time optimal path planning considering acceleration limits. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 45(3-4): 199-210 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Rihard Karba [2] [4]
2Matej Kristan [2]
3Marko Lepetic [1] [3]
4Drago Matko [1] [3]
5Bostjan Potocnik [1] [3]
6Igor Skrjanc [1] [3] [5]
7Borut Zupancic [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)