
Junji Kitamichi

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13EEJunji Kitamichi, Koji Ueda, Kenichi Kuroda: A Modeling of a Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor Using SystemC. VLSI Design 2008: 91-96
12EEKenji Asano, Junji Kitamichi, Kenichi Kuroda: Dynamic Module Library for System Level Modeling and Simulation of Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems. JCP 3(2): 55-62 (2008)
11EEShuichi Watanabe, Junji Kitamichi, Kenichi Kuroda: A Hardware Algorithm for the Minimum p-Quasi Clique Cover Problem. FPL 2007: 139-144
10EEKenji Asano, Junji Kitamichi, Kenichi Kuroda: Proposal of Dynamic Module Library for System Level Modeling and Simulation of Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems. VLSI Design 2007: 373-378
9EEToshiyuki Ito, Junji Kitamichi, Kenichi Kuroda, Yuichi Okuyama: A Master-Slave Adaptive Load-Distribution Processor Model on PCA. IPDPS 2005
8EEAtsushi Fukada, Akio Nakata, Junji Kitamichi, Teruo Higashino, Ana R. Cavalli: A Conformance Testing Method for Communication Protocols Modeled as Concurrent DFSMs. ICOIN 2001: 155-162
7EETakashi Takenaka, Junji Kitamichi, Teruo Higashino, Kenichi Taniguchi: Formal Design Verification for Correctness of Pipelined Microprocessors with Out-of-order Instruction Execution. ASP-DAC 1999: 177-180
6EEJunji Kitamichi, Hiroyuki Kageyama, Nobuo Funabiki: Formal Verification Method for Combinatorial Circuits at High Level Design. ASP-DAC 1999: 319-
5 Nobuo Funabiki, M. Yoda, Junji Kitamichi, Seishi Nishikawa: A gradual neural network approach for FPGA segmented channel routing problems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 29(4): 481-489 (1999)
4EENobuo Funabiki, Junji Kitamichi: A gradual neural-network algorithm for jointly time-slot/code assignment problems in packet radio networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(6): 1523-1528 (1998)
3 Nobuo Funabiki, Junji Kitamichi, Seishi Nishikawa: An evolutionary neural network approach for module orientation problems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 28(6): 849-855 (1998)
2 Teruo Higashino, Keiichi Yasumoto, Junji Kitamichi, Kenichi Taniguchi: Hardware synthesis from a restricted class of LOTOS expressions. PSTV 1994: 379-386
1 Junji Kitamichi, Sumio Morioka, Teruo Higashino, Kenichi Taniguchi: Automatic Correctness Proof of the Implementation of Synchronous Sequential Circuits Using an Algebraic Approach. TPCD 1994: 165-184

Coauthor Index

1Kenji Asano [10] [12]
2Ana R. Cavalli [8]
3Atsushi Fukada [8]
4Nobuo Funabiki [3] [4] [5] [6]
5Teruo Higashino [1] [2] [7] [8]
6Toshiyuki Ito [9]
7Hiroyuki Kageyama [6]
8Kenichi Kuroda [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
9Sumio Morioka [1]
10Akio Nakata [8]
11Seishi Nishikawa [3] [5]
12Yuichi Okuyama [9]
13Takashi Takenaka [7]
14Kenichi Taniguchi [1] [2] [7]
15Koji Ueda [13]
16Shuichi Watanabe [11]
17Keiichi Yasumoto [2]
18M. Yoda [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)