
Young-Chul Kim

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14EETruong Quang Vinh, Young-Chul Kim: A low power crosstalk-free bus encoding using genetic algorithm. AICCSA 2008: 69-73
13EEKil To Chong, Eun-Ho Son, Jong Ho Park, Young-Chul Kim: A Path Finding Via VRML and VISION Overlay for Autonomous Robot. ICANNGA (2) 2007: 676-684
12EEHong-Yoen Yu, Aaron Park, Keun Won Jang, Jin Park, Seong-Joon Baek, Dong Kook Kim, Young-Chul Kim, Sung-Hoon Hong: Selective Quality Control of Multiple Video Programs for Digital Broadcasting Services. PSIVT 2006: 832-841
11EEYoung-Chul Kim, Jaeyoung Choi: A Program Plagiarism Evaluation System. ICCSA (4) 2005: 10-19
10EELi-Mei Peng, Young-Chul Kim, Kyoung-Min Yoo, Kyeong-Eun Han, Young-Chon Kim: Design and Performance Evaluation of Token-Based MAC Protocols in WDM Burst Switched Ring Networks. ICDCIT 2005: 21-26
9EEJin Park, Jeong-Tae Hwang, Young-Chul Kim: FPGA and ASIC Implementation of ECC Processor for Security on Medical Embedded System. ICITA (2) 2005: 547-551
8EEJin-Ho Kim, Young-Chul Kim, Han-Yang You, June Kim, Sooho Ok: Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Static Locking Protocol for Main-Memory Database Systems. ADVIS 2004: 353-362
7EETae-Won Lee, Young-Chul Kim, Mike Myung-Ok Lee: New MPLS Switch Architecture Supporting Diffserv for High_Speed Switching and QoS. HSNMC 2004: 280-289
6 Young-Chul Kim, Yong-Yoon Cho, Jong-Bae Moon: A Plagiarism Detection System Using A Syntax-Tree. International Conference on Computational Intelligence 2004: 23-26
5 Jong-Bae Moon, Yong-Yoon Cho, Young-Chul Kim: A High-Performance LVS System For Webserver Cluster. International Conference on Computational Intelligence 2004: 48-55
4 Yong-Yoon Cho, Jong-Bae Moon, Young-Chul Kim: A System for Performance Evaluation of Embedded Software. International Conference on Computational Intelligence 2004: 69-72
3EEKyung-Chang Kim, Young-Chul Kim, Hewon Lee: The Framework for the Message Transport Agent in a Web-Based Information System. Human.Society@Internet 2003 2003: 582-587
2EEYoung-Chul Kim, Sung-Bae Cho, Sang-Rok Oh: The Dempster-Shafer Approach to Map-Building for an Autonomous Mobile Robot with Fuzzy Controller. AFSS 2002: 40-46
1 Young-Chul Kim, Jae-Young Pyun, Hyun-Seung Seo: New UPC Scheme in ATM Using an Adaptive Neural Buffered Leaky Method. IC-AI 1999: 495-501

Coauthor Index

1Seong-Joon Baek [12]
2Sung-Bae Cho [2]
3Yong-Yoon Cho [4] [5] [6]
4Jaeyoung Choi [11]
5Kil To Chong [13]
6Kyeong-Eun Han [10]
7Sung-Hoon Hong [12]
8Jeong-Tae Hwang [9]
9Keun Won Jang [12]
10Dong Kook Kim [12]
11Jin-Ho Kim [8]
12June Kim [8]
13Kyung-Chang Kim [3]
14Young-Chon Kim [10]
15Hewon Lee [3]
16Mike Myung-Ok Lee [7]
17Tae-Won Lee [7]
18Jong-Bae Moon [4] [5] [6]
19Sang-Rok Oh [2]
20Sooho Ok [8]
21Aaron Park [12]
22Jin Park [9] [12]
23Jong Ho Park [13]
24Li-Mei Peng [10]
25Jae-Young Pyun [1]
26Hyun-Seung Seo [1]
27Eun-Ho Son [13]
28Truong Quang Vinh [14]
29Kyoung-Min Yoo [10]
30Han-Yang You [8]
31Hong-Yoen Yu [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)