
Sung-Hoon Hong

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5EEHong-Yoen Yu, Aaron Park, Keun Won Jang, Jin Park, Seong-Joon Baek, Dong Kook Kim, Young-Chul Kim, Sung-Hoon Hong: Selective Quality Control of Multiple Video Programs for Digital Broadcasting Services. PSIVT 2006: 832-841
4EESi-Woong Lee, Sung-Hoon Hong, Jae-Gark Choi, Yun-Ho Ko, Byoung-Ju Yun: Video Rate Control Using an Adaptive Quantization Based on a Combined Activity Measure. KES (1) 2005: 1297-1302
3 Si-Woong Lee, Jae-Gark Choi, Hyun Soo Kang, Sung-Hoon Hong, S. J. Yoo: Pattern-Based Image Normalization for RST Invariant Watermarking. CISST 2003: 20-23
2EESung-Hoon Hong, Mike Myung-Ok Lee: User-Assisted Segmentation and Tracking of Video Objects. HSNMC 2003: 275-283
1EEMike Myung-Ok Lee, Sung-Hoon Hong: An Efficient Rate-Distortion Analysis Model for MPEG Video. HSNMC 2003: 284-293

Coauthor Index

1Seong-Joon Baek [5]
2Jae-Gark Choi [3] [4]
3Keun Won Jang [5]
4Hyun Soo Kang [3]
5Dong Kook Kim [5]
6Young-Chul Kim [5]
7Yun-Ho Ko [4]
8Mike Myung-Ok Lee [1] [2]
9Si-Woong Lee [3] [4]
10Aaron Park [5]
11Jin Park [5]
12S. J. Yoo [3]
13Hong-Yoen Yu [5]
14Byoung-Ju Yun [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)