
Dong Kook Kim

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3EEHong-Yoen Yu, Aaron Park, Keun Won Jang, Jin Park, Seong-Joon Baek, Dong Kook Kim, Young-Chul Kim, Sung-Hoon Hong: Selective Quality Control of Multiple Video Programs for Digital Broadcasting Services. PSIVT 2006: 832-841
2EEDong Kook Kim, Nam Soo Kim: Maximum a posteriori adaptation of HMM parameters based on speaker space projection. Speech Communication 42(1): 59-73 (2004)
1EEDong Kook Kim, Nam Soo Kim: Rapid online adaptation using speaker space model evolution. Speech Communication 42(3-4): 467-478 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Seong-Joon Baek [3]
2Sung-Hoon Hong [3]
3Keun Won Jang [3]
4Nam Soo Kim [1] [2]
5Young-Chul Kim [3]
6Aaron Park [3]
7Jin Park [3]
8Hong-Yoen Yu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)