
Yongdae Kim

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36EEBrent ByungHoon Kang, Eric Chan-Tin, Christopher P. Lee, James Tyra, Hun Jeong Kang, Chris Nunnery, Zachariah Wadler, Greg Sinclair, Nicholas Hopper, David Dagon, Yongdae Kim: Towards complete node enumeration in a peer-to-peer botnet. ASIACCS 2009: 23-34
35 Yongdae Kim, William Yurcik: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Workshop On Storage Security And Survivability, StorageSS 2008, Alexandria, VA, USA, October 31, 2008 ACM 2008
34EEYongdae Kim, Byounguk Sohn, Woosub Youm, Jongkyu Jung, Jonghyun Lee, Kyihwan Park: Voice coil motor nano stage with an eddy current damper. ICARCV 2008: 1714-1717
33EEJung Hee Cheon, Nicholas Hopper, Yongdae Kim, Ivan Osipkov: Provably Secure Timed-Release Public Key Encryption. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 11(2): (2008)
32EEJoengmin Hwang, Tian He, Yongdae Kim: Secure localization with phantom node detection. Ad Hoc Networks 6(7): 1031-1050 (2008)
31EEIvan Osipkov, Eugene Y. Vasserman, Nicholas Hopper, Yongdae Kim: Combating Double-Spending Using Cooperative P2P Systems. ICDCS 2007: 41
30EEJoengmin Hwang, Tian He, Yongdae Kim: Detecting Phantom Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks. INFOCOM 2007: 2391-2395
29EEJoengmin Hwang, Yu Gu, Tian He, Yongdae Kim: Realistic Sensing Area Modeling. INFOCOM 2007: 2421-2425
28EEVishal Kher, Yongdae Kim: Building Trust in Storage Outsourcing: Secure Accounting of Utility Storage. SRDS 2007: 55-64
27EEJoengmin Hwang, Tian He, Yongdae Kim: Exploring in-situ sensing irregularity in wireless sensor networks. SenSys 2007: 289-303
26EEJason Kealey, Yongdae Kim, Daniel Amyot, Gunter Mussbacher: Integrating an Eclipse-Based Scenario Modeling Environment with a Requirements Management System. CCECE 2006: 2432-2435
25EEJung Hee Cheon, Nicholas Hopper, Yongdae Kim, Ivan Osipkov: Timed-Release and Key-Insulated Public Key Encryption. Financial Cryptography 2006: 191-205
24EEMark Shaneck, Yongdae Kim, Vipin Kumar: Privacy Preserving Nearest Neighbor Search. ICDM Workshops 2006: 541-545
23EEJoengmin Hwang, Tian He, Yongdae Kim: Achieving realistic sensing area modeling. SenSys 2006: 415-416
22EETaekyoung Kwon, Jung Hee Cheon, Yongdae Kim, Jaeil Lee: Privacy Protection in PKIs: A Separation-of-Authority Approach. WISA 2006: 297-311
21EEPeng Wang, Yongdae Kim, Vishal Kher, Taekyoung Kwon: Strengthening Password-Based Authentication Protocols Against Online Dictionary Attacks. ACNS 2005: 17-32
20EEMark Shaneck, Karthikeyan Mahadevan, Vishal Kher, Yongdae Kim: Remote Software-Based Attestation for Wireless Sensors. ESAS 2005: 27-41
19EEVishal Kher, Yongdae Kim: Securing distributed storage: challenges, techniques, and systems. StorageSS 2005: 9-25
18EEHyoJin Yoon, Jung Hee Cheon, Yongdae Kim: Batch Verifications with ID-Based Signatures. ICISC 2004: 233-248
17EEJoengmin Hwang, Yongdae Kim: Revisiting random key pre-distribution schemes for wireless sensor networks. SASN 2004: 43-52
16EEYongdae Kim, Adrian Perrig, Gene Tsudik: Tree-based group key agreement. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 7(1): 60-96 (2004)
15EEYair Amir, Yongdae Kim, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Gene Tsudik: On the performance of group key agreement protocols. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 7(3): 457-488 (2004)
14EEAshutosh Jaiswal, Yongdae Kim, Maria L. Gini: Design and implementation of a secure multi-agent marketplace. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 3(4): 355-368 (2004)
13EEYongdae Kim, Adrian Perrig, Gene Tsudik: Group Key Agreement Efficient in Communication. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(7): 905-921 (2004)
12EEYair Amir, Yongdae Kim, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, John L. Schultz, Jonathan Robert Stanton, Gene Tsudik: Secure Group Communication Using Robust Contributory Key Agreement. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 15(5): 468-480 (2004)
11EESangwon Lee, Yongdae Kim, Kwangjo Kim, DaeHyun Ryu: An Efficient Tree-Based Group Key Agreement Using Bilinear Map. ACNS 2003: 357-371
10EEAshutosh Jaiswal, Yongdae Kim, Maria L. Gini: Security model for a multi-agent marketplace. ICEC 2003: 119-124
9EEVishal Kher, Yongdae Kim: Decentralized Authentication Mechanisms for Object-based Storage Devices. IEEE Security in Storage Workshop 2003: 1-10
8EEYongdae Kim, Daniele Mazzocchi, Gene Tsudik: Admission Control in Peer Groups. NCA 2003: 131-139
7EEYair Amir, Yongdae Kim, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Gene Tsudik: On the Performance of Group Key Agreement Protocols. ICDCS 2002: 463-464
6EEYongdae Kim, Maithili Narasimha, Fabio Maino, Gene Tsudik: Secure Group Services for Storage Area Networks. IEEE Security in Storage Workshop 2002: 80-93
5EEYair Amir, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, John L. Schultz, Jonathan Robert Stanton, Yongdae Kim, Gene Tsudik: Exploring Robustness in Group Key Agreement. ICDCS 2001: 399-408
4 Yongdae Kim, Adrian Perrig, Gene Tsudik: Communication-Efficient Group Key Agreement. SEC 2001: 229-244
3EEYongdae Kim, Adrian Perrig, Gene Tsudik: Simple and fault-tolerant key agreement for dynamic collaborative groups. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2000: 235-244
2EEJonathan Robert Stanton, Yair Amir, Damian Hasse, Giuseppe Ateniese, Yongdae Kim, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Theo Schlossnagle, John L. Schultz, Gene Tsudik: Secure Group Communication in Asynchronous Networks with Failures: Integration and Experiments. ICDCS 2000: 330-343
1 Yongdae Kim, Sangjin Lee, Choonsik Park: On the Design of a Stream Cipher and a Hash Function Suitable to Smart Card Applications. CARDIS 1996

Coauthor Index

1Yair Amir [2] [5] [7] [12] [15]
2Daniel Amyot [26]
3Giuseppe Ateniese [2]
4Eric Chan-Tin [36]
5Jung Hee Cheon [18] [22] [25] [33]
6David Dagon [36]
7Maria L. Gini [10] [14]
8Yu Gu [29]
9Damian Hasse [2]
10Tian He [23] [27] [29] [30] [32]
11Nicholas Hopper [25] [31] [33] [36]
12Joengmin Hwang [17] [23] [27] [29] [30] [32]
13Ashutosh Jaiswal [10] [14]
14Jongkyu Jung [34]
15Brent ByungHoon Kang [36]
16Hun Jeong Kang [36]
17Jason Kealey [26]
18Vishal Kher [9] [19] [20] [21] [28]
19Kwangjo Kim [11]
20Vipin Kumar [24]
21Taekyoung Kwon [21] [22]
22Christopher P. Lee [36]
23Jaeil Lee [22]
24Jonghyun Lee [34]
25Sangjin Lee [1]
26Sangwon Lee [11]
27Karthikeyan Mahadevan [20]
28Fabio Maino [6]
29Daniele Mazzocchi [8]
30Gunter Mussbacher [26]
31Maithili Narasimha [6]
32Cristina Nita-Rotaru [2] [5] [7] [12] [15]
33Chris Nunnery [36]
34Ivan Osipkov [25] [31] [33]
35Choonsik Park [1]
36Kyihwan Park [34]
37Adrian Perrig [3] [4] [13] [16]
38DaeHyun Ryu [11]
39Theo Schlossnagle [2]
40John L. Schultz [2] [5] [12]
41Mark Shaneck [20] [24]
42Greg Sinclair [36]
43Byounguk Sohn [34]
44Jonathan Robert Stanton [2] [5] [12]
45Gene Tsudik [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [12] [13] [15] [16]
46James Tyra [36]
47Eugene Y. Vasserman [31]
48Zachariah Wadler [36]
49Peng Wang [21]
50HyoJin Yoon [18]
51Woosub Youm [34]
52William Yurcik [35]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)