
Sangwon Lee

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9EEKyungboo Jung, Sangwon Lee, Seungdo Jeong, Byung-Uk Choi: Virtual Tactical Map with Tangible Augmented Reality Interface. CSSE (2) 2008: 1170-1173
8EESuhong Ahn, Sangwon Lee, Yang Na: Elasticity Effect on the Ink Transfer Process in Gravure Printing. ICCSA (1) 2008: 565-575
7EESangwon Lee, David Feng, Bruce Gooch: Automatic construction of 3D models from architectural line drawings. SI3D 2008: 123-130
6EESangwon Lee, David Feng, Cindy Grimm, Bruce Gooch: A Sketch-Based User Interface for Reconstructing Architectural Drawings. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(1): 81-90 (2008)
5EENamgyu Kim, Sangwon Lee, Songchun Moon: Formalized Entity Extraction Methodology for Changeable Business Requirements. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 24(3): 649-671 (2008)
4EEWon Kim, Ok-Ran Jeong, Hyungsuk Ji, Sangwon Lee: On Web Search: Some Activities and Challenges. Journal of Object Technology 7(3): 49-54 (2008)
3EESangwon Lee, Sven C. Olsen, Bruce Gooch: Interactive 3D fluid jet painting. NPAR 2006: 97-104
2EESangwon Lee, David A. Shamma, Bruce Gooch: Detecting false captioning using common-sense reasoning. Digital Investigation 3(Supplement-1): 65-70 (2006)
1EESangwon Lee, Yongdae Kim, Kwangjo Kim, DaeHyun Ryu: An Efficient Tree-Based Group Key Agreement Using Bilinear Map. ACNS 2003: 357-371

Coauthor Index

1Suhong Ahn [8]
2Byung-Uk Choi [9]
3David Feng [6] [7]
4Bruce Gooch [2] [3] [6] [7]
5Cindy Grimm (Cindy M. Grimm) [6]
6Ok-Ran Jeong [4]
7Seungdo Jeong [9]
8Hyungsuk Ji [4]
9Kyungboo Jung [9]
10Kwangjo Kim [1]
11Namgyu Kim [5]
12Won Kim [4]
13Yongdae Kim [1]
14Songchun Moon [5]
15Yang Na [8]
16Sven C. Olsen [3]
17DaeHyun Ryu [1]
18David A. Shamma [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)