
Heung-Nam Kim

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35EEHeung-Nam Kim, Inay Ha, Seung-Hoon Lee, GeunSik Jo: A Collaborative Approach to User Modeling for Personalized Content Recommendations. ICADL 2008: 215-224
34 Yann-Hang Lee, Heung-Nam Kim, Jong Kim, Yongwan Park, Laurence Tianruo Yang, Sung Won Kim: Embedded Software and Systems, Third International Conference, ICESS 2007, Daegu, Korea, May 14-16, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
33EEHeung-Nam Kim, Ae-Ttie Ji, Hyun-Jun Kim, GeunSik Jo: Error-Based Collaborative Filtering Algorithm for Top-N Recommendation. APWeb/WAIM 2007: 594-605
32EEAe-Ttie Ji, Cheol Yeon, Heung-Nam Kim, GeunSik Jo: Collaborative Tagging in Recommender Systems. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2007: 377-386
31EEAe-Ttie Ji, Cheol Yeon, Heung-Nam Kim, GeunSik Jo: Distributed Collaborative Filtering for Robust Recommendations Against Shilling Attacks. Canadian Conference on AI 2007: 14-25
30EEHeung-Nam Kim, Inay Ha, Jin-Guk Jung, GeunSik Jo: User Preference Modeling from Positive Contents for Personalized Recommendation. Discovery Science 2007: 116-126
29EEHeung-Nam Kim, Inay Ha, Seung-Hoon Lee, GeunSik Jo: Modeling and Learning User Profiles for Personalized Content Service. ICADL 2007: 85-94
28EESangman Moh, Chansu Yu, Seung-Min Park, Heung-Nam Kim, Jiwon Park: CD-MAC: Cooperative Diversity MAC for Robust Communication in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. ICC 2007: 3636-3641
27EEHeung-Nam Kim, Ae-Ttie Ji, Soon-Geun Lee, GeunSik Jo: Semantic Web Approach in Designing a Collaborative E-Item Bank System. SOFSEM (1) 2007: 693-704
26EEHeung-Nam Kim, Ae-Ttie Ji, Cheol Yeon, GeunSik Jo: A User-Item Predictive Model for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation. User Modeling 2007: 324-328
25EEHyun-Jun Kim, Jenu Shrestha, Heung-Nam Kim, GeunSik Jo: User Action Based Adaptive Learning with Weighted Bayesian Classification for Filtering Spam Mail. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 790-798
24EEBae-Hee Lee, Heung-Nam Kim, Jin-Guk Jung, GeunSik Jo: Location-Based Service with Context Data for a Restaurant Recommendation. DEXA 2006: 430-438
23EEHeung-Nam Kim, Ae-Ttie Ji, GeunSik Jo: Enhanced Prediction Algorithm for Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation. EC-Web 2006: 41-50
22EEKee-Young Shin, Kwangyong Lee, Haeyong Kim, Pyeong Soo Mah, Seungmin Park, Chaedeok Lim, Heung-Nam Kim: A Flexible, High-Precise Time Synchronization for Multi-hop Sensor Networks. ISORC 2006: 169-173
21EEChansu Yu, Kang G. Shin, Ben Lee, Seung-Min Park, Heung-Nam Kim: Node Clustering in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Multihop Networks. PerCom Workshops 2006: 130-134
20EEKee-Young Shin, Kang Yong Lee, Kwangyong Lee, Pyeong Soo Mah, Seungmin Park, Heung-Nam Kim: Enhanced Time-Sync Protocol for Embedded Sensor Networks. VTC Spring 2006: 1027-1032
19EEKi-Hyung Kim, Won-Do Jung, Jun-Sung Park, Hyun-Gon Seo, Seung-Hwan Jo, Chang-Min Shin, Seung-Min Park, Heung-Nam Kim: A Resilient Multipath Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. ICN (2) 2005: 1122-1129
18EEHyun-Gon Seo, Ki-Hyung Kim, Won-Do Jung, Jun-Sung Park, Seung-Hwan Jo, Chang-Min Shin, Seung-Min Park, Heung-Nam Kim: Performance of Service Location Protocols in MANET Based on Reactive Routing Protocols. ICN (2) 2005: 234-241
17EEChansu Yu, Seung-Min Park, Heung-Nam Kim: Every Node Is Born Equal: Attacking Preferential Attachment in Peer-to-Peer Mobile Multihop Networks. PerCom Workshops 2005: 70-74
16EEHyun-Jun Kim, Heung-Nam Kim, Jason J. Jung, GeunSik Jo: On Enhancing the Performance of Spam Mail Filtering System Using Semantic Enrichment. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004: 1095-1100
15EEHeung-Nam Kim, Hyun-Jun Kim, GeunSik Jo: Content-Based Document Recommendation in Collaborative Peer-to-Peer Network. GCC 2004: 575-582
14EEHyun-Jun Kim, Heung-Nam Kim, Jason J. Jung, GeunSik Jo: Spam Mail Filtering System Using Semantic Enrichment. WISE 2004: 619-628
13EEJae-Ho Lee, Heung-Nam Kim: Implementing priority inheritance semaphore on uC/OS real-time kernel. WSTFEUS 2003: 83-
12EEKwangyong Lee, Jeong-Si Kim, Chaedeok Lim, Heung-Nam Kim: A Development of Remote Tracepoint Debugger for Run-time Monitoring and Debugging of Timing Constraints on Qplus-P RTOS. WSTFEUS 2003: 93-96
11 Donghwan Son, Chansu Yu, Heung-Nam Kim: Dynamic Voltage Scaling on MPEG Decoding. ICPADS 2001: 633-640
10EEKwangyong Lee, Chaedeok Lim, Kisok Kong, Heung-Nam Kim: A Design and Implementation of a Remote Debugging Environment for Embedded Internet Software. LCTES 2000: 199-203
9EESeungwoo Son, Chaedeok Lim, Heung-Nam Kim: Debugging protocol for remote cross development environment. RTCSA 2000: 394-398
8EEYoonsik Cheon, Heung-Nam Kim: Sequence Operators: Specifying Behavioral Interfaces of Smalltalk Blocks. APSEC 1999: 468-475
7 Heung-Nam Kim, Hyo Taeg Jung, Dong Kwan Kim: Client/Server Applications Deployment System Using Performance Simulator. Applied Informatics 1999: 353-357
6 Hyo Taeg Jung, Heung-Nam Kim, Young-Jong Yang, Dong Kwan Kim: A Design of Framework-Based RAD Tool. Applied Informatics 1999: 495-498
5EEJae Hyun Lim, Young-Chan Kim, Hyonwoo Seung, Jun Hwang, Heung-Nam Kim: Query Expansion for Intelligent Information Retrieval on Internet. ICPADS 1997: 656-662
4EEHeung-Nam Kim, Mary Jane Irwin, Robert Michael Owens: Motion Analysis on the Micro Grained Array Processor. Real-Time Imaging 3(2): 101-110 (1997)
3EEKevin P. Acken, Heung-Nam Kim, Mary Jane Irwin, Robert Michael Owens: An Architectural Design For Parallel Fractal Compression. ASAP 1996: 3-11
2EEHeung-Nam Kim, Mary Jane Irwin, Robert Michael Owens: Motion Estimation Algorithms on Fine Grain Array Processor. ASAP 1995: 204-213
1 Heung-Nam Kim, Mary Jane Irwin, Robert Michael Owens, Chen-Mi Wu: Dynamic Space Warping Algorithms on Fine-Graln Array Processors. IPPS 1994: 921-925

Coauthor Index

1Kevin P. Acken [3]
2Yoonsik Cheon [8]
3Inay Ha [29] [30] [35]
4Jun Hwang [5]
5Mary Jane Irwin [1] [2] [3] [4]
6Ae-Ttie Ji [23] [26] [27] [31] [32] [33]
7GeunSik Jo [14] [15] [16] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [35]
8Seung-Hwan Jo [18] [19]
9Hyo Taeg Jung [6] [7]
10Jason J. Jung [14] [16]
11Jin-Guk Jung [24] [30]
12Won-Do Jung [18] [19]
13Dong Kwan Kim [6] [7]
14Haeyong Kim [22]
15Hyun-Jun Kim [14] [15] [16] [25] [33]
16Jeong-Si Kim [12]
17Jong Kim [34]
18Ki-Hyung Kim [18] [19]
19Sung Won Kim [34]
20Young-Chan Kim [5]
21Kisok Kong [10]
22Bae-Hee Lee [24]
23Ben Lee [21]
24Jae-Ho Lee [13]
25Kang Yong Lee [20]
26Kwangyong Lee [10] [12] [20] [22]
27Seung-Hoon Lee [29] [35]
28Soon-Geun Lee [27]
29Yann-Hang Lee [34]
30Chaedeok Lim [9] [10] [12] [22]
31Jae Hyun Lim [5]
32Pyeong Soo Mah [20] [22]
33Sangman Moh [28]
34Robert Michael Owens [1] [2] [3] [4]
35Jiwon Park [28]
36Jun-Sung Park [18] [19]
37Seung-Min Park [17] [18] [19] [21] [28]
38Seungmin Park [20] [22]
39Yongwan Park [34]
40Hyun-Gon Seo [18] [19]
41Hyonwoo Seung [5]
42Chang-Min Shin [18] [19]
43Kang G. Shin [21]
44Kee-Young Shin [20] [22]
45Jenu Shrestha [25]
46Donghwan Son [11]
47Seungwoo Son [9]
48Chen-Mi Wu [1]
49Laurence Tianruo Yang [34]
50Young-Jong Yang [6]
51Cheol Yeon [26] [31] [32]
52Chansu Yu [11] [17] [21] [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)