
Torben Amtoft

Torben Amtoft Hansen

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28EETorben Amtoft, John Hatcliff, Edwin Rodríguez, Robby, Jonathan Hoag, David Greve: Specification and Checking of Software Contracts for Conditional Information Flow. FM 2008: 229-245
27EEYe Zhang, Torben Amtoft, Flemming Nielson: From generic to specific: off-line optimization for a general constraint solver. GPCE 2008: 45-54
26EETorben Amtoft: Slicing for modern program structures: a theory for eliminating irrelevant loops. Inf. Process. Lett. 106(2): 45-51 (2008)
25EETorben Amtoft, Anindya Banerjee: Verification condition generation for conditional information flow. FMSE 2007: 2-11
24EEVenkatesh Prasad Ranganath, Torben Amtoft, Anindya Banerjee, John Hatcliff, Matthew B. Dwyer: A new foundation for control dependence and slicing for modern program structures. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 29(5): (2007)
23EETorben Amtoft, Anindya Banerjee: A logic for information flow analysis with an application to forward slicing of simple imperative programs. Sci. Comput. Program. 64(1): 3-28 (2007)
22EETorben Amtoft, Sruthi Bandhakavi, Anindya Banerjee: A logic for information flow in object-oriented programs. POPL 2006: 91-102
21EEVenkatesh Prasad Ranganath, Torben Amtoft, Anindya Banerjee, Matthew B. Dwyer, John Hatcliff: A New Foundation for Control-Dependence and Slicing for Modern Program Structures. ESOP 2005: 77-93
20 Torben Amtoft, Henning Makholm, J. B. Wells: PolyA: True Type Polymorphism for Mobile Ambients. IFIP TCS 2004: 591604
19EETorben Amtoft, Anindya Banerjee: Information Flow Analysis in Logical Form. SAS 2004: 100-115
18EETorben Amtoft, Robert Muller: Inferring annotated types for inter-procedural register allocation with constructor flattening. TLDI 2003: 86-97
17EETorben Amtoft, Robert Muller: Inferring annotated types for inter-procedural register allocation with constructor flattening. TLDI 2003: 86-97
16EETorben Amtoft, Charles Consel, Olivier Danvy, Karoline Malmkjær: The Abstraction and Instantiation of String-Matching Programs. The Essence of Computation 2002: 332-357
15 Torben Amtoft, A. J. Kfoury, Santiago M. Pericás-Geertsen: Orderly communication in the Ambient Calculus. Comput. Lang. 28(1): 29-60 (2002)
14EETorben Amtoft, A. J. Kfoury, Santiago M. Pericás-Geertsen: What Are Polymorphically-Typed Ambients? ESOP 2001: 206-220
13EETorben Amtoft, Franklyn A. Turbak: Faithful Translations between Polyvariant Flows and Polymorphic Types. ESOP 2000: 26-40
12EEHanne Riis Nielson, Torben Amtoft, Flemming Nielson: Behaviour Analysis and Safety Conditions: A Case Study in CML. FASE 1998: 255-269
11EETorben Amtoft, Hanne Riis Nielson, Flemming Nielson: Behavior Analysis for Validating Communication Patterns. STTT 2(1): 13-28 (1998)
10 Torben Amtoft, Flemming Nielson, Hanne Riis Nielson: Type and Behaviour Reconstruction for Higher-Order Concurrent Programs. J. Funct. Program. 7(3): 321-347 (1997)
9 Hanne Riis Nielson, Flemming Nielson, Torben Amtoft: Polymorphic Subtyping for Effect Analysis: The Static Semantics. LOMAPS 1996: 141-171
8 Torben Amtoft, Flemming Nielson, Hanne Riis Nielson, Jürgen Ammann: Polymorphic Subtyping for Effect Analysis: The Dynamic Semantics. LOMAPS 1996: 172-206
7 Flemming Nielson, Hanne Riis Nielson, Torben Amtoft: Polymorphic Subtyping for Effect Analysis: The Algorithm. LOMAPS 1996: 207-243
6 Torben Amtoft: Local Type Reconstruction by Means of Symbolic Fixed Point Iteration. ESOP 1994: 43-57
5 Torben Amtoft: Minimal Thunkification. WSA 1993: 218-229
4 Torben Amtoft: Unfold/fold Transformations Preserving Termination Properties. PLILP 1992: 187-201
3 Torben Amtoft, Jesper Larsson Träff: Partial Memoization for Obtaining Linear Time Behavior of a 2DPDA. Theor. Comput. Sci. 98(2): 347-356 (1992)
2 Torben Amtoft Hansen: Properties of Unfolding-based Meta-level Systems. PEPM 1991: 243-254
1 Torben Amtoft Hansen, Thomas Nikolajsen, Jesper Larsson Träff, Neil D. Jones: Experiments with Implementations of Two Theoretical Constructions. Logic at Botik 1989: 119-133

Coauthor Index

1Jürgen Ammann [8]
2Sruthi Bandhakavi [22]
3Anindya Banerjee [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25]
4Charles Consel [16]
5Olivier Danvy [16]
6Matthew B. Dwyer [21] [24]
7David Greve [28]
8John Hatcliff [21] [24] [28]
9Jonathan Hoag [28]
10Neil D. Jones [1]
11Assaf J. Kfoury (A. J. Kfoury) [14] [15]
12Henning Makholm [20]
13Karoline Malmkjær [16]
14Robert Muller [17] [18]
15Flemming Nielson [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [27]
16Hanne Riis Nielson [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
17Thomas Nikolajsen [1]
18Santiago M. Pericás-Geertsen [14] [15]
19Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath [21] [24]
20 Robby [28]
21Edwin Rodríguez [28]
22Jesper Larsson Träff [1] [3]
23Franklyn A. Turbak [13]
24J. B. Wells [20]
25Ye Zhang [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)