
Anand Venkataraman

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11EEAndreas Stolcke, Barry Chen, Horacio Franco, Venkata Ramana Rao Gadde, Martin Graciarena, Mei-Yuh Hwang, Katrin Kirchhoff, Arindam Mandal, Nelson Morgan, Xin Lei, Tim Ng, Mari Ostendorf, K. Sonmez, Anand Venkataraman, Dimitra Vergyri, Wen Wang, Jing Zheng, Qifeng Zhu: Recent innovations in speech-to-text transcription at SRI-ICSI-UW. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(5): 1729-1744 (2006)
10EEElizabeth Shriberg, Luciana Ferrer, Sachin S. Kajarekar, Anand Venkataraman, Andreas Stolcke: Modeling prosodic feature sequences for speaker recognition. Speech Communication 46(3-4): 455-472 (2005)
9EESachin S. Kajarekar, M. Kemal Sönmez, Luciana Ferrer, Venkata Gadde, Anand Venkataraman, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas Stolcke, Harry Bratt: "TalkPrinting": Improving Speaker Recognition by Modeling Stylistic Features. ISI 2003: 350-354
8EEAnand Venkataraman, Wen Wang: Techniques for effective vocabulary selection CoRR cs.CL/0306022: (2003)
7 Anand Venkataraman: A procedure for unsupervised lexicon learning. ICML 2001: 569-576
6EEAnand Venkataraman: A procedure for unsupervised lexicon learning CoRR cs.CL/0111064: (2001)
5EEAnand Venkataraman: A Statistical Model for Word Discovery in Transcribed Speech CoRR cs.CL/0111065: (2001)
4 Anand Venkataraman: A Statistical Model for Word Discovery in Transcribed Speech. Computational Linguistics 27(3): 353-372 (2001)
3EEAnand Venkataraman: MAP Lexicon is useful for segmentation and word discovery in child-directed speech CoRR cs.CL/9907004: (1999)
2EEAnand Venkataraman: A statistical model for word discovery in child directed speech CoRR cs.CL/9910011: (1999)
1EEAnand Venkataraman, Ray H. Kemp: No information can be conveyed by certain events: The case of the clever widows of Fornicalia and the Stobon Oracle CoRR cs.LO/9907014: (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Harry Bratt [9]
2Barry Chen [11]
3Luciana Ferrer [9] [10]
4Horacio Franco [11]
5Venkata Gadde [9]
6Venkata Ramana Rao Gadde [11]
7Martin Graciarena [11]
8Mei-Yuh Hwang [11]
9Sachin S. Kajarekar [9] [10]
10Ray H. Kemp [1]
11Katrin Kirchhoff [11]
12Xin Lei [11]
13Arindam Mandal [11]
14Nelson Morgan [11]
15Tim Ng [11]
16Mari Ostendorf [11]
17Elizabeth Shriberg [9] [10]
18K. Sonmez [11]
19M. Kemal Sönmez [9]
20Andreas Stolcke [9] [10] [11]
21Dimitra Vergyri [11]
22Wen Wang [8] [11]
23Jing Zheng [11]
24Qifeng Zhu [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)