
Daniel E. Turk

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6EEDaniel E. Turk, Robert B. France, Bernhard Rumpe: Assumptions Underlying Agile Software-Development Processes. J. Database Manag. 16(4): 62-87 (2005)
5EERajendra K. Bandi, Vijay K. Vaishnavi, Daniel E. Turk: Predicting Maintenance Performance Using Object-Oriented Design Complexity Metrics. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 29(1): 77-87 (2003)
4EERobert B. France, Sudipto Ghosh, Daniel E. Turk: Supporting Effective Software Modeling. L'OBJET 9(4): 11-29 (2003)
3EEDaniel E. Turk, Robert B. France, Bernhard Rumpe, Geri Georg: Model-Driven Approaches to Software Development. OOIS Workshops 2002: 229-230
2 Robert B. France, Sudipto Ghosh, Daniel E. Turk: Towards a Model-Driven Approach to Reuse. OOIS 2001: 181-190
1EEMark Keil, Linda Wallace, Daniel E. Turk, Gayle Dixon-Randall, Urban Nulden: An investigation of risk perception and risk propensity on the decision to continue a software development project. Journal of Systems and Software 53(2): 145-157 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Rajendra K. Bandi [5]
2Gayle Dixon-Randall [1]
3Robert B. France [2] [3] [4] [6]
4Geri Georg [3]
5Sudipto Ghosh [2] [4]
6Mark Keil [1]
7Urban Nulden (Urban Nuldén) [1]
8Bernhard Rumpe [3] [6]
9Vijay K. Vaishnavi [5]
10Linda Wallace [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)