
Atsushi Kawamoto

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3EEMathias Stolpe, Atsushi Kawamoto: Design of planar articulated mechanisms using branch and bound. Math. Program. 103(2): 357-397 (2005)
2 Toshio Fukuda, Atsushi Kawamoto, Fumihito Arai, Hideo Matsuura: Steering Mechanism of Underwater Micro Mobile Robot. ICRA 1995: 363-368
1 Toshio Fukuda, Atsushi Kawamoto, Fumihito Arai, Hideo Matsuura: Mechanism and Swimming Experiment of Micro Mobile Robot in Water. ICRA 1994: 814-819

Coauthor Index

1Fumihito Arai [1] [2]
2Toshio Fukuda [1] [2]
3Hideo Matsuura [1] [2]
4Mathias Stolpe [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)