
Barbara A. Eckman

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13EEDominique Bachelet, Richard P. Hooper, Judith Bayard Cushing, Peter van Puijenbroek, Barbara A. Eckman, Robert C. Worrest: Global climate change implications for digital government research: keynote panel. DG.O 2007: 321-322
12EEBarbara A. Eckman, Craig A. Bennett, James H. Kaufman, Jeffrey W. Tenner: Varieties of interoperability in the transformation of the health-care information infrastructure. IBM Systems Journal 46(1): 19-42 (2007)
11 Ulf Leser, Felix Naumann, Barbara A. Eckman: Data Integration in the Life Sciences, Third International Workshop, DILS 2006, Hinxton, UK, July 20-22, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
10EEBarbara A. Eckman, Terry Gaasterland, Zoé Lacroix, Louiqa Raschid, Ben Snyder, Maria-Esther Vidal: Implementing a Bioinformatics Pipeline (BIP) on a Mediator Platform: Comparing Cost and Quality of Alternate Choices. ICDE Workshops 2006: 67
9EEBarbara A. Eckman, Paul G. Brown: Graph data management for molecular and cell biology. IBM Journal of Research and Development 50(6): 545-560 (2006)
8EEBarbara A. Eckman, Arthur Kaufmann: Querying BLAST within a Data Federation. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 27(3): 12-19 (2004)
7EEZoé Lacroix, Louiqa Raschid, Barbara A. Eckman: Techniques for Optimization of Queries on Integrated Biological Resources. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 2(2): 375-412 (2004)
6EEBarbara A. Eckman, Kerry Deutsch, Marta Janer, Zoé Lacroix, Louiqa Raschid: A Query Language to Support Scientific Discovery. CSB 2003: 388-391
5EEBarbara A. Eckman, Julia E. Rice, Peter M. Schwarz: Data Management in Molecular and Cell Biology: Vision and Recommendations. OMICS 7(1): 93-98 (2003)
4 Barbara A. Eckman, Zoé Lacroix, Louiqa Raschid: Optimized Seamless Integration of Biomolecular Data. BIBE 2001: 23-32
3 Barbara A. Eckman, Anthony Kosky, Leonardo A. Laroco Jr.: Extending traditional query-based integration approaches for functional characterization of post-genomic data. Bioinformatics 17(7): 587-601 (2001)
2 Barbara A. Eckman, Jeffery S. Aaronson, J. A. Borkowski, W. J. Bailey, K. O. Elliston, A. R. Williamson, R. A. Blevins: The Merck Gene Index browser: an extensible data integration system for gene finding, gene characterization and EST data mining. Bioinformatics 14(1): 2-13 (1998)
1EESusan B. Davidson, Anthony Kosky, Barbara A. Eckman: Facilitating Transformations in a Human Genome Project Database. CIKM 1994: 423-432

Coauthor Index

1Jeffery S. Aaronson [2]
2Dominique Bachelet [13]
3W. J. Bailey [2]
4Craig A. Bennett [12]
5R. A. Blevins [2]
6J. A. Borkowski [2]
7Paul G. Brown [9]
8Judith Bayard Cushing (Judy Cushing) [13]
9Susan B. Davidson [1]
10Kerry Deutsch [6]
11K. O. Elliston [2]
12Terry Gaasterland [10]
13Richard P. Hooper [13]
14Marta Janer [6]
15James H. Kaufman [12]
16Arthur Kaufmann [8]
17Anthony Kosky [1] [3]
18Zoé Lacroix [4] [6] [7] [10]
19Leonardo A. Laroco Jr. [3]
20Ulf Leser [11]
21Felix Naumann [11]
22Peter van Puijenbroek [13]
23Louiqa Raschid [4] [6] [7] [10]
24Julia E. Rice [5]
25Peter M. Schwarz [5]
26Ben Snyder [10]
27Jeffrey W. Tenner [12]
28Maria-Esther Vidal [10]
29A. R. Williamson [2]
30Robert C. Worrest [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)