
Naomi Kato

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4EEKoichi Suzumori, Satoshi Endo, Takefumi Kanda, Naomi Kato, Hiroyoshi Suzuki: A Bending Pneumatic Rubber Actuator Realizing Soft-bodied Manta Swimming Robot. ICRA 2007: 4975-4980
3EEKenichi Asakawa, Junichi Kojima, Yoichi Kato, Shigetaka Matsumoto, Naomi Kato, Teruyuki Asai, Tomotsune Iso: Design concept and experimental results of the autonomous underwater vehicle AQUA EXPLORER 2 for the inspection of underwater cables. Advanced Robotics 16(1): 27-42 (2002)
2 Naomi Kato, Junichi Kojima, Yoichi Kato, Sigetake Matumoto, Kenichi Asakawa: Optimization of Configuration of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Inspection of Underwater Cables. ICRA 1998: 1045-1050
1 Naomi Kato, Tadahiko Inaba: Guidance and Control of Fish Robot with Apparatus of Pectoral Fin Motion. ICRA 1998: 446-451

Coauthor Index

1Teruyuki Asai [3]
2Kenichi Asakawa [2] [3]
3Satoshi Endo [4]
4Tadahiko Inaba [1]
5Tomotsune Iso [3]
6Takefumi Kanda [4]
7Yoichi Kato [2] [3]
8Junichi Kojima [2] [3]
9Shigetaka Matsumoto [3]
10Sigetake Matumoto [2]
11Hiroyoshi Suzuki [4]
12Koichi Suzumori [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)