
Kiwamu Kase

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13EEYukie Nagai, Yutaka Ohtake, Kiwamu Kase, Hiromasa Suzuki: Polygonizing skeletal sheets of CT-scanned objects by partitioin of unity approximations. Shape Modeling International 2008: 265-266
12EETakashi Kanai, Yutaka Ohtake, Hiroaki Kawata, Kiwamu Kase: GPU-based rendering of sparse low-degree implicit surfaces. GRAPHITE 2006: 165-171
11EEYutaka Ohtake, Takashi Kanai, Kiwamu Kase: A Laplacian Based Approach for Free-Form Deformation of Sparse Low-degree IMplicit Surfaces. SMI 2006: 30
10EETakashi Kanai, Yutaka Ohtake, Kiwamu Kase: Hierarchical error-driven approximation of implicit surfaces from polygonal meshes. Symposium on Geometry Processing 2006: 21-30
9EEKiwamu Kase, Yoshinori Teshima, Shugo Usami, Masaya Kato, Shuntaro Yamazaki, Masao Ito, Akitake Makinouchi: Volume CAD - CW-complexes based approach. Computer-Aided Design 37(14): 1509-1520 (2005)
8EEPeng Wu, Hiromasa Suzuki, Joe Kuragano, Kiwamu Kase: Three-axis NC Cutter Path Generation for Subdivision Surface. GMP 2004: 349-354
7EETomoyuki Fujimori, Hiromasa Suzuki, Yohei Kobayashi, Kiwamu Kase: Contouring Medial Surface of Thin Plate Structure Using Local Marching Cubes. SMI 2004: 297-306
6EETomoyuki Fujimori, Hiromasa Suzuki, Yohei Kobayashi, Kiwamu Kase: Contouring Medial Surface of Thin Plate Structure Using Local Marching Cubes (Figures 15, 16, and 17). SMI 2004: 396
5EEShuntaro Yamazaki, Kiwamu Kase, Katsushi Ikeuchi: Hardware-accelerated visualization of volume-sampled distance fields. Shape Modeling International 2003: 264-271
4EEKiwamu Kase, Yoshinori Teshima, Shugo Usami, H. Ohmori, C. Teodosiu, Akitake Makinouchi: Volume CAD. Volume Graphics 2003: 145-150
3EEShuntaro Yamazaki, Kiwamu Kase, Katsushi Ikeuchi: Non-Manifold Implicit Surfaces Based on Discontinuous Implicitization and Polygonization. GMP 2002: 138-
2EEShuntaro Yamazaki, Kiwamu Kase, Katsushi Ikeuchi: Interactive Visualization of Non-Manifold Implicit Surfaces Using Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering . Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2002: 475-476
1EEKiwamu Kase, Akifumi Makinouchi, T. Nakagawa, Hiroto Suzuki, Fumihiko Kimura: Shape error evaluation method of free-form surfaces. Computer-Aided Design 31(8): 495-505 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Tomoyuki Fujimori [6] [7]
2Katsushi Ikeuchi [2] [3] [5]
3Masao Ito [9]
4Takashi Kanai [10] [11] [12]
5Masaya Kato [9]
6Hiroaki Kawata [12]
7Fumihiko Kimura [1]
8Yohei Kobayashi [6] [7]
9Joe Kuragano [8]
10Akifumi Makinouchi [1]
11Akitake Makinouchi [4] [9]
12Yukie Nagai [13]
13T. Nakagawa [1]
14H. Ohmori [4]
15Yutaka Ohtake [10] [11] [12] [13]
16Hiromasa Suzuki [6] [7] [8] [13]
17Hiroto Suzuki [1]
18C. Teodosiu [4]
19Yoshinori Teshima [4] [9]
20Shugo Usami [4] [9]
21Peng Wu [8]
22Shuntaro Yamazaki [2] [3] [5] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)