
Ireneusz Karkowski

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9EERashindra Manniesing, Ireneusz Karkowski, Henk Corporaal: Automatic SIMD Parallelization of Embedded Applications Based on Pattern Recognition. Euro-Par 2000: 349-356
8 Maarten Boekhold, Ireneusz Karkowski, Henk Corporaal, Andrea G. M. Cilio: A Programmable ANSI C Transformation Engine. CC 1999: 292-295
7 Maarten Boekhold, Ireneusz Karkowski, Henk Corporaal: Transformatiing and Parallelizing ANSI C Programs using Pattern Recognition. HPCN Europe 1999: 673-682
6EEIreneusz Karkowski, Henk Corporaal: Design Space Exploration Algorithm for Heterogeneous Multi-Processor Embedded System Design. DAC 1998: 82-87
5EEIreneusz Karkowski, Henk Corporaal: Exploiting Fine- and Coarse-Grain Parallelism in Embedded Programs. IEEE PACT 1998: 60-67
4 Ireneusz Karkowski, Henk Corporaal: Overcoming the Limitations of the Traditional Loop Parallelization. HPCN Europe 1997: 898-907
3EEIreneusz Karkowski, Henk Corporaal: Design of Heterogenous Multi-Processor Embedded Systems: Applying Functional Pipelining. IEEE PACT 1997: 156-165
2EEIreneusz Karkowski, Ralph H. J. M. Otten: Retiming Synchronous Circuitry with Imprecise Delays. DAC 1995: 322-326
1EEIreneusz Karkowski: Architectural synthesis with possibilistic programming. HICSS (1) 1995: 14-22

Coauthor Index

1Maarten Boekhold [7] [8]
2Andrea G. M. Cilio [8]
3Henk Corporaal [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Rashindra Manniesing [9]
5Ralph H. J. M. Otten [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)