
Peter H. Kahn Jr.

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15EEBatya Friedman, Alan Borning, Janet Davis, Brian T. Gill, Peter H. Kahn Jr., Travis Kriplean, Peyina Lin: Laying the foundations for public participation and value advocacy: interaction design for a large scale urban simulation. DG.O 2008: 305-314
14EECady M. Stanton, Peter H. Kahn Jr., Rachel L. Severson, Jolina H. Ruckert, Brian T. Gill: Robotic animals might aid in the social development of children with autism. HRI 2008: 271-278
13EEPeter H. Kahn Jr., Nathan G. Freier, Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Jolina H. Ruckert, Rachel L. Severson, Shaun K. Kane: Design patterns for sociality in human-robot interaction. HRI 2008: 97-104
12EEBatya Friedman, Nathan G. Freier, Peter H. Kahn Jr., Peyina Lin, Robin Sodeman: Office window of the future? - Field-based analyses of a new use of a large display. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 66(6): 452-465 (2008)
11EEBatya Friedman, Ian E. Smith, Peter H. Kahn Jr., Sunny Consolvo, Jaina Selawski: Development of a Privacy Addendum for Open Source Licenses: Value Sensitive Design in Industry. Ubicomp 2006: 194-211
10EEJanet Davis, Peyina Lin, Alan Borning, Batya Friedman, Peter H. Kahn Jr., Paul Waddell: Simulations for Urban Planning: Designing for Human Values. IEEE Computer 39(9): 66-72 (2006)
9EEGail F. Melson, Peter H. Kahn Jr., Alan M. Beck, Batya Friedman, Trace Roberts, Erik Garrett: Robots as dogs?: children's interactions with the robotic dog AIBO and a live australian shepherd. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1649-1652
8EEPeter H. Kahn Jr., Batya Friedman, Deanne R. Perez-Granados, Nathan G. Freier: Robotic pets in the lives of preschool children. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1449-1452
7EEBatya Friedman, Nathan G. Freier, Peter H. Kahn Jr.: Office window of the future?: two case studies of an augmented window. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1559
6EEBatya Friedman, Peter H. Kahn Jr., Jennifer Hagman: Hardware companions?: what online AIBO discussion forums reveal about the human-robotic relationship. CHI 2003: 273-280
5EEPeter H. Kahn Jr., Batya Friedman, Jennifer Hagman: "I care about him as a pal": conceptions of robotic pets in online AIBO discussion forums. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 632-633
4EEBatya Friedman, Peter H. Kahn Jr.: New directions: a value-sensitive design approach to augmented reality. Designing Augmented Reality Environments 2000: 163-164
3EEBatya Friedman, Peter H. Kahn Jr., Daniel C. Howe: Trust online. Commun. ACM 43(12): 34-40 (2000)
2 Batya Friedman, Peter H. Kahn Jr.: Educating Computer Scientists: Linking the Social and Technical. Commun. ACM 37(1): 64-70 (1994)
1EEBatya Friedman, Peter H. Kahn Jr.: Human agency and responsible computing: Implications for computer system design. Journal of Systems and Software 17(1): 7-14 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Alan M. Beck [9]
2Alan Borning [10] [15]
3Sunny Consolvo [11]
4Janet Davis [10] [15]
5Nathan G. Freier [7] [8] [12] [13]
6Batya Friedman [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15]
7Erik Garrett [9]
8Brian T. Gill [14] [15]
9Jennifer Hagman [5] [6]
10Daniel C. Howe [3]
11Hiroshi Ishiguro [13]
12Takayuki Kanda [13]
13Shaun K. Kane [13]
14Travis Kriplean [15]
15Peyina Lin [10] [12] [15]
16Gail F. Melson [9]
17Deanne R. Perez-Granados [8]
18Trace Roberts [9]
19Jolina H. Ruckert [13] [14]
20Jaina Selawski [11]
21Rachel L. Severson [13] [14]
22Ian E. Smith [11]
23Robin Sodeman [12]
24Cady M. Stanton [14]
25Paul Waddell [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)