
Hiroto Kagotani

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7EEMasahiro Kawai, Yoichiro Sato, Hiroto Kagotani, Takuji Okamoto: Superconductive logic circuits constructed by the use of two thresholds of SQUID. Systems and Computers in Japan 36(2): 42-50 (2005)
6EEMitsuyasu Kagiyama, Hiroyuki Michinishi, Hiroto Kagotani, Takuji Okamoto, Yasuo Ogasawara, Fumihiko Kajiya: Model analysis of coronary hemodynamics incorporating autoregulation. Systems and Computers in Japan 35(14): 21-31 (2004)
5EEHiroto Kagotani, Herman Schmit: Asynchronous PipeRench: Architecture and Performance Estimations. FCCM 2003: 121-
4EEHiroto Kagotani, Takuji Okamoto, Takashi Nanya: Synthesis of four-phase asynchronous control circuits from pipeline dependency graphs. ASP-DAC 2001: 425-430
3EEYoichiro Sato, Yoshinobu Yamasoto, Masanori Saito, Hiroto Kagotani, Takuji Okamoto, Masahiro Kawai: Systematic reducing of metastable operations in CMOS D flip-flops. Systems and Computers in Japan 31(3): 20-28 (2000)
2EEHiroto Kagotani, Yoichiro Sato, Yoshimichi Takahara, Takuji Okamoto: A method of affine transformation for rectangular video image. Systems and Computers in Japan 31(7): 75-85 (2000)
1EETakashi Nanya, Yoichiro Ueno, Hiroto Kagotani, Masashi Kuwako, Akihiro Takamura: TITAC: Design of A Quasi-Delay-Insensitive Microprocessor. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 11(2): 50-63 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Mitsuyasu Kagiyama [6]
2Fumihiko Kajiya [6]
3Masahiro Kawai [3] [7]
4Masashi Kuwako [1]
5Hiroyuki Michinishi [6]
6Takashi Nanya [1] [4]
7Yasuo Ogasawara [6]
8Takuji Okamoto [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
9Masanori Saito [3]
10Yoichiro Sato [2] [3] [7]
11Herman Schmit [5]
12Yoshimichi Takahara [2]
13Akihiro Takamura [1]
14Yoichiro Ueno [1]
15Yoshinobu Yamasoto [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)