
Vicente Julián

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31EEEstefania Argente, Vicente Julián, Vicente J. Botti: MAS Modeling Based on Organizations. AOSE 2008: 16-30
30EEEstefania Argente, N. Criado, Vicente Julián, Vicente J. Botti: Designing Norms in Virtual Organizations. CCIA 2008: 16-23
29EEMartí Navarro, Stella Heras, Vicente Julián: An approach for Mail-Robot navigation using a CBR technique. CCIA 2008: 372-379
28EEJorge Agüero, Miguel Rebollo, Carlos Carrascosa, Vicente Julián: Does Android Dream with Intelligent Agents?. DCAI 2008: 194-204
27EEMartí Navarro, Vicente J. Botti, Vicente Julián: Commitment Management in Real-Time Multi-Agent Systems. DCAI 2008: 503-511
26EEFabian Bustos, Juan López, Vicente Julián, Miguel Rebollo: STRS: Social Network Based Recommender System for Tourism Enhanced with Trust. DCAI 2008: 71-79
25EEStella Heras, Miguel Rebollo, Vicente Julián: A Dialogue Game Protocol for Recommendation in Social Networks. HAIS 2008: 515-522
24EEMartí Navarro, Stella Heras, Vicente J. Botti, Vicente Julián: Temporal-Bounded CBR for the Management of Commitments in RT-Agents. HAIS 2008: 95-102
23EEStella Heras, Miguel Rebollo, Vicente Julián: Arguing about Recommendations in Social Networks. IAT 2008: 314-317
22EEMartí Navarro, Stella Heras, Vicente Julián: Ensuring Time in Real-Time Commitments. IBERAMIA 2008: 183-192
21EEStella Heras, Vicente Julián, Vicente J. Botti: CBR Contributions to Argumentation in MAS. Innovations in Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2008: 304-311
20EECarlos Carrascosa, Javier Bajo, Vicente Julián, Juan M. Corchado, Vicente J. Botti: Hybrid multi-agent architecture as a real-time problem-solving model. Expert Syst. Appl. 34(1): 2-17 (2008)
19EEM. Emilia Garcia, Soledad Valero, Estefania Argente, Adriana Giret, Vicente Julián: A FAST Method to Achieve Flexible Production Programming Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 38(2): 242-252 (2008)
18EEEstefania Argente, Javier Palanca Cámara, Gustavo Aranda Bada, Vicente Julián, Vicente J. Botti, Ana García-Fornes, Agustín Espinosa: Supporting Agent Organizations. CEEMAS 2007: 236-245
17EEMartí Navarro, Vicente Julián, Vicente J. Botti: jTRASTO: A Development Toolkit for Real-Time Multi-Agent Systems. CEEMAS 2007: 325-327
16 Juan Ángel García-Pardo, Stella Heras Barberá, Rafael Ramos-Garijo, Alberto Palomares, Vicente Julián, Miguel Rebollo, Vicente J. Botti: CBR-TM: A New Case-Based Reasoning System for Help-Desk Environments. ECAI 2006: 833-834
15EEMartí Navarro, Vicente Julián, Stella Heras, José Soler, Vicente J. Botti: Multi-Agent Systems over RT-Java for a Mobile Robot Control. IDEAL 2006: 1267-1274
14EEStella Heras Barberá, Juan Ángel García-Pardo, Rafael Ramos-Garijo, Alberto Palomares, Vicente Julián, Miguel Rebollo, Vicente J. Botti: CBR Model for the Intelligent Management of Customer Support Centers. IDEAL 2006: 663-670
13EEJavier Palanca Cámara, Miguel Escrivá Gregori, Gustavo Aranda Bada, Ana García-Fornes, Vicente Julián, Vicente J. Botti: Adding New Communication Services to the FIPA Message Transport System. MATES 2006: 1-11
12 Martí Navarro, Vicente Julián, José Soler, Vicente J. Botti: Sistemas multiagente de tiempo real empleando RT-Java. Workshop de Agentes Físicos 2006: 127-134
11EEEstefania Argente, Vicente Julián, Vicente J. Botti: Multi-Agent System Development Based on Organizations. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 150(3): 55-71 (2006)
10 Estefania Argente, Vicente Julián, Soledad Valero, Vicente J. Botti: Towards an Organizational MAS Methodology. CCIA 2005: 397-404
9 Estefania Argente, Adriana Giret, Soledad Valero, P. Gómez, Vicente Julián: Solving Ceramic Tile Factory Production Programming by MAS. CCIA 2005: 413-420
8EESoledad Valero, Estefania Argente, Adriana Giret, Vicente Julián, Vicente J. Botti: Goodness and Lacks of MAS Methodologies for Manufacturing Domains. CEEMAS 2005: 645-648
7EEJosé Soler, Vicente Julián, Ana García-Fornes, Vicente J. Botti: Real-Time Extensions in Multi-agent Communication. CAEPIA 2003: 468-477
6EECarlos Carrascosa, Miguel Rebollo, Vicente Julián, Vicente J. Botti: Deliberative Server for Real-Time Agents. CEEMAS 2003: 485-496
5EEVicente Julián, Vicente J. Botti: Desarrollo de sistemas multi-agente en tiempo real. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 18: 65-80 (2003)
4EEVicente Julián, Carlos Carrascosa, Miguel Rebollo, José Soler, Vicente J. Botti: SIMBA: An Approach for Real-Time Multi-agent Systems. CCIA 2002: 282-293
3EEJosé Soler, Vicente Julián, Carlos Carrascosa, Vicente J. Botti: Applying the ARTIS Agent Architecture to Mobile Robot Control. IBERAMIA-SBIA 2000: 359-368
2 Vicente J. Botti, Carlos Carrascosa, Vicente Julián, José Soler: Modelling Agents in Hard Real-Time Environments. MAAMAW 1999: 63-76
1EEAgustín Espinosa, Vicente Julián, Carlos Carrascosa, Andrés Terrasa, Ana García-Fornes: Programming Hard Real-Time Systems with Optional Components in Ada. Ada-Europe 1998: 102-111

Coauthor Index

1Jorge Agüero [28]
2Estefania Argente [8] [9] [10] [11] [18] [19] [30] [31]
3Gustavo Aranda Bada [13] [18]
4Javier Bajo [20]
5Stella Heras Barberá [14] [16]
6Vicente J. Botti [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [24] [27] [30] [31]
7Fabian Bustos [26]
8Javier Palanca Cámara [13] [18]
9Carlos Carrascosa [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [20] [28]
10Juan M. Corchado [20]
11N. Criado [30]
12Agustín Espinosa [1] [18]
13M. Emilia Garcia [19]
14Ana García-Fornes [1] [7] [13] [18]
15Juan Ángel García-Pardo [14] [16]
16Adriana Giret [8] [9] [19]
17P. Gómez [9]
18Miguel Escrivá Gregori [13]
19Stella Heras [15] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [29]
20Juan López [26]
21Martí Navarro [12] [15] [17] [22] [24] [27] [29]
22Alberto Palomares [14] [16]
23Rafael Ramos-Garijo [14] [16]
24Miguel Rebollo [4] [6] [14] [16] [23] [25] [26] [28]
25José Soler [2] [3] [4] [7] [12] [15]
26Andrés Terrasa (Andrés Terrasa Barrena) [1]
27Soledad Valero [8] [9] [10] [19]

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