2008 |
10 | EE | Saeeid Tahmasbi Oskuii,
Kenny Johansson,
Oscar Gustafsson,
Per Gunnar Kjeldsberg:
Power optimization of weighted bit-product summation tree for elementary function generator.
ISCAS 2008: 1240-1243 |
9 | EE | Kenny Johansson,
Oscar Gustafsson,
Lars Wanhammar:
Switching activity estimation for shift-and-add based constant multipliers.
ISCAS 2008: 676-679 |
2007 |
8 | EE | Oscar Gustafsson,
Saeeid Tahmasbi Oskuii,
Kenny Johansson,
Per Gunnar Kjeldsberg:
Switching Activity Reduction of MAC-Based FIR Filters with Correlated Input Data.
PATMOS 2007: 526-535 |
2006 |
7 | EE | Oscar Gustafsson,
Kenny Johansson,
Håkan Johansson,
Lars Wanhammar:
Implementation of Polyphase Decomposed FIR Filters for Interpolation and Decimation Using Multiple Constant Multiplication Techniques.
APCCAS 2006: 924-927 |
6 | EE | Kenny Johansson,
Oscar Gustafsson,
Lars Wanhammar:
Approximation of elementary functions using a weighted sum of bit-products.
ISCAS 2006 |
2005 |
5 | EE | Kenny Johansson,
Oscar Gustafsson,
Lars Wanhammar:
Implementation of low-complexity FIR filters using serial arithmetic.
ISCAS (2) 2005: 1449-1452 |
2004 |
4 | | Kenny Johansson,
Oscar Gustafsson,
Lars Wanhammar:
Switching activity in bit-serial constant-coefficient multipliers.
ISCAS (2) 2004: 469-472 |
3 | EE | Kenny Johansson,
Oscar Gustafsson,
Lars Wanhammar:
Low-complexity bit-serial constant-coefficient multipliers.
ISCAS (3) 2004: 649-652 |
2 | EE | Tina Lindkvist,
Jacob Löfvenberg,
Henrik Ohlsson,
Kenny Johansson,
Lars Wanhammar:
A Power-Efficient, Low-Complexity, Memoryless Coding Scheme for Buses with Dominating Inter-Wire Capacitances.
IWSOC 2004: 257-262 |
1 | EE | Kenny Johansson,
Oscar Gustafsson,
Lars Wanhammar:
Power Estimation for Ripple-Carry Adders with Correlated Input Data.
PATMOS 2004: 662-674 |