
Byung-Sun Lee

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15EEAekyung Moon, Young-Il Choi, Byung-Sun Lee: Context-aware user model for personalized services. ICDIM 2008: 858-863
14 Eun Joo Kim, Byung-Sun Lee, Dae Woong Kim: A Number Translation Mechanism of the Softswitch in the IP-Based Converged Network. Communications in Computing 2003: 312-315
13EEJinHo Ahn, Sung-Gi Min, Young-Il Choi, Byung-Sun Lee: Low-Cost Fault-Tolerance Protocol for Large-Scale Network Monitoring. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 504-513
12 Ki-Sook Chung, Byung-Sun Lee, YoungJoon Byun: A Design Method of Communication Protocols Using SDL Patterns. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 319-324
11EEHo-Jin Park, Young-Il Choi, Byung-Sun Lee, Kyung Pyo Jun: Open Software Architecture for Multiservice Switching System. ICN (2) 2001: 380-389
10 Eui Hyun Paik, DongGill Lee, Byung-Sun Lee: A Testing Mechanism for Concurrent Programs Based on MSC. PDPTA 2000
9EEIn Sang Chung, Hyeon Soo Kim, Hyun Seop Bae, Yong Rae Kwon, Byung-Sun Lee: Testing of Concurrent Programs Based on Message Sequence Charts. PDSE 1999: 72-82
8EEByung-Sun Lee, Seung-Sun Lee, Mi-kyong Han, Wan Choi, Kyung Pyo Jun: Development of a Host DBMS for Testing Switching System Software. RTCSA 1999: 420-
7 Chang Sup Keum, Joon-Kyung Lee, DongGill Lee, Byung-Sun Lee: Development of switching software by using object oriented techniques. Computers and Their Applications 1998: 54-57
6EEEui Hyun Paik, YoungJoon Byun, Young-Sik Chung, Byung-Sun Lee: An Object Oriented CHILL Debugger. ISORC 1998: 140-141
5EEChang Sup Keum, Joon-Kyung Lee, DongGill Lee, Byung-Sun Lee: Integrated Environment Based on Object-Oriented Methodology for Real-time Systems. ISORC 1998: 284-
4EESo-Jeong Youn, YoungJoon Byun, Eui Hyun Paik, Young-Sik Chung, Byung-Sun Lee: Design and Implementation of Software Simulation Platform for ATM Switching Systems. ICPADS 1997: 184-187
3EEEui Hyun Paik, Young-Sik Chung, Byung-Sun Lee, Chae Woo Yoo: A concurrent program debugging environment using real-time replay. ICPADS 1997: 460-465
2EEChang-Hyun Jo, Phil Sun Kim, Hyeung Sik Im, Eui Hyun Paik, Byung-Sun Lee: A design and prototyping of an object-oriented program debugger. SAC 1997: 45-51
1 Eui Hyun Paik, Young-Sik Chung, YoungJoon Byun, Wan Choi, Byung-Sun Lee: CHD: A Cross Debugger for Concurrent CHILL Programs. AADEBUG 1995: 317-318

Coauthor Index

1JinHo Ahn [13]
2Hyun Seop Bae [9]
3YoungJoon Byun [1] [4] [6] [12]
4Wan Choi [1] [8]
5Young-Il Choi [11] [13] [15]
6In Sang Chung [9]
7Ki-Sook Chung [12]
8Young-Sik Chung [1] [3] [4] [6]
9Mi-kyong Han [8]
10Hyeung Sik Im [2]
11Chang-Hyun Jo [2]
12Kyung Pyo Jun [8] [11]
13Chang Sup Keum [5] [7]
14Dae Woong Kim [14]
15Eun Joo Kim [14]
16Hyeon Soo Kim [9]
17Phil Sun Kim [2]
18Yong Rae Kwon [9]
19DongGill Lee [5] [7] [10]
20Joon-Kyung Lee [5] [7]
21Seung-Sun Lee [8]
22Sung-Gi Min [13]
23Aekyung Moon [15]
24Eui Hyun Paik [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [10]
25Ho-Jin Park [11]
26Chae Woo Yoo [3]
27So-Jeong Youn [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)