
Eui Hyun Paik

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9EEInbong Joo, Jongtae Song, Jongyoul Park, Soon Seok Lee, Eui Hyun Paik: Performance Monitoring for Multimedia Traffic using Differentiated Probe (DiffProbe). ICME 2007: 951-954
8EEYeon-Joo Oh, Eui Hyun Paik, Kwang-Roh Park: Design of a Video Door Phone Service Providing Personal Mobility Based on Home Gateway System. ICOIN 2006: 815-822
7 Eui Hyun Paik, JongHyun Jang, TaeIll Kim, Hyeong Ho Lee: UniORB: A Priority-Based Middleware for Communication Systems. PDPTA 2003: 1557-1560
6 Eui Hyun Paik, DongGill Lee, Byung-Sun Lee: A Testing Mechanism for Concurrent Programs Based on MSC. PDPTA 2000
5EEEui Hyun Paik, YoungJoon Byun, Young-Sik Chung, Byung-Sun Lee: An Object Oriented CHILL Debugger. ISORC 1998: 140-141
4EESo-Jeong Youn, YoungJoon Byun, Eui Hyun Paik, Young-Sik Chung, Byung-Sun Lee: Design and Implementation of Software Simulation Platform for ATM Switching Systems. ICPADS 1997: 184-187
3EEEui Hyun Paik, Young-Sik Chung, Byung-Sun Lee, Chae Woo Yoo: A concurrent program debugging environment using real-time replay. ICPADS 1997: 460-465
2EEChang-Hyun Jo, Phil Sun Kim, Hyeung Sik Im, Eui Hyun Paik, Byung-Sun Lee: A design and prototyping of an object-oriented program debugger. SAC 1997: 45-51
1 Eui Hyun Paik, Young-Sik Chung, YoungJoon Byun, Wan Choi, Byung-Sun Lee: CHD: A Cross Debugger for Concurrent CHILL Programs. AADEBUG 1995: 317-318

Coauthor Index

1YoungJoon Byun [1] [4] [5]
2Wan Choi [1]
3Young-Sik Chung [1] [3] [4] [5]
4Hyeung Sik Im [2]
5JongHyun Jang [7]
6Chang-Hyun Jo [2]
7Inbong Joo [9]
8Phil Sun Kim [2]
9TaeIll Kim [7]
10Byung-Sun Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
11DongGill Lee [6]
12Hyeong Ho Lee [7]
13Soon Seok Lee [9]
14Yeon-Joo Oh [8]
15Jongyoul Park [9]
16Kwang-Roh Park [8]
17Jongtae Song [9]
18Chae Woo Yoo [3]
19So-Jeong Youn [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)