
Kenneth Janz

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11EEKenneth Janz, Kelly Wilkinson, Ed Kinley: Moving mountains: integrating innovative pedagogy and technology techniques into a semester-long new faculty orientation program. SIGUCCS 2008: 39-42
10EEKenneth Janz, Emily Gruenert: Creating a story and message about information technology on your campus: the power of a technology profile. SIGUCCS 2007: 175-178
9EEKenneth Janz, Micheal Moore: Envisioning new learning spaces: creating a center for visualization at Indiana State University. SIGUCCS 2007: 179-184
8EEKenneth Janz, Emily Gruenert: Creating a positive first impression of information technology support at the start of school. SIGUCCS 2006: 161-166
7EEPaul Brown, Kenneth Janz: Facilitating innovative faculty projects: an information technology perspective. SIGUCCS 2006: 37-42
6EEKenneth Janz, Emily Gruenert: Developing a comprehensive communication strategy to meet the needs of various stakeholder groups. SIGUCCS 2005: 122-129
5EESusan Owen, Kenneth Janz: Tying benchmarks and metrics to evaluations and organizational performance: the role of facilitating activities. SIGUCCS 2005: 287-293
4EEKenneth Janz, Susan Owen: Organizationally supporting innovation in technology-enhanced instruction and research. SIGUCCS 2004: 202-208
3EETeresa Crafton, Kenneth Janz: Reenvisioning training: new partnerships and focus. SIGUCCS 2004: 250-255
2EEKenneth Janz, Pei-Yi Hu: Liberating lab computing: building a stable yet flexible computing environment for students and faculty. SIGUCCS 2003: 125-128
1EEKenneth Janz: Creating a professional development program to support a handheld computing initiative. SIGUCCS 2003: 27-32

Coauthor Index

1Paul Brown [7]
2Teresa Crafton [3]
3Emily Gruenert [6] [8] [10]
4Pei-Yi Hu [2]
5Ed Kinley [11]
6Micheal Moore [9]
7Susan Owen [4] [5]
8Kelly Wilkinson [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)