
Enrico Zaninotto

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3EEMichela Dall'Agnol, Andrea Janes, Giancarlo Succi, Enrico Zaninotto: Lean Management-A Metaphor for Extreme Programming? XP 2003: 26-32
2EEVincenzo D'Andrea, Alessandro E. Narduzzo, Arthur B. Baskin, Gianni Jacucci, Enrico Zaninotto: A Flexible Enterprise Needs an Adaptable e-Business Architecture in order to Satisfy Naturally Evolving Requirements. ECIS 2000
1EEEnrico Zaninotto: Standards and standardization on the eve of a new century. ACM StandardView 6(2): 90-93 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Arthur B. Baskin [2]
2Vincenzo D'Andrea [2]
3Michela Dall'Agnol [3]
4Gianni Jacucci [2]
5Andrea Janes [3]
6Alessandro E. Narduzzo [2]
7Giancarlo Succi [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)