
Hideki Imai

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225EERui Zhang, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: A generic construction of useful client puzzles. ASIACCS 2009: 70-79
224EETakahiro Matsuda, Goichiro Hanaoka, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: An Efficient Encapsulation Scheme from Near Collision Resistant Pseudorandom Generators and Its Application to IBE-to-PKE Transformations. CT-RSA 2009: 16-31
223EEManabu Inuma, Akira Otsuka, Hideki Imai: Theoretical framework for constructing matching algorithms in biometric authentication systems CoRR abs/0904.1284: (2009)
222 Sihan Qing, Hideki Imai, Guilin Wang: Information and Communications Security, 9th International Conference, ICICS 2007, Zhengzhou, China, December 12-15, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2008
221EESeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: A security framework for personal networks. COMSWARE 2008: 682-690
220EEHisashi Oguma, Akira Yoshioka, Makoto Nishikawa, Rie Shigetomi, Akira Otsuka, Hideki Imai: New Attestation Based Security Architecture for In-Vehicle Communication. GLOBECOM 2008: 1909-1914
219EEHuanfei Ma, Qinghui Lan, Haibin Kan, Hideki Imai: A Novel Quaternion Design Construction For STBC. ICC 2008: 2791-2795
218EETakahiro Matsuda, Goichiro Hanaoka, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: Simple CCA-Secure Public Key Encryption from Any Non-Malleable Identity-Based Encryption. ICISC 2008: 1-19
217EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai, Kazuto Ogawa, Hajime Watanabe: Chosen Ciphertext Secure Public Key Encryption with a Simple Structure. IWSEC 2008: 20-33
216EERui Zhang, Hideki Imai: Strong Anonymous Signatures. Inscrypt 2008: 60-71
215EEHideki Imai, Manabu Hagiwara: Error-correcting codes and cryptography. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 19(3): 213-228 (2008)
214EEHanane Fathi, SeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Protocols for purpose-restricted anonymous communications in IP-based wireless networks. Computer Communications 31(15): 3662-3671 (2008)
213EERyo Nojima, Hideki Imai, Kazukuni Kobara, Kirill Morozov: Semantic security for the McEliece cryptosystem without random oracles. Des. Codes Cryptography 49(1-3): 289-305 (2008)
212EEHideki Imai, Goichiro Hanaoka, Ueli M. Maurer, Yuliang Zheng: Introduction to the Special Issue on Information Theoretic Security. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(6): 2405-2407 (2008)
211EEAnderson C. A. Nascimento, João Barros, Stefan Skludarek, Hideki Imai: The Commitment Capacity of the Gaussian Channel Is Infinite. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(6): 2785-2789 (2008)
210EESeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: A Secure Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol for Credential Services. IEICE Transactions 91-A(1): 139-149 (2008)
209EEKunihiko Miyazaki, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Invisibly Sanitizable Digital Signature Scheme. IEICE Transactions 91-A(1): 392-402 (2008)
208EEKazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: IVs to Skip for Immunizing WEP against FMS Attack. IEICE Transactions 91-B(1): 164-171 (2008)
207EEMasashi Une, Akira Otsuka, Hideki Imai: Wolf Attack Probability: A Theoretical Security Measure in Biometric Authentication Systems. IEICE Transactions 91-D(5): 1380-1389 (2008)
206EESeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: RSA-Based Password-Authenticated Key Exchange, Revisited. IEICE Transactions 91-D(5): 1424-1438 (2008)
205EEYang Cui, Kazukuni Kobara, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocols Secure against Active Attack in an Asymmetric Way. IEICE Transactions 91-D(5): 1457-1465 (2008)
204EETakahiro Matsuda, Nuttapong Attrapadung, Goichiro Hanaoka, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: A Strongly Unforgeable Signature under the CDH Assumption without Collision Resistant Hash Functions. IEICE Transactions 91-D(5): 1466-1476 (2008)
203EEValery I. Korzhik, Hideki Imai, Junji Shikata, Guillermo Morales-Luna, Ekaterina Gerling: On the Use of Bhattacharyya Distance as a Measure of the Detectability of Steganographic Systems. T. Data Hiding and Multimedia Security 3: 23-32 (2008)
202EEShigenori Yamakawa, Yang Cui, Kazukuni Kobara, Manabu Hagiwara, Hideki Imai: On the Key-Privacy Issue of McEliece Public-Key Encryption. AAECC 2007: 168-177
201EEKoji Nuida, Satoshi Fujitsu, Manabu Hagiwara, Takashi Kitagawa, Hajime Watanabe, Kazuto Ogawa, Hideki Imai: An Improvement of Tardos's Collusion-Secure Fingerprinting Codes with Very Short Lengths. AAECC 2007: 80-89
200EERonald Cramer, Goichiro Hanaoka, Dennis Hofheinz, Hideki Imai, Eike Kiltz, Rafael Pass, Abhi Shelat, Vinod Vaikuntanathan: Bounded CCA2-Secure Encryption. ASIACRYPT 2007: 502-518
199EERui Zhang, Hideki Imai: Generic Combination of Public Key Encryption with Keyword Search and Public Key Encryption. CANS 2007: 159-174
198EEMakoto Sugita, Mitsuru Kawazoe, Ludovic Perret, Hideki Imai: Algebraic Cryptanalysis of 58-Round SHA-1. FSE 2007: 349-365
197EEJun Furukawa, Hideki Imai: An Efficient Aggregate Shuffle Argument Scheme. Financial Cryptography 2007: 260-274
196EEMasashi Une, Akira Otsuka, Hideki Imai: Wolf Attack Probability: A New Security Measure in Biometric Authentication Systems. ICB 2007: 396-406
195EEKazuto Ogawa, Go Ohtake, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Trade-Off Traitor Tracing. INDOCRYPT 2007: 331-340
194EESeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: A Secure Threshold Anonymous Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol. IWSEC 2007: 444-458
193EEKoji Nuida, Manabu Hagiwara, Hajime Watanabe, Hideki Imai: Optimization of Tardos's Fingerprinting Codes in a Viewpoint of Memory Amount. Information Hiding 2007: 279-293
192EERui Zhang, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Orthogonality between Key Privacy and Data Privacy, Revisited. Inscrypt 2007: 313-327
191EETakahiro Matsuda, Goichiro Hanaoka, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: A Practical Provider Authentication System for Bidirectional Broadcast Service. KES (3) 2007: 967-974
190EEKazuto Ogawa, Goichiro Hanaoka, Kazukuni Kobara, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: Anonymous Pay-TV System with Secure Revenue Sharing. KES (3) 2007: 984-991
189EEYang Cui, Kazukuni Kobara, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: Lightweight Asymmetric Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocols Secure against Active Attack. PerCom Workshops 2007: 223-228
188EEYang Cui, Eiichiro Fujisaki, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai, Rui Zhang: Formal Security Treatments for Signatures from Identity-Based Encryption. ProvSec 2007: 218-227
187EETakahiro Matsuda, Nuttapong Attrapadung, Goichiro Hanaoka, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: A CDH-Based Strongly Unforgeable Signature Without Collision Resistant Hash Function. ProvSec 2007: 68-84
186EERei Yoshida, Rie Shigetomi, Kazuki Yoshizoe, Akira Otsuka, Hideki Imai: A Privacy Protection Scheme for a Scalable Control Method in Context-Dependent Services. WEWoRC 2007: 1-12
185EEToru Hashimoto, Takashi Itoh, Masazumi Ueba, Hisato Iwai, Hideichi Sasaoka, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Comparative Studies in Key Disagreement Correction Process on Wireless Key Agreement System. WISA 2007: 173-187
184EEMarc P. C. Fossorier, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Modeling Bit Flipping Decoding Based on Nonorthogonal Check Sums With Application to Iterative Decoding Attack of McEliece Cryptosystem. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(1): 402-411 (2007)
183EEMarc P. C. Fossorier, Miodrag J. Mihaljevic, Hideki Imai: Modeling Block Decoding Approaches for the Fast Correlation Attack. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(12): 4728-4737 (2007)
182EENuttapong Attrapadung, Hideki Imai: Practical Broadcast Encryption from Graph-Theoretic Techniques and Subset-Incremental-Chain Structure. IEICE Transactions 90-A(1): 187-203 (2007)
181EESeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: An Efficient and Leakage-Resilient RSA-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol with Tight Security Reduction. IEICE Transactions 90-A(2): 474-490 (2007)
180EEKazuto Ogawa, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Traitor Tracing Scheme Secure against Adaptive Key Exposure and its Application to Anywhere TV Service. IEICE Transactions 90-A(5): 1000-1011 (2007)
179EEMiodrag J. Mihaljevic, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Hideki Imai: Birthday Paradox Based Security Analysis of Certain Broadcast Encryption Schemes. IEICE Transactions 90-A(6): 1248-1251 (2007)
178EENuttapong Attrapadung, Jun Furukawa, Takeshi Gomi, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai, Rui Zhang: Efficient Identity-Based Encryption with Tight Security Reduction. IEICE Transactions 90-A(9): 1803-1813 (2007)
177EEThi Lan Anh Phan, Goichiro Hanaoka, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: Key-Insulated Public Key Encryption with Auxiliary Helper Key: Model, Constructions and Formal Security Proofs. IEICE Transactions 90-A(9): 1814-1829 (2007)
176EEKazuto Ogawa, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Extension of Broadcasting Service by Using Electronic Tokens. IEICE Transactions 90-D(11): 1741-1750 (2007)
175 Marc P. C. Fossorier, Hideki Imai, Shu Lin, Alain Poli: Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes, 16th International Symposium, AAECC-16, Las Vegas, NV, USA, February 20-24, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
174EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Yumiko Hanaoka, Manabu Hagiwara, Hajime Watanabe, Hideki Imai: Unconditionally Secure Chaffing-and-Winnowing: A Relationship Between Encryption and Authentication. AAECC 2006: 154-162
173EEYang Cui, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: On Achieving Chosen Ciphertext Security with Decryption Errors. AAECC 2006: 173-182
172EEPeng Yang, Takashi Kitagawa, Goichiro Hanaoka, Rui Zhang, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: Applying Fujisaki-Okamoto to Identity-Based Encryption. AAECC 2006: 183-192
171EEManabu Hagiwara, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: A Short Random Fingerprinting Code Against a Small Number of Pirates. AAECC 2006: 193-202
170EEMiodrag J. Mihaljevic, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Hideki Imai: A General Formulation of Algebraic and Fast Correlation Attacks Based on Dedicated Sample Decimation. AAECC 2006: 203-214
169EEKazuto Ogawa, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Adaptively Secure Traitor Tracing Against Key Exposure and Its Application to Anywhere TV Service. ACISP 2006: 123-135
168EETakashi Kitagawa, Peng Yang, Goichiro Hanaoka, Rui Zhang, Hajime Watanabe, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: Generic Transforms to Acquire CCA-Security for Identity Based Encryption: The Cases of FOpkc and REACT. ACISP 2006: 348-359
167EEMasayuki Abe, Yang Cui, Hideki Imai, Kaoru Kurosawa: Tag-KEM from Set Partial Domain One-Way Permutations. ACISP 2006: 360-370
166EEJian Wang, Miodrag J. Mihaljevic, Lein Harn, Hideki Imai: A Hierarchical Key Management Approach for Secure Multicast. ARCS 2006: 422-434
165EEKunihiko Miyazaki, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Digitally signed document sanitizing scheme based on bilinear maps. ASIACCS 2006: 343-354
164EENuttapong Attrapadung, Jun Furukawa, Hideki Imai: Forward-Secure and Searchable Broadcast Encryption with Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys. ASIACRYPT 2006: 161-177
163EENuttapong Attrapadung, Jun Furukawa, Takeshi Gomi, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai, Rui Zhang: Efficient Identity-Based Encryption with Tight Security Reduction. CANS 2006: 19-36
162EESeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: An Elliptic Curve Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Security. CIS 2006: 767-777
161EESeongHan Shin, Hanane Fathi, Mohamed Imine, Kazukuni Kobara, Neeli R. Prasad, Hideki Imai: A New Security Architecture for Personal Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
160EEJun Furukawa, Kaoru Kurosawa, Hideki Imai: An Efficient Compiler from Sigma-Protocol to 2-Move Deniable Zero-Knowledge. ICALP (2) 2006: 46-57
159EETatsuyuki Matsushita, Hideki Imai: Hierarchical Key Assignment for Black-Box Tracing with Efficient Ciphertext Size. ICICS 2006: 92-111
158EERyo Nojima, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Efficient Shared-Key Authentication Scheme from Any Weak Pseudorandom Function. INDOCRYPT 2006: 303-316
157EEMarc P. C. Fossorier, Miodrag J. Mihaljevic, Hideki Imai, Yang Cui, Kanta Matsuura: An Algorithm for Solving the LPN Problem and Its Application to Security Evaluation of the HB Protocols for RFID Authentication. INDOCRYPT 2006: 48-62
156EESeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: An Authentication and Key Exchange Protocol for Secure Credential Services. ISC 2006: 443-458
155EENuttapong Attrapadung, Yang Cui, David Galindo, Goichiro Hanaoka, Ichiro Hasuo, Hideki Imai, Kanta Matsuura, Peng Yang, Rui Zhang: Relations Among Notions of Security for Identity Based Encryption Schemes. LATIN 2006: 130-141
154EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Yumiko Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Parallel Key-Insulated Public Key Encryption. Public Key Cryptography 2006: 105-122
153EEThi Lan Anh Phan, Yumiko Hanaoka, Goichiro Hanaoka, Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: Reducing the Spread of Damage of Key Exposures in Key-Insulated Encryption. VIETCRYPT 2006: 366-384
152EEKoji Nuida, Manabu Hagiwara, Hajime Watanabe, Hideki Imai: Optimal probabilistic fingerprinting codes using optimal finite random variables related to numerical quadrature CoRR abs/cs/0610036: (2006)
151EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Junji Shikata, Yumiko Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Unconditionally Secure Anonymous Encryption and Group Authentication. Comput. J. 49(3): 310-321 (2006)
150EEHanane Fathi, SeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Shyam S. Chakraborty, Hideki Imai, Ramjee Prasad: LR-AKE-Based AAA for Network Mobility (NEMO) Over Wireless Links. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(9): 1725-1737 (2006)
149EEMakoto Sugita, Mitsuru Kawazoe, Hideki Imai: Relation between the XL Algorithm and Gröbner Basis Algorithms. IEICE Transactions 89-A(1): 11-18 (2006)
148EETetsutaro Kobayashi, Kazumaro Aoki, Hideki Imai: Efficient Algorithms for Tate Pairing. IEICE Transactions 89-A(1): 134-143 (2006)
147EEMasayuki Abe, Hideki Imai: Flaws in Robust Optimistic Mix-Nets and Stronger Security Notions. IEICE Transactions 89-A(1): 99-105 (2006)
146EEJun Furukawa, Hideki Imai: An Efficient Group Signature Scheme from Bilinear Maps. IEICE Transactions 89-A(5): 1328-1338 (2006)
145EERie Shigetomi, Akira Otsuka, Jun Furukawa, Keith Martin, Hideki Imai: A Provably Secure Refreshable Partially Anonymous Token and Its Applications. IEICE Transactions 89-A(5): 1396-1406 (2006)
144EEKazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Key-Dependent Weak IVs and Weak Keys in WEP - How to Trace Conditions Back to Their Patterns - . IEICE Transactions 89-A(8): 2198-2206 (2006)
143EEAbdulrahman Alharby, Hideki Imai: Security Protocols Protection Based on Anomaly Detection. IEICE Transactions 89-D(1): 189-200 (2006)
142EEJun Furukawa, Hideki Imai: An Efficient Group Signature Scheme from Bilinear Maps. ACISP 2005: 455-467
141EEAbdulrahman Alharby, Hideki Imai: IDS False Alarm Reduction Using Continuous and Discontinuous Patterns. ACNS 2005: 192-205
140EESeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Efficient and Leakage-Resilient Authenticated Key Transport Protocol Based on RSA. ACNS 2005: 269-284
139EERui Zhang, Jun Furukawa, Hideki Imai: Short Signature and Universal Designated Verifier Signature Without Random Oracles. ACNS 2005: 483-498
138EENuttapong Attrapadung, Hideki Imai: Graph-Decomposition-Based Frameworks for Subset-Cover Broadcast Encryption and Efficient Instantiations. ASIACRYPT 2005: 100-120
137EEYumiko Hanaoka, Goichiro Hanaoka, Junji Shikata, Hideki Imai: Identity-Based Hierarchical Strongly Key-Insulated Encryption and Its Application. ASIACRYPT 2005: 495-514
136EEHaruhiro Yoshimoto, Rie Shigetomi, Hideki Imai: How to Protect Peer-to-Peer Online Games from Cheats. CIG 2005
135EERui Zhang, Hideki Imai: Improvements on Security Proofs of Some Identity Based Encryption Schemes. CISC 2005: 28-41
134EEYang Cui, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: A Generic Conversion with Optimal Redundancy. CT-RSA 2005: 104-117
133EEMiodrag J. Mihaljevic, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Hideki Imai: Security Weaknesses of Certain Broadcast Encryption Schemes. DRMTICS 2005: 228-245
132EEMiodrag J. Mihaljevic, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Hideki Imai: A Novel Broadcast Encryption Based on Time-Bound Cryptographic Keys. DRMTICS 2005: 258-276
131EESeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: A Lower-Bound of Complexity for RSA-Based Password-Authenticated Key Exchange. EuroPKI 2005: 191-205
130EEJian Wang, Lein Harn, Hideki Imai: Key Management for Multicast Fingerprinting. ICISS 2005: 191-204
129EESeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: A Simplified Leakage-Resilient Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol with Optimal Memory Size. ICN (2) 2005: 944-952
128EEMiodrag J. Mihaljevic, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Hideki Imai: Cryptanalysis of Keystream Generator by Decimated Sample Based Algebraic and Fast Correlation Attacks. INDOCRYPT 2005: 155-168
127EEAbdulrahman Alharby, Hideki Imai: Hybrid Intrusion Detection Model Based on Ordered Sequences. MMM-ACNS 2005: 352-365
126EEHideki Imai: Trends and Challenges for Securer Cryptography in Practice. Mycrypt 2005: 1
125 SeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: A Secure Network Storage System with Information Privacy. WEWoRC 2005: 22-31
124EEHideki Imai, Atsuhiro Yamagishi: Cryptrec. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
123EEKazuto Ogawa, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: A Secure Traitor Tracing Scheme against Key Exposure CoRR abs/cs/0508011: (2005)
122EEHanane Fathi, SeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Shyam S. Chakraborty, Hideki Imai, Ramjee Prasad: Leakage-resilient security architecture for mobile IPv6 in wireless overlay networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(11): 2182-2193 (2005)
121EEKunihiko Miyazaki, Mitsuru Iwamura, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Ryôichi Sasaki, Hiroshi Yoshiura, Satoru Tezuka, Hideki Imai: Digitally Signed Document Sanitizing Scheme with Disclosure Condition Control. IEICE Transactions 88-A(1): 239-246 (2005)
120EEJaeGwi Choi, Goichiro Hanaoka, KyungHyune Rhee, Hideki Imai: How to Break COT-Based Fingerprinting Schemes and Design New One. IEICE Transactions 88-A(10): 2800-2807 (2005)
119EESeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: A Simple Leakage-Resilient Authenticated Key Establishment Protocol, Its Extensions, and Applications. IEICE Transactions 88-A(3): 736-754 (2005)
118EETatsuyuki Matsushita, Hideki Imai: A Flexible-Revocation Scheme for Efficient Public-Key Black-Box Traitor Tracing. IEICE Transactions 88-A(4): 1055-1062 (2005)
117EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai, Jörn Müller-Quade, Anderson C. A. Nascimento, Akira Otsuka, Andreas Winter: Information Theoretically Secure Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation: Model, Bounds, and Constructions. ACISP 2004: 62-73
116EEAnderson C. A. Nascimento, Jörn Müller-Quade, Akira Otsuka, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Unconditionally Non-interactive Verifiable Secret Sharing Secure against Faulty Majorities in the Commodity Based Model. ACNS 2004: 355-368
115EERui Zhang, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: On the Security of Cryptosystems with All-or-Nothing Transform. ACNS 2004: 76-90
114EETatsuyuki Matsushita, Hideki Imai: A Public-Key Black-Box Traitor Tracing Scheme with Sublinear Ciphertext Size Against Self-Defensive Pirates. ASIACRYPT 2004: 260-275
113EEGwénolé Ars, Jean-Charles Faugère, Hideki Imai, Mitsuru Kawazoe, Makoto Sugita: Comparison Between XL and Gröbner Basis Algorithms. ASIACRYPT 2004: 338-353
112EEAnderson C. A. Nascimento, Jörn Müller-Quade, Hideki Imai: Bit String Commitment Reductions with a Non-zero Rate. CT-RSA 2004: 179-193
111EEMiodrag J. Mihaljevic, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Hideki Imai: Secret-Public Storage Trade-Off for Broadcast Encryption Key Management. ICICS 2004: 375-387
110EERui Zhang, Goichiro Hanaoka, Junji Shikata, Hideki Imai: On the Security of Multiple Encryption or CCA-security+CCA-security=CCA-security? Public Key Cryptography 2004: 360-374
109EEMiodrag J. Mihaljevic, Hideki Imai: The Decimated Sample Based Improved Algebraic Attacks on the Nonlinear Filters. SCN 2004: 310-323
108EEMira Kim, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Dynamic Fingerprinting over Broadcast Using Revocation Scheme. WISA 2004: 251-263
107EEMotohiko Isaka, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Hideki Imai: On the suboptimality of iterative decoding for turbo-like and LDPC codes with cycles in their graph representation. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(5): 845-854 (2004)
106EETadashi Minowa, Hideki Ochiai, Hideki Imai: Phase-noise effects on turbo trellis-coded over M-ary coherent channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(8): 1333-1343 (2004)
105EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Junji Shikata, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: Efficient Unconditionally Secure Digital Signatures. IEICE Transactions 87-A(1): 120-130 (2004)
104EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Kazuto Ogawa, Itsuro Murota, Go Ohtake, Keigo Majima, Seiichi Gohshi, Kimiyuki Oyamada, Seiichi Namba, Hideki Imai: Managing Encryption and Key Publication Independently in Digital Rights Management Systems. IEICE Transactions 87-A(1): 160-172 (2004)
103EEAnderson C. A. Nascimento, Akira Otsuka, Hideki Imai, Jörn Müller-Quade: Unconditionally Secure Homomorphic Pre-distributed Commitments. AAECC 2003: 87-97
102EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Kazuto Ogawa, Itsuro Murota, Go Ohtake, Keigo Majima, Kimiyuki Oyamada, Seiichi Gohshi, Seiichi Namba, Hideki Imai: Separating Encryption and Key Issuance in Digital Rights Management Systems. ACISP 2003: 365-376
101EEMasayuki Abe, Hideki Imai: Flaws in Some Robust Optimistic Mix-Nets. ACISP 2003: 39-50
100EERui Zhang, Hideki Imai: Round Optimal Distributed Key Generation of Threshold Cryptosystem Based on Discrete Logarithm Problem. ACNS 2003: 96-110
99EESeongHan Shin, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Leakage-Resilient Authenticated Key Establishment Protocols. ASIACRYPT 2003: 155-172
98EENuttapong Attrapadung, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Sequential Key Derivation Patterns for Broadcast Encryption and Key Predistribution Schemes. ASIACRYPT 2003: 374-391
97EENuttapong Attrapadung, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Broadcast encryption with short keys and transmissions. Digital Rights Management Workshop 2003: 55-66
96EEYang Cui, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Compact Conversion Schemes for the Probabilistic OW-PCA Primitives. ICICS 2003: 269-279
95EEAndreas Winter, Anderson C. A. Nascimento, Hideki Imai: Commitment Capacity of Discrete Memoryless Channels. IMA Int. Conf. 2003: 35-51
94EEAnderson C. A. Nascimento, Jörn Müller-Quade, Akira Otsuka, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Unconditionally Secure Homomorphic Pre-distributed Bit Commitment and Secure Two-Party Computations. ISC 2003: 151-164
93EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Junji Shikata, Yumiko Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: The Role of Arbiters in Asymmetric Authentication Schemes. ISC 2003: 428-441
92EEYodai Watanabe, Junji Shikata, Hideki Imai: Equivalence between Semantic Security and Indistinguishability against Chosen Ciphertext Attacks. Public Key Cryptography 2003: 71-84
91EERie Shigetomi, Akira Otsuka, Hideki Imai: Anonymous authentication scheme for XML security standard with Refreshable Tokens. XML Security 2003: 86-93
90EEAndreas Winter, Anderson C. A. Nascimento, Hideki Imai: Commitment Capacity of Discrete Memoryless Channels CoRR cs.CR/0304014: (2003)
89 Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: On the one-wayness against chosen-plaintext attacks of the Loidreau's modified McEliece PKC. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(12): 3160-3168 (2003)
88EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Junji Shikata, Yumiko Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Unconditionally Secure Anonymous Encryption and Group Authentication. ASIACRYPT 2002: 81-99
87EEJunji Shikata, Goichiro Hanaoka, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: Security Notions for Unconditionally Secure Signature Schemes. EUROCRYPT 2002: 434-449
86 Kanta Matsuura, Hideki Imai: Digital Timestamps for Dispute Settlement in Electronic Commerce: Generation, Verification, and Renewal. ICEIS 2002: 962-967
85EEYumiko Hanaoka, Goichiro Hanaoka, Junji Shikata, Hideki Imai: Unconditionally Secure Key Insulated Cryptosystems: Models, Bounds and Constructions. ICICS 2002: 85-96
84EERie Shigetomi, Akira Otsuka, Takahide Ogawa, Hideki Imai: An Anonymous Loan System Based on Group Signature Scheme. ISC 2002: 244-256
83EEShoko Yonezawa, Goichiro Hanaoka, Junji Shikata, Hideki Imai: Traceability Schemes for Signed Documents. ISC 2002: 257-271
82EEKazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: New Chosen-Plaintext Attacks on the One-Wayness of the Modified McEliece PKC Proposed at Asiacrypt 2000. Public Key Cryptography 2002: 237-251
81EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Junji Shikata, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: Efficient and Unconditionally Secure Digital Signatures and a Security Analysis of a Multireceiver Authentication Code. Public Key Cryptography 2002: 64-79
80EEPaul Camion, Miodrag J. Mihaljevic, Hideki Imai: Two Alerts for Design of Certain Stream Ciphers: Trapped LFSR and Weak Resilient Function over GF(q). Selected Areas in Cryptography 2002: 196-213
79EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Tsuyoshi Nishioka, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: A Hierarchical Non-interactive Key-Sharing Scheme with Low Memory Size and High Resistance against Collusion Attacks. Comput. J. 45(3): 293-303 (2002)
78EEMakoto Sugita, Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Security of Reduced Version of the Block Cipher Camellia against Truncated and Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis. ASIACRYPT 2001: 193-207
77EEYuji Watanabe, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Efficient Asymmetric Public-Key Traitor Tracing without Trusted Agents. CT-RSA 2001: 392-407
76EEMiodrag J. Mihaljevic, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Hideki Imai: Fast Correlation Attack Algorithm with List Decoding and an Application. FSE 2001: 196-210
75EEKazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Semantically Secure McEliece Public-Key Cryptosystems-Conversions for McEliece PKC. Public Key Cryptography 2001: 19-35
74EEHirotaka Komaki, Yuji Watanabe, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: Efficient Asymmetric Self-Enforcement Scheme with Public Traceability. Public Key Cryptography 2001: 225-239
73EEJörn Müller-Quade, Hideki Imai: More Robust Multiparty Protocols with Oblivious Transfer CoRR cs.CR/0101020: (2001)
72EEKazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Pretty-Simple Password-Authenticated Key-Exchange Protocol CoRR cs.CR/0110024: (2001)
71EEAnderson C. A. Nascimento, Jörn Müller-Quade, Hideki Imai: Quantum Identification Protocol with Technologically Bounded Parties. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 6: 15-24 (2001)
70 Hideki Imai, Yuliang Zheng: Public Key Cryptography, Third International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography, PKC 2000, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, January 18-20, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000
69EEYuji Watanabe, Hideki Imai: Reducing the round complexity of a sealed-bid auction protocol with an off-line TTP. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2000: 80-86
68 Makoto Sugita, Kazukuni Kobara, Kazuhiro Uehara, Shuji Kubota, Hideki Imai: Relationships among Differential, Truncated Differential, Impossible Differential Cryptanalyses against Word-Oriented Block Ciphers like RIJNDAEL, E2. AES Candidate Conference 2000: 242-254
67EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Junji Shikata, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: Unconditionally Secure Digital Signature Schemes Admitting Transferability. ASIACRYPT 2000: 130-142
66EEHideki Imai, Atsuhiro Yamagishi: CRYPTREC Project - Cryptographic Evaluation Project for the Japanese Electronic Government. ASIACRYPT 2000: 399-400
65EEMiodrag J. Mihaljevic, Marc P. C. Fossorier, Hideki Imai: A Low-Complexity and High-Performance Algorithm for the Fast Correlation Attack. FSE 2000: 196-212
64EEDaisuke Nojiri, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: A Practical Implementation of Hierarchically Structured Key Predistribution System and Its Evaluation. ISW 2000: 224-236
63EEJörn Müller-Quade, Hideki Imai: Anonymous Oblivious Transfer CoRR cs.CR/0011004: (2000)
62 Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: Relating Differential Distribution Tables to Other Properties of of Substitution Boxes. Des. Codes Cryptography 19(1): 45-63 (2000)
61 Hideki Imai, Yuliang Zheng: Public Key Cryptography, Second International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography, PKC '99, Kamakura, Japan, March 1-3, 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
60 Marc P. C. Fossorier, Hideki Imai, Shu Lin, Alain Poli: Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes, 13th International Symposium, AAECC-13, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, November 15-19, 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
59 Marc P. C. Fossorier, Miodrag J. Mihaljevic, Hideki Imai: Critical Noise for Convergence of Iterative Probabilistic Decoding with Belief Propagation in Cryptographic Applications. AAECC 1999: 282-293
58 Goichiro Hanaoka, Tsuyoshi Nishioka, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: An Efficient Hierarchical Identity-Based Key-Sharing Method Resistant against Collusion-Attacks. ASIACRYPT 1999: 348-362
57 Junji Shikata, Yuliang Zheng, Joe Suzuki, Hideki Imai: Optimizing the Menezes-Okamoto-Vanstone (MOV) Algorithm for Non-supersingular Elliptic Curves. ASIACRYPT 1999: 86-102
56EERyuichi Harasawa, Junji Shikata, Joe Suzuki, Hideki Imai: Comparing the MOV and FR Reductions in Elliptic Curve Cryptography. EUROCRYPT 1999: 190-205
55EEMarkus Breitbach, Hideki Imai: On Channel Capacity and Modulation of Watermarks in Digital Still Images. Financial Cryptography 1999: 125-139
54 Goichiro Hanaoka, Tsuyoshi Nishioka, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: Optimal Construction of Unconditionally Secure ID-Based Key Sharing Scheme for Large-Scale Networks. ICICS 1999: 157-168
53 Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: On the Channel Capacity of Narrow-Band Subliminal Channels. ICICS 1999: 309-323
52EEYuji Watanabe, Hideki Imai: Active Rebooting Method for Proactivized System: How to Enhance the Security against Latent Virus Attacks. ISW 1999: 118-135
51EETsuyoshi Nishioka, Goichiro Hanaoka, Hideki Imai: A New Digital Signature Scheme on ID-Based Key-Sharing Infrastructures. ISW 1999: 259-270
50EEYuji Watanabe, Hideki Imai: Shared Generation of Random Number with Timestamp: How to Cope with the Leakage of the CA's Secret. Public Key Cryptography 1999: 290-305
49EEYuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang, Hideki Imai: Restriction, Terms and Nonlinearity of Boolean Functions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 226(1-2): 207-223 (1999)
48 Hideki Imai, Yuliang Zheng: Public Key Cryptography, First International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography, PKC '98, Pacifico Yokohama, Japan, February 5-6, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1998
47EEGoichiro Hanaoka, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: LITESET: A Light-Weight Secure Electronic Transaction Protocol. ACISP 1998: 215-226
46 Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: A successive carrier-transmission model for narrow-band subliminal channels. ICISC 1998: 179-187
45 Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: Compact and Unforgeable Key Establishment over an ATM Network. INFOCOM 1998: 411-418
44EEMiodrag J. Mihaljevic, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: A Cellular Automaton Based Fast One-Way Hash Function Suitable for Hardware Implementation. Public Key Cryptography 1998: 217-233
43 Kanta Matsuura, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: Compact and Flexible Resolution of CBT Multicast Key-Distribution. WWCA 1998: 190-205
42EEYuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: How to Construct Efficient Signcryption Schemes on Elliptic Curves. Inf. Process. Lett. 68(5): 227-233 (1998)
41 Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: Duality of Boolean functions and its cryptographic significance. ICICS 1997: 159-169
40 Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Self-synchronized message randomization methods for subliminal channels. ICICS 1997: 325-334
39 Kazukuni Kobara, Hideki Imai: Limiting the Visible Space Visual Secret Sharing Schemes and Their Application to Human Identification. ASIACRYPT 1996: 185-195
38 P. CharnKeitKong, Hideki Imai, Kazuhiko Yamaguchi: On classes of rate k/(k+1) convolutional codes and their decoding techniques. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(6): 2181-2193 (1996)
37 Keiichi Iwamura, Yasunori Dohi, Hideki Imai: A Design of Reed-Solomon Decoder with Systolic Array Structure. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(1): 118-122 (1995)
36 Hideki Imai: Information Security Aspects of Spread Spectrum Systems. ASIACRYPT 1994: 193-208
35 Hideki Imai, Ronald L. Rivest, Tsutomu Matsumoto: Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT '91, International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology, Fujiyoshida, Japan, November 11-14, 1991, Proceedings Springer 1993
34 Yuichi Saitoh, Ikuyo Ibe, Hideki Imai: Peak-Shift and Bit Error-Correction with Channel Side Information in Runlength-Limited Sequences. AAECC 1993: 304-315
33 Young C. Yoon, Ryuji Kohno, Hideki Imai: A Spread-Spectrum Multiaccess System with Cochannel Interference Cancellation for Multipath Fading Channels. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(7): 1067-1075 (1993)
32 Yuichi Saitoh, Hideki Imai: Some Codes for Correcting and Detecting Unidirectional Byte Errors. IEEE Trans. Computers 42(5): 547-552 (1993)
31 Yuichi Saitoh, Hideki Imai: Generalized concatenated codes for channels where unidirectional byte errors are predominant. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39(3): 1014-1022 (1993)
30 Tsutomu Matsumoto, Hideki Imai, Chi-Sung Laih, Sung-Ming Yen: On Verifiable Implicit Asking Protocols for RSA Computation. AUSCRYPT 1992: 296-307
29 Manuel Cerecedo, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Hideki Imai: Non-Interactive Generation of Shared Pseudorandom Sequences. AUSCRYPT 1992: 385-396
28EEKeiichi Iwamura, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Hideki Imai: High-Speed Implementation Methods for RSA Scheme. EUROCRYPT 1992: 221-238
27EEKeiichi Iwamura, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Hideki Imai: Systolic-Arrays for Modular Exponentiation Using Montgomery Method (Extended Abstract). EUROCRYPT 1992: 477-481
26 Yuichi Saitoh, Hideki Imai: Random and Byte Error Correcting Codes for Asymmetric or Undirectional Error Control. AAECC 1991: 403-413
25 Chaosheng Shu, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Hideki Imai: A Multi-Purpose Proof System - for Identity and Membership Proofs. ASIACRYPT 1991: 397-411
24EERyuji Kohno, Hideki Imai: Combination of decoding of error-correcting codes and equalization for channels with intersymbol interference. Discrete Applied Mathematics 33(1-3): 129-146 (1991)
23 Yuichi Saitoh, Hideki Imai: Multiple unidirectional byte error-correcting codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(3): 903- (1991)
22 Ryuji Kohno, Choonsik Yim, Hideki Imai: Trellis Coded Modulation Based on Time-Varying Mapping and Encoders for Utilitzing a Channel Intersymbol Interference. AAECC 1990: 132-143
21 Kazuhiko Yamaguchi, Hideki Imai: Periodic Sequences for Absolute Type Shaft Encoders. AAECC 1990: 36-45
20 Yuliang Zheng, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Hideki Imai: Duality between Two Cryptographic Primitives. AAECC 1990: 379-390
19 Yuichi Saitoh, Hideki Imai: Constructions of Codes Correcting Burst Asymmetric Errors. AAECC 1990: 59-70
18EEYuliang Zheng, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Hideki Imai: Structural Properties of One-way Hash Functions. CRYPTO 1990: 285-302
17EEKwangjo Kim, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Hideki Imai: A Recursive Construction Method of S-boxes Satisfying Strict Avalanche Criterion. CRYPTO 1990: 564-574
16 Ryuji Kohno, Hideki Imai, Mitsutoshi Hatori, Subbarayan Pasupathy: Combination of an Adaptive Array Antenna and a Canceller of Interference for Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Multiple-Access System. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(4): 675-681 (1990)
15 Ryuji Kohno, Hideki Imai, Mitsutoshi Hatori, Subbarayan Pasupathy: An Adaptive Canceller of Cochannel Interference for Spread-Spectrum Multiple-Access Communication Networks in a Power Line. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(4): 691-699 (1990)
14 Yuichi Saitoh, Kazuhiko Yamaguchi, Hideki Imai: Some new binary codes correcting asymmetric/unidirectional errors. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(3): 645- (1990)
13EEYuliang Zheng, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Hideki Imai: On the Construction of Block Ciphers Provably Secure and Not Relying on Any Unproved Hypotheses. CRYPTO 1989: 461-480
12EEYuliang Zheng, Tsutomu Matsumoto, Hideki Imai: Impossibility and Optimality Results on Constructing Pseudorandom Permutations (Extended Abstract). EUROCRYPT 1989: 412-422
11 Kazuhiko Yamaguchi, Hideki Imai: A Study on Imai-Hirakawa Trellis-Coded Modulation Schemes. AAECC 1988: 443-453
10EETsutomu Matsumoto, Koki Kato, Hideki Imai: Speeding Up Secret Computations with Insecure Auxiliary Devices. CRYPTO 1988: 497-506
9EETsutomu Matsumoto, Hideki Imai: Public Quadratic Polynominal-Tuples for Efficient Signature-Verification and Message-Encryption. EUROCRYPT 1988: 419-453
8 Hideki Imai, Tsutomu Matsumoto: Coding Theory and its Applications in Japan. AAECC 1987: 301-305
7EETsutomu Matsumoto, Hideki Imai: On the Key Predistribution System: A Practical Solution to the Key Distribution Problem. CRYPTO 1987: 185-193
6 Hirokazu Okano, Hideki Imai: A Construction Method of High-Speed Decoders Using ROMS's for Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem and Reed-Solomon Codes. IEEE Trans. Computers 36(10): 1165-1171 (1987)
5 Hideki Imai, Tsutomu Matsumoto: Algebraic Methods for Constructing Asymmetric Cryptosystems. AAECC 1985: 108-119
4 Hideki Imai: Multivariate polynomials in coding theory. AAECC 1984: 36-60
3 Susumu Suzuki, Hideki Imai: On Optimal Partition of a Query Set into Subsets Having the Consecutive Retrieval Property. FODO 1981: 75-97
2 Hideki Imai, Hiroshi Fujiya: Generalized tensor product codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 27(2): 181-186 (1981)
1 Hideki Imai: A Theory of Two-Dimensional Cyclic Codes Information and Control 34(1): 1-21 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1Masayuki Abe [101] [147] [167]
2Abdulrahman Alharby [127] [141] [143]
3Kazumaro Aoki [148]
4Gwénolé Ars [113]
5Nuttapong Attrapadung [97] [98] [138] [155] [163] [164] [178] [182] [187] [204]
6João Barros [211]
7Markus Breitbach [55]
8Paul Camion [80]
9Manuel Cerecedo [29]
10Shyam S. Chakraborty [122] [150]
11P. CharnKeitKong [38]
12JaeGwi Choi [120]
13Ronald Cramer [200]
14Yang Cui [96] [134] [155] [157] [167] [173] [188] [189] [202] [205]
15Yasunori Dohi [37]
16Hanane Fathi [122] [150] [161] [214]
17Jean-Charles Faugère [113]
18Marc P. C. Fossorier [59] [60] [65] [76] [107] [111] [128] [132] [133] [157] [170] [175] [179] [183] [184]
19Eiichiro Fujisaki [188]
20Satoshi Fujitsu [201]
21Hiroshi Fujiya [2]
22Jun Furukawa [139] [142] [145] [146] [160] [163] [164] [178] [197]
23David Galindo [155]
24Ekaterina Gerling [203]
25Seiichi Gohshi [102] [104]
26Takeshi Gomi [163] [178]
27Manabu Hagiwara [152] [171] [174] [193] [201] [202] [215]
28Goichiro Hanaoka [47] [51] [54] [58] [64] [67] [74] [77] [79] [81] [83] [85] [87] [88] [93] [94] [102] [104] [105] [110] [115] [116] [117] [120] [123] [137] [151] [153] [154] [155] [163] [165] [168] [169] [171] [172] [174] [176] [177] [178] [180] [187] [188] [190] [191] [192] [195] [200] [204] [209] [212] [217] [218] [224] [225]
29Yumiko Hanaoka [85] [88] [93] [137] [151] [153] [154] [174]
30Ryuichi Harasawa [56]
31Lein Harn [130] [166]
32Toru Hashimoto [185]
33Ichiro Hasuo [155]
34Mitsutoshi Hatori [15] [16]
35Dennis Hofheinz [200]
36Ikuyo Ibe [34]
37Mohamed Imine [161]
38Manabu Inuma [223]
39Motohiko Isaka [107]
40Takashi Itoh [185]
41Hisato Iwai [185]
42Keiichi Iwamura [27] [28] [37]
43Mitsuru Iwamura [121]
44Haibin Kan [219]
45Koki Kato [10]
46Mitsuru Kawazoe [113] [149] [198]
47Eike Kiltz [200]
48Kwangjo Kim [17]
49Mira Kim [108]
50Takashi Kitagawa [168] [172] [201]
51Kazukuni Kobara [39] [40] [46] [53] [68] [72] [75] [78] [82] [89] [96] [97] [98] [99] [108] [119] [122] [125] [129] [131] [134] [140] [144] [150] [156] [158] [161] [162] [173] [181] [184] [185] [189] [190] [194] [202] [205] [206] [208] [210] [213] [214] [221]
52Tetsutaro Kobayashi [148]
53Ryuji Kohno [15] [16] [22] [24] [33]
54Hirotaka Komaki [74]
55Valery I. Korzhik [203]
56Shuji Kubota [68]
57Kaoru Kurosawa [160] [167]
58Chi-Sung Laih [30]
59Qinghui Lan [219]
60Shu Lin [60] [175]
61Huanfei Ma [219]
62Keigo Majima [102] [104]
63Keith Martin [145]
64Takahiro Matsuda [187] [191] [204] [218] [224]
65Tsutomu Matsumoto [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [17] [18] [20] [25] [27] [28] [29] [30] [35] [121]
66Tatsuyuki Matsushita [114] [118] [159]
67Kanta Matsuura [43] [86] [153] [155] [157] [168] [172] [177] [187] [189] [190] [191] [204] [205] [218] [224]
68Ueli M. Maurer [212]
69Miodrag J. Mihaljevic [44] [59] [65] [76] [80] [109] [111] [128] [132] [133] [157] [166] [170] [179] [183]
70Tadashi Minowa [106]
71Kunihiko Miyazaki [121] [165] [209]
72Guillermo Morales-Luna [203]
73Kirill Morozov [213]
74Jörn Müller-Quade [63] [71] [73] [94] [103] [112] [116] [117]
75Itsuro Murota [102] [104]
76Seiichi Namba [102] [104]
77Anderson C. A. Nascimento [71] [90] [94] [95] [103] [112] [116] [117] [211]
78Makoto Nishikawa [220]
79Tsuyoshi Nishioka [51] [54] [58] [79]
80Ryo Nojima [158] [213]
81Daisuke Nojiri [64]
82Koji Nuida [152] [193] [201]
83Hideki Ochiai [106]
84Kazuto Ogawa [102] [104] [123] [169] [176] [180] [190] [195] [201] [217]
85Takahide Ogawa [84]
86Hisashi Oguma [220]
87Go Ohtake [102] [104] [195]
88Hirokazu Okano [6]
89Akira Otsuka [84] [91] [94] [103] [116] [117] [145] [186] [196] [207] [220] [223]
90Kimiyuki Oyamada [102] [104]
91Rafael Pass [200]
92Subbarayan Pasupathy [15] [16]
93Ludovic Perret [198]
94Thi Lan Anh Phan [153] [177]
95Alain Poli [60] [175]
96Neeli R. Prasad [161]
97Ramjee Prasad [122] [150]
98Sihan Qing [222]
99KyungHyune Rhee [120]
100Ronald L. Rivest [35]
101Yuichi Saitoh [14] [19] [23] [26] [31] [32] [34]
102Ryôichi Sasaki [121]
103Hideichi Sasaoka [185]
104Abhi Shelat [200]
105Rie Shigetomi [84] [91] [136] [145] [186] [220]
106Junji Shikata [56] [57] [67] [81] [83] [85] [87] [88] [92] [93] [105] [110] [137] [151] [203]
107SeongHan Shin [99] [119] [122] [125] [129] [131] [140] [150] [156] [161] [162] [181] [194] [206] [210] [214] [221]
108Chaosheng Shu [25]
109Stefan Skludarek [211]
110Makoto Sugita [68] [78] [113] [149] [198]
111Joe Suzuki [56] [57]
112Susumu Suzuki [3]
113Satoru Tezuka [121]
114Masazumi Ueba [185]
115Kazuhiro Uehara [68]
116Masashi Une [196] [207]
117Vinod Vaikuntanathan (V. Vinod) [200]
118Guilin Wang [222]
119Jian Wang [130] [166]
120Hajime Watanabe [152] [168] [174] [193] [201] [217]
121Yodai Watanabe [92]
122Yuji Watanabe [50] [52] [69] [74] [77]
123Andreas Winter [90] [95] [117]
124Atsuhiro Yamagishi [66] [124]
125Kazuhiko Yamaguchi [11] [14] [21] [38]
126Shigenori Yamakawa [202]
127Peng Yang [155] [168] [172]
128Sung-Ming Yen [30]
129Choonsik Yim [22]
130Shoko Yonezawa [83]
131Young C. Yoon [33]
132Rei Yoshida [186]
133Haruhiro Yoshimoto [136]
134Akira Yoshioka [220]
135Hiroshi Yoshiura [121]
136Kazuki Yoshizoe [186]
137Xian-Mo Zhang [41] [49] [62]
138Rui Zhang [100] [110] [115] [135] [139] [155] [163] [168] [172] [178] [188] [192] [199] [216] [225]
139Yuliang Zheng [12] [13] [18] [20] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [47] [48] [49] [54] [57] [58] [61] [62] [67] [70] [79] [81] [87] [105] [212]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)