6. AAECC 1988:
Teo Mora (Ed.):
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes, 6th International Conference, AAECC-6, Rome, Italy, July 4-8, 1988, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 357 Springer 1989, ISBN 3-540-51083-4 BibTeX
editor = {Teo Mora},
title = {Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes,
6th International Conference, AAECC-6, Rome, Italy, July 4-8,
1988, Proceedings},
booktitle = {AAECC},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {357},
year = {1989},
isbn = {3-540-51083-4},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Contributions
Full Papers
- Maria Emilia Alonso, I. Luengo-Velasco, Mario Raimondo:
An Algorithm on Quasi-Ordinary Polynomials.
59-73 BibTeX
- Jean-Pierre Barbot:
A Computer-Aided Design for Sampling a Non-Linear Analytic System.
74-88 BibTeX
- Martin Bossert:
Decoding of Generalized Concatenated Codes.
89-98 BibTeX
- Cynthia A. Brown, Larry Finkelstein, Paul Walton Purdom Jr.:
Backtrack Searching in the Presence of Symmetry.
99-110 BibTeX
- Marco Bucci, Adina di Porto:
Fast Serial-Parallel Multipliers.
111-121 BibTeX
- Johannes Buchmann, Michael Pohst:
On the Complexity of Computing Class Groups of Algebraic Number Fields.
122-130 BibTeX
- Leandro Caniglia, André Galligo, Joos Heintz:
Some New Effectivity Bounds in Computational Geometry.
131-151 BibTeX
- Giuseppa Carrà Ferro:
Some Remarks on the Differential Dimension.
152-163 BibTeX
- Guy Castagnoli:
On the Asymptotic Badness of Cyclic Codes with Block-Lengths Composed from a Fixed Set of Prime Factors.
164-168 BibTeX
- Attilio Colagrossi, Carla Limongelli:
Big Numbers p-adic Arithmetic: A Parallel Approach.
169-180 BibTeX
- Vesselin Drensky, Piroska Lakatos:
Monomial Ideals, Group Algebras and Error Correcting Codes.
181-188 BibTeX
- Ricardo Ferré:
Fast Integer Multiplication by Block Recursive, Number Theoretical Transforms.
189-200 BibTeX
- Philippe Flajolet, Bruno Salvy, Paul Zimmermann:
Lambda - Upsilon - Omega: An Assistant Algorithms Analyzer.
201-212 BibTeX
- Tatiana Gateva-Ivanova:
Global Dimension of Associative Algebras.
213-229 BibTeX
- Willi Geiselmann, Dieter Gollmann:
Symmetry and Duality in Normal Basis Multiplication.
230-238 BibTeX
- Werner Henkel:
Multiple Error Correction with Analog Codes.
239-249 BibTeX
- Harry B. Hunt III, Richard Edwin Stearns:
On the Complexity of Satisfiability Problems for Algebraic Structures (Preliminary Report).
250-258 BibTeX
- Alessandro Logar:
A Computational Proof of the Noether Normalization Lemma.
259-273 BibTeX
- Jed Marti:
A Graphics Interface to REDUCE.
274-296 BibTeX
- Edoardo D. Mastrovito:
VLSI Designs for Multiplication over Finite Fields GF (2m).
297-309 BibTeX
- Preda Mihailescu:
A Primality Test Using Cyclotomic Extensions.
310-323 BibTeX
- N. M. Nikityuk:
The Method of Syndrome Coding and its Application for Data Compression and Processing in High Energy Physics Experiments.
324-335 BibTeX
- G. M. Piacentini Cattaneo:
Nonassociative Degree Five Identities not Implied by Commutativity: a Computer Approach.
336-340 BibTeX
- Josep Rifà, Josep M. Basart, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger:
On Completely Regular Propelinear Codes.
341-355 BibTeX
- Shojiro Sakata:
N-Dimensional Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm for Multiple Arrays and Construction of Multivariate Polynomials with Preassigned Zeros.
356-376 BibTeX
- Juriaan Simonis:
Covering Radius: Improving on the Sphere-Covering Bound.
377-385 BibTeX
- William Y. Sit:
On Goldman's Algorithm for Solving First-Order Multinomial Autonomous Systems.
386-395 BibTeX
- Patrick Solé, Arif Ghafoor:
A Covering Problem in the Odd Graphs.
396-406 BibTeX
- Walter Spangher:
On the Computation of Hilbert-Samuel Series and Multiplicity.
407-414 BibTeX
- Jacobo Torán:
Succinct Representations of Counting Problems.
415-426 BibTeX
- Philippe Toffin, Marc Girault, Brigitte Vallée:
How to Guess l-th Roots Modulo n by Reducing Lattice Bases.
427-442 BibTeX
- Kazuhiko Yamaguchi, Hideki Imai:
A Study on Imai-Hirakawa Trellis-Coded Modulation Schemes.
443-453 BibTeX
Extended Abstracts
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:55:35 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)