
Xian-Mo Zhang

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46EEQingsong Ye, Huaxiong Wang, Josef Pieprzyk, Xian-Mo Zhang: Efficient Disjointness Tests for Private Datasets. ACISP 2008: 155-169
45EEXian-Mo Zhang, Josef Pieprzyk, Yuliang Zheng: On Algebraic Immunity and Annihilators. ICISC 2006: 65-80
44EEJosef Pieprzyk, Xian-Mo Zhang, Jovan Dj. Golic: Characterisations of Extended Resiliency and Extended Immunity of S-Boxes. ICISC 2005: 210-228
43EEJosef Pieprzyk, Xian-Mo Zhang: On Cheating Immune Secret Sharing. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 6(2): 253-264 (2004)
42EEJosef Pieprzyk, Xian-Mo Zhang: Characterisations of Ideal Threshold Schemes. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 6(2): 471-482 (2004)
41EEYuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang: The Generalized XOR Lemma. Theor. Comput. Sci. 329(1-3): 331-337 (2004)
40 Yuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang: Connections among nonlinearity, avalanche and correlation immunity. Theor. Comput. Sci. 292(3): 697-710 (2003)
39EEJosef Pieprzyk, Xian-Mo Zhang: Cheating Prevention in Linear Secret Sharing. ACISP 2002: 121-135
38EEJosef Pieprzyk, Xian-Mo Zhang: Ideal Threshold Schemes from Orthogonal Arrays. ICICS 2002: 469-479
37EEJosef Pieprzyk, Xian-Mo Zhang: Ideal Threshold Schemes from MDS Codes. ICISC 2002: 253-263
36 Josef Pieprzyk, Xian-Mo Zhang: Multisecret Sharing Immune Against Cheating. Informatica (Slovenia) 26(3): (2002)
35EEXian-Mo Zhang, Josef Pieprzyk: Cheating Immune Secret Sharing. ICICS 2001: 144-149
34EEJosef Pieprzyk, Xian-Mo Zhang: Constructions of Cheating Immune Secret Sharing. ICISC 2001: 226-243
33EEJosef Pieprzyk, Xian-Mo Zhang: Cheating Prevention in Secret Sharing over GF(pt). INDOCRYPT 2001: 79-90
32 Yuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang: On plateaued functions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(3): 1215-1223 (2001)
31EEYuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang: On Relationships among Avalanche, Nonlinearity, and Correlation Immunity. ASIACRYPT 2000: 470-482
30EEYuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang: New Results on Correlation Immunity. ICISC 2000: 49-63
29EEYuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang: Improved Upper Bound on the Nonlinearity of High Order Correlation Immune Functions. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2000: 262-274
28 Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: Relating Differential Distribution Tables to Other Properties of of Substitution Boxes. Des. Codes Cryptography 19(1): 45-63 (2000)
27EEYuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang: The kth-Order Nonhomomorphicity of S-Boxes. J. UCS 6(8): 830-848 (2000)
26 Yuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang: Plateaued Functions. ICICS 1999: 284-300
25 Yuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang: Relationships between Bent Functions and Complementary Plateaued Functions. ICISC 1999: 60-75
24EEYuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang: Strong Linear Dependence and Unbiased Distribution of Non-propagative Vectors. Selected Areas in Cryptography 1999: 92-105
23EEYuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang, Hideki Imai: Restriction, Terms and Nonlinearity of Boolean Functions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 226(1-2): 207-223 (1999)
22 Yuliang Zheng, Xian-Mo Zhang: The nonhomomorphicity of S-boxes. ICISC 1998: 131-145
21EEXian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: The Nonhomomorphicity of Boolean Functions. Selected Areas in Cryptography 1998: 280-295
20 Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: New Lower Bounds on Nonlinearity and a Class of Highly Nonlinear Functions. ACISP 1997: 147-158
19 Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng, Hideki Imai: Duality of Boolean functions and its cryptographic significance. ICICS 1997: 159-169
18 Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: Cryptographically resilient functions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(5): 1740-1747 (1997)
17EEXian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: Auto-Correlations and New Bounds on the Nonlinearity of Boolean Functions. EUROCRYPT 1996: 294-306
16 Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: Characterizing the Structures of Cryptographic Functions Satisfying the Propagation Criterion for Almost All Vectors. Des. Codes Cryptography 7(1-2): 111-134 (1996)
15 Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: On the Difficulty of Constructing Cryptographically Strong Substitution Boxes. J. UCS 2(3): 147-162 (1996)
14EEXian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: On Nonlinear Resilient Functions (Extended Abstract). EUROCRYPT 1995: 274-288
13 Jennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: Nonlinearity and Propagation Characteristics of Balanced Boolean Functions Inf. Comput. 119(1): 1-13 (1995)
12EEJennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: The Relationship Between Propagation Characteristics and Nonlinearity of Cryptographic Functions. J. UCS 1(2): 136-150 (1995)
11 Jennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: Structures of Cryptographic Functions with Strong Avalanche Characteristics (Extended Abstract). ASIACRYPT 1994: 119-132
10EEJennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: Pitfalls in Designing Substitution Boxes (Extended Abstract). CRYPTO 1994: 383-396
9EEJennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: Relationships Among Nonlinear Criteria (Extended Abstract). EUROCRYPT 1994: 376-388
8 Claude Carlet, Jennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang: Comments on 'Generating and counting binary Bent sequences'. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40(2): 600- (1994)
7 Jennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: Improving the Strict Avalanche Characteristics of Cryptographic Functions. Inf. Process. Lett. 50(1): 37-41 (1994)
6EEJennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: Systematic Generation of Cryptographically Robust S-Boxes. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1993: 171-182
5EEJennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: Nonlinearly Balanced Boolean Functions and Their Propagation Characteristics (Extended Abstract). CRYPTO 1993: 49-60
4EEJennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang, Yuliang Zheng: On Constructions and Nonlinearity of Correlation Immune Functions (Extended Abstract). EUROCRYPT 1993: 181-199
3 Jennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang: Highly Nonlinear 0-1 Balanced Boolean Functions Satisfying Strict Avalanche Criterion. AUSCRYPT 1992: 145-155
2 Robert Craigen, Jennifer Seberry, Xian-Mo Zhang: Product of Four Hadamard Matrices. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 59(2): 318-320 (1992)
1 Josef Pieprzyk, Xian-Mo Zhang: Permutation Generators of Alternating Groups. AUSCRYPT 1990: 237-244

Coauthor Index

1Claude Carlet [8]
2Robert Craigen [2]
3Jovan Dj. Golic [44]
4Hideki Imai [19] [23] [28]
5Josef Pieprzyk [1] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46]
6Jennifer Seberry (Jennifer Seberry Wallis) [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
7Huaxiong Wang [46]
8Qingsong Ye [46]
9Yuliang Zheng [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [40] [41] [45]

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