
Takeshi Ikeda

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4 Akio Sashima, Yutaka Inoue, Takeshi Ikeda, Tomohisa Yamashita, Masayuki Ohta, Koichi Kurumatani: Toward Mobile Healthcare Services by Using Everyday Mobile Phones. HEALTHINF (1) 2008: 242-245
3EEMotoji Yamamoto, Takeshi Ikeda, Yoshinobu Sasaki: Real-time analog input device using breath pressure for the operation of powered wheelchair. ICRA 2008: 3914-3919
2EETakeshi Ikeda, Yutaka Inoue, Akio Sashima, Koichi Kurumatani: Handling Spatio-temporal Sensor Data in Global Geographical Context with SENSORD. UCS 2007: 33-44
1EEYasuhiro Yazaki, Takeshi Ikeda, Mamoru Minami, Yasushi Mae: Fastest Guidance Control with Acceleration Restriction of PWS Mobile Robot. IROS 2006: 1873-1878

Coauthor Index

1Yutaka Inoue [2] [4]
2Koichi Kurumatani [2] [4]
3Yasushi Mae [1]
4Mamoru Minami [1]
5Masayuki Ohta [4]
6Yoshinobu Sasaki [3]
7Akio Sashima [2] [4]
8Motoji Yamamoto [3]
9Tomohisa Yamashita [4]
10Yasuhiro Yazaki [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)