
Craig Hunter

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6EECraig Hunter, Justin Gaither: Design and implementation of the "G2" PowerPC 603e-embedded microprocessor core. ITC 1998: 473-479
5 Craig Hunter: Integrated Diagnostics for Embedded Memory Built-in Self Test on Power PCTM Devices. ICCD 1997: 549-554
4 Craig Hunter: What's So Different about Deep-Submicron Test? ITC 1995: 924
3 Craig Hunter, Jeff Slaton, Jim Eno, Romesh M. Jessani, Carl Dietz: The PowerPC 603TM Microprocessor: An Array Built-In Self-Test Mechanism. ITC 1994: 388-394
2 Craig Hunter, E. Kofi Vida-Torku, Johnny LeBlanc: Balancing Structured and Ad-hoc Design for Test: Testing of the PowerPC 603TM Microprocessor. ITC 1994: 76-83
1 Grady Giles, Craig Hunter: A Methodology for Testing Content Addressable Memories. ITC 1985: 471-475

Coauthor Index

1Carl Dietz [3]
2Jim Eno [3]
3Justin Gaither [6]
4Grady Giles [1]
5Romesh M. Jessani [3]
6Johnny LeBlanc [2]
7Jeff Slaton [3]
8E. Kofi Vida-Torku [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)