
Jerry Zeyu Gao

Jerry Z. Gao, Jerry Gao

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38 Jerry Gao, Karen Kwok, Todd Fitch: Model-based Test Complexity Analysis for Software Installation Testing. SEKE 2008: 631-637
37 Jerry Gao, Wrihang Roberto Liang, Radhika Chhabra, Ramyashree Swamyo, Ma Xiang: Building Testable Components - a Systematic Approach and Its Experimental Study. SEKE 2008: 715-722
36EEJerry Zeyu Gao, Lekshmi Prakash, Rajini Jagatesan: Understanding 2D-BarCode Technology and Applications in M-Commerce - Design and Implementation of A 2D Barcode Processing Solution. COMPSAC (2) 2007: 49-56
35 Jerry Zeyu Gao, Sujana Tirumalasetti, Chien-Pin Hsu, Yip Cheong, Anne Colendich, Todd Fitch: Toward Modeling and Analysis for Software Installation Testing. SEKE 2007: 111-116
34EEJerry Gao, Sami Beydeda: Guest Editors' Introduction. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 17(3): 311-313 (2007)
33EEAxel Küpper, Jerry Gao: Editorial. JTAER 2(2): (2007)
32EEJerry Zeyu Gao, Gauri Durve, Sirisha Alam, Simon S. Y. Shim: Wireless Based Multimedia Messaging System. CEC/EEE 2006: 77
31EEJerry Gao, Deepa Gopinathan, Quan Mai, Jingsha He: A Systematic Regression Testing Method and Tool For Software Components. COMPSAC (1) 2006: 455-466
30EEWei-Tek Tsai, Jerry Gao, Xiao Wei, Yinong Chen: Testability of Software in Service-Oriented Architecture. COMPSAC (2) 2006: 163-170
29EEJerry Gao, Yumei Wu, Lee Chang, Sigurd Meldal: Measuring Component-Based Systems Using a Systematic Approach and Environment. SOSE 2006: 121-129
28EEJerry Gao, Axel Küpper: Emerging Technologies for Mobile Commerce. JTAER 1(2): (2006)
27EEJerry Gao, Raquel Espinoza, Jingsha He: Testing Coverage Analysis for Software Component Validation. COMPSAC (1) 2005: 463-470
26EEJerry Gao, Ming-Chih Shih: A Component Testability Model for Verification and Measurement. COMPSAC (2) 2005: 211-218
25EEMagdalene P. Ting, Jerry Gao: Web-Based Authoring Tool for e-Salesman System. EUC 2005: 528-537
24EEJerry Z. Gao, Mansi Modak, Satyavathi Dornadula, Simon S. Y. Shim: Mobile Jabber IM: A Wireless-Based Text Chatting System. CEC 2004: 337-341
23EEMagdalene P. Ting, Vishal Seth, Jerry Gao: The E-Salesman System. CEC 2004: 353-357
22EEJerry Zeyu Gao, Ye Wu: Testing Component-Based Software - Issues, Challenges, and Solutions. ICCBSS 2004: 2
21EEMagdalene P. Ting, Vishal Seth, Jerry Gao: The e-Salesman System. ITCC (1) 2004: 277-282
20 Jerry Gao, Chandra S. Ravi, Raquel Espinoza: Measuring Component Performance Using A Systematic Approach and Environment. SOQUA/TECOS 2004: 77-92
19EEVishnu S. Pendyala, Simon S. Y. Shim, Jerry Z. Gao: An XML Based Framework for Enterprise Application Integration. CEC 2003: 128-135
18EEHassim Mohamed Yunos, Jerry Z. Gao, Simon S. Y. Shim: Wireless Advertising's Challenges and Opportunities. IEEE Computer 36(5): 30-37 (2003)
17EEJerry Z. Gao, Kamal K. Gupta, Shalini Gupta, Simon S. Y. Shim: On Building Testable Software Components. ICCBSS 2002: 108-121
16EESimon S. Y. Shim, Zhaoyuan Zeng, Jerry Z. Gao: Automatic Generation and Integration of RosettaNet Based On Generic Templates and Components. WECWIS 2002: 33-40
15EESimon S. Y. Shim, Jerry Z. Gao, Ying Wang: Multimedia Presentation Components in E-Commerce. WECWIS 2000: 158-165
14EESimon S. Y. Shim, Vishnu S. Pendyala, Meera Sundaram, Jerry Z. Gao: Business-to-Business E-Commerce Frameworks. IEEE Computer 33(10): 40-47 (2000)
13 Jerry Gao, Chris Chen, Yasufumi Toyoshima, David K. Leung: Engineering on the Internet for Global Software Production. IEEE Computer 32(5): 38-47 (1999)
12EEDavid Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Cris Chen, Jerry Gao: Object-Oriented Software Testing: Some Research and Development. HASE 1998: 158-165
11EEJerry Gao, Cris Chen, Yasufumi Toyoshima, David K. Leung: Developing an Integrated Testing Environment Using the World Wide Web Technology. COMPSAC 1997: 594-601
10 David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Chris Chen: Or Regression Testing of Object-Oriented Programs. Journal of Systems and Software 32(1): 21-40 (1996)
9EEJerry Zeyu Gao, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia: An object state test model: object state diagram. CASCON 1995: 23
8EEJerry Z. Gao, David Chenho Kung, Pei Hsia, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Cris Chen: Object state testing for object-oriented programs. COMPSAC 1995: 232-238
7EEDavid Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Cris Chen: A Test Strategy for Object-Oriented Programs. COMPSAC 1995: 239-244
6 David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Chris Chen, Young-Si Kim, Young-Kee Song: Developing an Object-Oriented Software Testing and Maintenance Environment. Commun. ACM 38(10): 75-87 (1995)
5 David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, Jeremy Lin, Yasufumi Toyoshima: Class Firewall, Test Order, and Regression Testing of Object-Oriented Programs. JOOP 8(2): 51-65 (1995)
4EEDavid Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia: An object oriented testing and maintenance environment. CASCON 1994: 37
3 David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, F. Wen, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Cris Chen: Change Impact Identification in Object Oriented Software Maintenance. ICSM 1994: 202-211
2EEPei Hsia, Jayarajan Samuel, Jerry Gao, David Chenho Kung, Yasufumi Toyoshima, Cris Chen: Formal Approach to Scenario Analysis. IEEE Software 11(2): 33-41 (1994)
1 David Chenho Kung, Jerry Gao, Pei Hsia, J. Lin, Yasufumi Toyoshima: Design Recovery for Software Testing of Object-Oriented Programs. WCRE 1993: 202-211

Coauthor Index

1Sirisha Alam [32]
2Sami Beydeda [34]
3Lee Chang [29]
4Chris Chen [6] [10] [13]
5Cris Chen [2] [3] [7] [8] [11] [12]
6Yinong Chen [30]
7Yip Cheong [35]
8Radhika Chhabra [37]
9Anne Colendich [35]
10Satyavathi Dornadula [24]
11Gauri Durve [32]
12Raquel Espinoza [20] [27]
13Todd Fitch [35] [38]
14Deepa Gopinathan [31]
15Kamal K. Gupta [17]
16Shalini Gupta [17]
17Jingsha He [27] [31]
18Pei Hsia [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12]
19Chien-Pin Hsu [35]
20Rajini Jagatesan [36]
21Young-Si Kim [6]
22David Chenho Kung (Chenho Kung) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12]
23Axel Küpper [28] [33]
24Karen Kwok [38]
25David K. Leung [11] [13]
26Wrihang Roberto Liang [37]
27J. Lin [1]
28Jeremy Lin [5]
29Quan Mai [31]
30Sigurd Meldal [29]
31Mansi Modak [24]
32Vishnu S. Pendyala [14] [19]
33Lekshmi Prakash [36]
34Chandra S. Ravi [20]
35Jayarajan Samuel [2]
36Vishal Seth [21] [23]
37Ming-Chih Shih [26]
38Simon S. Y. Shim [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [24] [32]
39Young-Kee Song [6]
40Meera Sundaram [14]
41Ramyashree Swamyo [37]
42Magdalene P. Ting [21] [23] [25]
43Sujana Tirumalasetti [35]
44Yasufumi Toyoshima [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13]
45Wei-Tek Tsai [30]
46Ying Wang [15]
47Xiao Wei [30]
48F. Wen [3]
49Ye Wu [22]
50Yumei Wu [29]
51Ma Xiang [37]
52Hassim Mohamed Yunos [18]
53Zhaoyuan Zeng [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)