
Sung-Pil Hong

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16EESung-Pil Hong, Yong-Hyuk Kim: A genetic algorithm for joint replenishment based on the exact inventory cost. Computers & OR 36(1): 167-175 (2009)
15EESung-Pil Hong, Sung-Jin Cho, Myoung-Ju Park, Moon-Gul Lee: Optimal search-relocation trade-off in Markovian-target searching. Computers & OR 36(6): 2097-2104 (2009)
14EESung-Pil Hong, Sung-Jin Cho, Myoung-Ju Park: A pseudo-polynomial heuristic for path-constrained discrete-time Markovian-target search. European Journal of Operational Research 193(2): 351-364 (2009)
13EESung-Pil Hong, Myoung-Ju Park, Soo Y. Chang: Approximation of the k-batch consolidation problem. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(8-10): 963-967 (2009)
12EESung-Pil Hong, Levent Tunçel: Unification of lower-bound analyses of the lift-and-project rank of combinatorial optimization polyhedra. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(1): 25-41 (2008)
11EESung-Pil Hong, Byung-Cheon Choi: Approximability of the k-server disconnection problem. Networks 50(4): 273-282 (2007)
10EESung-Pil Hong, Byung-Cheon Choi: Polynomiality of sparsest cuts with fixed number of sources. Oper. Res. Lett. 35(6): 739-742 (2007)
9EEByung-Cheon Choi, Sung-Pil Hong: Two-Server Network Disconnection Problem. ICCSA (3) 2006: 785-792
8 Youngkyu Choi, Sunghyun Choi, Sung-Pil Hong: Connection-level QoS provisioning in multiple transmission technology-based OFDM system. WiOpt 2006: 97-106
7EESung-Pil Hong, Sung-Jin Chung, Bum Hwan Park: A fully polynomial bicriteria approximation scheme for the constrained spanning tree problem. Oper. Res. Lett. 32(3): 233-239 (2004)
6 Sung-Jin Chung, Sung-Pil Hong, Hae-Goo Song: Towards real-time optimal VP management for ATM nets. Telecommunication Systems 14(1-4): 219-242 (2000)
5EESung-Pil Hong: A Competitive Online Algorithm for the Paging Problem with "Shelf" Memory. COCOON 1999: 400-408
4 Sung-Pil Hong, Heesang Lee, Bum Hwan Park: An Efficient Multicast Routing Algorithm for Delay-Sensitive Applications with Dynamic Membership. INFOCOM 1998: 1433-1440
3 Sung-Jin Chung, Sung-Pil Hong, Hae-Goo Song, Sang-Baeg Kim: Towards Real-Time Optimal Management of Virtual Paths in ATM-Based B-ISDN's. ICC (1) 1997: 225-230
2 Sung-Pil Hong, Sushil Verma: A note on the strong polynomiality of convex quadratic programming. Math. Program. 68: 131-139 (1995)
1 Dorit S. Hochbaum, Sung-Pil Hong: About strongly polynomial time algorithms for quadratic optimization over submodular constraints. Math. Program. 69: 269-309 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Soo Y. Chang [13]
2Sung-Jin Cho [14] [15]
3Byung-Cheon Choi [9] [10] [11]
4Sunghyun Choi [8]
5Youngkyu Choi [8]
6Sung-Jin Chung [3] [6] [7]
7Dorit S. Hochbaum [1]
8Sang-Baeg Kim [3]
9Yong-Hyuk Kim [16]
10Heesang Lee [4]
11Moon-Gul Lee [15]
12Bum Hwan Park [4] [7]
13Myoung-Ju Park [13] [14] [15]
14Hae-Goo Song [3] [6]
15Levent Tunçel [12]
16Sushil Verma [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)