
Levent Tunçel

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18EELevent Tunçel: Interior Point Methods for Semidefinite Programming. Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 1679-1683
17EEYu-Hin Au, Levent Tunçel: On the polyhedral lift-and-project methods and the fractional stable set polytope. Discrete Optimization 6(2): 206-213 (2009)
16EESung-Pil Hong, Levent Tunçel: Unification of lower-bound analyses of the lift-and-project rank of combinatorial optimization polyhedra. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(1): 25-41 (2008)
15EEChek Beng Chua, Levent Tunçel: Invariance and efficiency of convex representations. Math. Program. 111(1-2): 113-140 (2008)
14EEErling S. Andersen, Etienne de Klerk, Levent Tunçel, Henry Wolkowicz, Shuzhong Zhang: Foreword: Special issue on large-scale nonlinear and semidefinite programming. Math. Program. 109(2-3): 207-209 (2007)
13EEArkadi Nemirovski, Levent Tunçel: "Cone-free" primal-dual path-following and potential-reduction polynomial time interior-point methods. Math. Program. 102(2): 261-294 (2005)
12EELászló Lipták, Levent Tunçel: Lift-and-project ranks and antiblocker duality. Oper. Res. Lett. 33(1): 35-41 (2005)
11EEVan Anh Truong, Levent Tunçel: Geometry of homogeneous convex cones, duality mapping, and optimal self-concordant barriers. Math. Program. 100(2): 295-316 (2004)
10EEMasakazu Kojima, Levent Tunçel: On the finite convergence of successive SDP relaxation methods. European Journal of Operational Research 143(2): 325-341 (2002)
9EELevent Tunçel: Generalization of Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods to Convex Optimization Problems in Conic Form. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 1(3): 229-254 (2001)
8EELevent Tunçel, Song Xu: On Homogeneous Convex Cones, The Carathéodory Number, and the Duality Mapping. Math. Oper. Res. 26(2): 234-247 (2001)
7EEMichel X. Goemans, Levent Tunçel: When Does the Positive Semidefiniteness Constraint Help in Lifting Procedures? Math. Oper. Res. 26(4): 796-815 (2001)
6EELevent Tunçel: On the Slater condition for the SDP relaxations of nonconvex sets. Oper. Res. Lett. 29(4): 181-186 (2001)
5EELevent Tunçel: On the condition numbers for polyhedra in Karmarkar's form. Oper. Res. Lett. 24(4): 149-155 (1999)
4 Osman Güler, Levent Tunçel: Characterization of the barrier parameter of homogeneous convex cones. Math. Program. 81: 55-76 (1998)
3 Levent Tunçel: On the Complexity of Preflow-Push Algorithms for Maximum-Flow Problems. Algorithmica 11(4): 353-359 (1994)
2 Levent Tunçel: Constant potential primal-dual algorithms: A framework. Math. Program. 66: 145-159 (1994)
1 Michael J. Todd, Levent Tunçel: A New Triangulation for Simplicial Algorithms. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 6(1): 167-180 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Erling S. Andersen [14]
2Yu-Hin Au [17]
3Chek Beng Chua [15]
4Michel X. Goemans [7]
5Osman Güler [4]
6Sung-Pil Hong [16]
7Etienne de Klerk [14]
8Masakazu Kojima [10]
9László Lipták [12]
10Arkadi Nemirovski [13]
11Michael J. Todd [1]
12Van Anh Truong [11]
13Henry Wolkowicz [14]
14Song Xu [8]
15Shuzhong Zhang [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)