
Heesang Lee

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9EEHeesang Lee, Kyuhong Lee, YounHo Lee: A Self-Organized Head Selection for Hierarchical Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. IWSOS 2008: 206-217
8EEHeesang Lee, Gyuseok Shim, Yun Bae Kim, Jinsoo Park, Jaebum Kim: A Search Ant and Labor Ant Algorithm for Clustering Data. ANTS Workshop 2006: 500-501
7EEHeesang Lee, Yun Bae Kim, Seung J. Noh, Sun Hur: Wavelength Assignment in Route-Fixed Optical WDM Ring by a Branch-and-Price Algorithm. ICN (1) 2005: 194-203
6EEYun Bae Kim, Heesang Lee, Hoo-Gon Choi: A Discrete Event Simulation Study for Incoming Call Centers of a Telecommunication Service Company. AIS 2004: 390-399
5EESun Hur, Jeong Kee Kim, Jae Ho Jeong, Heesang Lee: A Performance Analysis of Binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm in the Random Access Packet Networks. AsiaSim 2004: 270-278
4EESeung J. Noh, Suk-Chul Rim, Heesang Lee: Meeting Due Dates by Reserving Partial Capacity in MTO Firms. AsiaSim 2004: 568-577
3EEJibok Chung, Heesang Lee, Hae-gu Song: Cost Effective Design of TDM ADM Embedded in WDM Ring Networks. ECUMN 2004: 115-124
2 Heesang Lee, Hae-Goo Song, Jibok Chung, Sung-Jin Chung: Preplanned rerouting optimization and dynamic path rerouting for ATM VP restoration. Telecommunication Systems 14(1-4): 243-267 (2000)
1 Sung-Pil Hong, Heesang Lee, Bum Hwan Park: An Efficient Multicast Routing Algorithm for Delay-Sensitive Applications with Dynamic Membership. INFOCOM 1998: 1433-1440

Coauthor Index

1Hoo-Gon Choi [6]
2Jibok Chung [2] [3]
3Sung-Jin Chung [2]
4Sung-Pil Hong [1]
5Sun Hur [5] [7]
6Jae Ho Jeong [5]
7Jaebum Kim [8]
8Jeong Kee Kim [5]
9Yun Bae Kim [6] [7] [8]
10Kyuhong Lee [9]
11YounHo Lee [9]
12Seung J. Noh [4] [7]
13Bum Hwan Park [1]
14Jinsoo Park [8]
15Suk-Chul Rim [4]
16Gyuseok Shim [8]
17Hae-Goo Song [2]
18Hae-gu Song [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)