
Norman L. Kerth

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7 Norman L. Kerth, James Coplien, Jerry M. Weinberg: Call for the Rational Use of Personality Indicators. IEEE Computer 31: 146-147 (1998)
6 James Coplien, Luke Hohmann, Norman L. Kerth, John Rae-Grant, Eileen Strider: Changing the Engine of the Car? While Driving 60 Miles an Hour! (Panel). OOPSLA 1997: 158-161
5 Norman L. Kerth, Ward Cunningham: Using Patterns To Improve Our Architectural Vision. IEEE Software 14(1): 53-59 (1997)
4 Paul S. R. Chisholm, Larry L. Constantine, Ward Cunningham, Luke Hohmann, Norman L. Kerth: Soft Issues in Software Development (Panel Session). OOPSLA 1996: 232-234
3 Steven Fraser, Grady Booch, Frank Buschmann, James Coplien, Ivar Jacobson, Norman L. Kerth, Mary Beth Rosson: Patterns: Cult to Culture? - Panel Session. OOPSLA 1995: 231-234
2 Steven Fraser, Honna Segel, Grady Booch, Frank Buschmann, James Coplien, Norman L. Kerth, Ivar Jacobson, Mary Beth Rosson: Patterns (Panel): cult to culture?. OOPS Messenger 6(4): 85-88 (1995)
1 Norman L. Kerth: A structured approach to object-oriented design. OOPS Messenger 3(4): 21-43 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Grady Booch [2] [3]
2Frank Buschmann [2] [3]
3Paul S. R. Chisholm [4]
4Larry L. Constantine [4]
5James Coplien [2] [3] [6] [7]
6Ward Cunningham [4] [5]
7Steven Fraser [2] [3]
8Luke Hohmann [4] [6]
9Ivar Jacobson [2] [3]
10John Rae-Grant [6]
11Mary Beth Rosson [2] [3]
12Honna Segel [2]
13Eileen Strider [6]
14Jerry M. Weinberg [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)