
Jochen Hirth

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4EEJochen Hirth, Karsten Berns: Motives as intrinsic activation for human-robot interaction. IROS 2008: 773-778
3EEJochen Hirth, Norbert Schmitz, Karsten Berns: Emotional Architecture for the Humanoid Robot Head ROMAN. ICRA 2007: 2150-2155
2EEJochen Hirth, Tim Braun, Karsten Berns: Emotion Based Control Architecture for Robotics Applications. KI 2007: 464-467
1EEKarsten Berns, Jochen Hirth: Control of facial expressions of the humanoid robot head ROMAN. IROS 2006: 3119-3124

Coauthor Index

1Karsten Berns [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Tim Braun [2]
3Norbert Schmitz [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)