
David Hemmendinger

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17EEDavid Hemmendinger: The ACM and IEEE-CS guidelines for undergraduate CS education. Commun. ACM 50(5): 46-53 (2007)
16EEDavid Hemmendinger: Computing history: interesting times. ITiCSE 2005: 366
15EERobert B. Reese, Mitchell A. Thornton, Cherrice Traver, David Hemmendinger: Early evaluation for performance enhancement in phased logic. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 24(4): 532-550 (2005)
14EEGarth Baulch, David Hemmendinger, Cherrice Traver: Analyzing and verifying locally clocked circuits with the concurrency workbench. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1995: 144-147
13 Charles J. Fleckenstein, Helen Gill, David Hemmendinger, Carolyn McCreary, John D. McGregor, Roy P. Pargas, Arthur M. Riehl, Virgil Wallentine: Multiprocessing. Advances in Computers 35: 255-324 (1992)
12EEJohn Van Tassel, David Hemmendinger: Specifying and Automatically Generating Ada Tasks in Prolog. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1990: 121-127
11EEDavid Hemmendinger: Specifying Ada Server Tasks with Executable Formal Grammars. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(7): 741-754 (1990)
10EECharles J. Fleckenstein, David Hemmendinger: A Parallel "make" Utility Based on Linda's Tuple-Space. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1989: 216-220
9 Charles J. Fleckenstein, David Hemmendinger: Using a Global Name Space for Parallel Execution of UNIX Tools. Commun. ACM 32(9): 1085-1090 (1989)
8 David Hemmendinger: Comments on "A Correct and Unrestrictive Implementation of General Semaphores". Operating Systems Review 23(1): 7-8 (1989)
7 David Hemmendinger: A Compiler and Semantic Analyzer Based on Categorial Grammar. ICLP/SLP 1988: 1474-1489
6 David Hemmendinger: A Correct Implementation of General Semaphores. Operating Systems Review 22(3): 42-44 (1988)
5EEDavid Hemmendinger: Unfair process scheduling in Modula-2. SIGPLAN Notices 23(3): 7-12 (1988)
4EEDavid Hemmendinger: The "Hamming problem" in Prolog. SIGPLAN Notices 23(4): 81-86 (1988)
3EEDavid Hemmendinger: The `Hamming' in Prolog. SIGPLAN Notices 23(6): 115-120 (1988)
2EERobert D. Dixon, David Hemmendinger: Analyzing synchronization problems by using event histories as languages. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 183-188
1 David Hemmendinger: Lazy Evaluation and Cancellation of Computations. ICPP 1985: 840-842

Coauthor Index

1Garth Baulch [14]
2Robert D. Dixon [2]
3Charles J. Fleckenstein [9] [10] [13]
4Helen Gill [13]
5Carolyn McCreary [13]
6John D. McGregor [13]
7Roy P. Pargas [13]
8Robert B. Reese [15]
9Arthur M. Riehl [13]
10John Van Tassel [12]
11Mitchell A. Thornton (Mitchell Aaron Thornton) [15]
12Cherrice Traver [14] [15]
13Virgil Wallentine [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)