
Hans Hellendoorn

J. Hellendoorn

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14EEIon Necoara, Ton J. J. van den Boom, Bart De Schutter, Hans Hellendoorn: Stabilization of max-plus-linear systems using model predictive control: The unconstrained case. Automatica 44(4): 971-981 (2008)
13EER. R. Negenborn, Bart De Schutter, J. Hellendoorn: Efficient implementation of serial multi-agent model predictive control by parallelization. ICNSC 2007: 175-180
12EEIon Necoara, Bart De Schutter, Ton J. J. van den Boom, Hans Hellendoorn: Stable Model Predictive Control for Constrained Max-Plus-Linear Systems. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 17(3): 329-354 (2007)
11EEAndreas Hegyi, Bart De Schutter, J. Hellendoorn: Optimal coordination of variable speed limits to suppress shock waves. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 6(1): 102-112 (2005)
10 Alexandar Ichtev, J. Hellendoorn, Robert Babuska: Fault Detection and Isolation Using Multiple Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models. FUZZ-IEEE 2001: 1498-1502
9EEPeter J. van der Veen, Lodewyk F. A. Wessels, J. W. Slootstra, R. H. Meloen, Marcel J. T. Reinders, J. Hellendoorn: Determination of Binding Amino Acids Based on Random Peptide Array Screening Data. WABI 2001: 264-277
8EEHans Hellendoorn, Rudolf Seising: Fuzzy Traffic Management for Modern Telecommunications. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 6(2): 189-200 (1998)
7 Hans Hellendoorn, Rudolf Seising, Werner Metternich, Matthias Nissel, Christoph Thomas: Verkehrslastregelung in ATM-Netzwerken mit Fuzzy-Methoden. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 12(1): 23-29 (1997)
6 Angelika Hecht, Hans Hellendoorn, Andrea Leufke, Kai Storjohann: Adaptions- und Akquisitionstechniken für Fuzzy-Systeme, Teil I. Informatik Spektrum 17(2): 87-95 (1994)
5 Angelika Hecht, Hans Hellendoorn, Andrea Leufke, Kai Storjohann: Adaptions- und Akquisitionstechniken für Fuzzy-Systeme, Teil II. Informatik Spektrum 17(3): 164-170 (1994)
4 Hans Hellendoorn, Michael Reinfrank: Fuzzy Control Research at Siemens Corporate R & D. Fuzzy Days 1992: 179-183
3 Dimiter Driankov, Hans Hellendoorn: Towards a Logic for a Fuzzy Logic Controller. ECSQARU 1991: 166-170
2 Hans Hellendoorn, Michael Reinfrank: Fuzzy Control Research at Siemens Corporate R&D. ECSQARU 1991: 206-210
1 Rainer Palm, Hans Hellendoorn: Fuzzy-Methoden in der Robotik. KI 5(4): 42-46 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Robert Babuska [10]
2Ton J. J. van den Boom [12] [14]
3Dimiter Driankov [3]
4Angelika Hecht [5] [6]
5Andreas Hegyi [11]
6Alexandar Ichtev [10]
7Andrea Leufke [5] [6]
8R. H. Meloen [9]
9Werner Metternich [7]
10Ion Necoara [12] [14]
11R. R. Negenborn [13]
12Matthias Nissel [7]
13Rainer Palm [1]
14Marcel J. T. Reinders [9]
15Michael Reinfrank [2] [4]
16Bart De Schutter [11] [12] [13] [14]
17Rudolf Seising [7] [8]
18J. W. Slootstra [9]
19Kai Storjohann [5] [6]
20Christoph Thomas [7]
21Peter J. van der Veen [9]
22Lodewyk F. A. Wessels [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)