
Rudolf Seising

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18EERudolf Seising: On the absence of strict boundaries - Vagueness, haziness, and fuzziness in philosophy, science, and medicine. Appl. Soft Comput. 8(3): 1232-1242 (2008)
17EERudolf Seising: Scientific Theories and the Computational Theory of Perceptions - A Structuralist View Including Fuzzy Sets. EUSFLAT Conf. (1) 2007: 401-408
16EEJulia Limberg, Rudolf Seising: Fuzzy Set Theory and Philosophical Foundations of Medicine. EUSFLAT Conf. (1) 2007: 409-416
15EEJulia Limberg, Rudolf Seising: Fuzzy Health, Illness, and Disease Sadegh-Zadeh's framework and a program to identify diseases. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
14EERudolf Seising: Soft Computing and the Life Sciences - Philosophical Remarks. FUZZ-IEEE 2007: 1-6
13EERudolf Seising: Between Empiricism and Rationalism: A Layer of Perception Modeling Fuzzy Sets as Intermediary in Philosophy of Science. IFSA (2) 2007: 101-108
12EERudolf Seising, Julia Limberg: Similarity and Distance-Their Paths from Crisp to Fuzzy Concepts and an Application in Medical Philosophy. IFSA (2) 2007: 243-252
11 Rudolf Seising: Manfred Peschel (1932-2002) Systemverhalten - Systemversagen. Informatik in der DDR 2006: 479-500
10EERudolf Seising, Jeremy Bradley: Is Soft Computing in Technology and Medicine Human-Friendly? KES (3) 2006: 366-373
9EERudolf Seising, Jeremy Bradley: From Vague or Loose Concepts to Hazy and Fuzzy Sets - Human Understanding Versus Exact Science. KES (3) 2006: 374-382
8EERudolf Seising: From vagueness in medical thought to the foundations of fuzzy reasoning in medical diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 38(3): 237-256 (2006)
7 Rudolf Seising: Fuzzy Sets in Medicine - Historical Remarks. METMBS 2004: 31-37
6EERudolf Seising: From communication networks to fuzzy sets. EUSFLAT Conf. 2003: 20-21
5 Rudolf Seising: Frühe Visionen der Telemedizin: Technische Möglichkeiten und gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2003: 137-140
4EEHans Hellendoorn, Rudolf Seising: Fuzzy Traffic Management for Modern Telecommunications. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 6(2): 189-200 (1998)
3 Hans Hellendoorn, Rudolf Seising, Werner Metternich, Matthias Nissel, Christoph Thomas: Verkehrslastregelung in ATM-Netzwerken mit Fuzzy-Methoden. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 12(1): 23-29 (1997)
2EEFritz Lehmann, Rudolf Seising, Ellen Walther-Klaus: Simulation of learning in communication networks. Simul. Pr. Theory 1(1): 41-48 (1993)
1 Fritz Lehmann, Rudolf Seising, Ellen Walther-Klaus: Machine Learning in Communication Nets. IEA/AIE 1992: 304-313

Coauthor Index

1Jeremy Bradley [9] [10]
2Hans Hellendoorn (J. Hellendoorn) [3] [4]
3Fritz Lehmann [1] [2]
4Julia Limberg [12] [15] [16]
5Werner Metternich [3]
6Matthias Nissel [3]
7Christoph Thomas [3]
8Ellen Walther-Klaus [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)