
Robert Harrison

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11EENa'el Abu-halaweh, Robert Harrison: Prediction and Classification of Real and Pseudo MicroRNA Precursors via Data Fuzzification and Fuzzy Decision Trees. ISBRA 2009: 323-334
10EERobert Harrison, Christine W. Chan: A dynamic knowledge modeler. AI EDAM 23(1): 53-69 (2009)
9EEArmando W. Colombo, Robert Harrison: Modular and collaborative automation: achieving manufacturing flexibility and reconfigurability. IJMTM 14(3/4): 249-265 (2008)
8EEHae-Jin Hu, Hao Wang, Robert Harrison, Phang C. Tai, Yi Pan: Understanding the Prediction of Transmembrane Proteins by Support Vector Machine using Association Rule Mining. CIBCB 2007: 418-425
7EERobert Harrison, Christine W. Chan: A Tool for Dynamic Knowledge Modeling. IEEE ICCI 2007: 513-521
6EERobert Harrison, D. Obst, Christine W. Chan: Design of an ontology management framework. IEEE ICCI 2005: 260-266
5EEEmilia Mendes, Chris Lokan, Robert Harrison, Chris Triggs: A Replicated Comparison of Cross-Company and Within-Company Effort Estimation Models Using the ISBSG Database. IEEE METRICS 2005: 36
4EEEdward Mellor, Robert Harrison, Andrew West: Reconfigurable user interface's to support monitoring and diagnostic capabilities within agile automated manufacturing system's. RAM 2004: 287-291
3 Richard H. Weston, Andrew A. West, Robert Harrison, R. P. Monfared, D. Vera, Kamran Ali Chatha, J. F. P. Moreiro: Use of CIMOSA and systems thinking to document and inform the design and development of car engine production systems. ISPE CE 2003: 851-857
2 Richard H. Weston, Andrew A. West, Robert Harrison: Component-Based Automotive Production Systems. ICEIMT 2002: 225-234
1EERobert Harrison, Andrew A. West, C. D. Wright: Integrating machine design and control. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 13(6): 498-516 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Na'el Abu-halaweh [11]
2Christine W. Chan [6] [7] [10]
3Kamran Ali Chatha [3]
4Armando W. Colombo [9]
5Hae-Jin Hu [8]
6Chris Lokan [5]
7Edward Mellor [4]
8Emilia Mendes [5]
9R. P. Monfared [3]
10J. F. P. Moreiro [3]
11D. Obst [6]
12Yi Pan [8]
13Phang C. Tai [8]
14Chris Triggs [5]
15D. Vera [3]
16Hao Wang [8]
17Andrew West [4]
18Andrew A. West [1] [2] [3]
19Richard H. Weston [2] [3]
20C. D. Wright [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)