
JungHyun Han

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40EEHunKi Park, JungHyun Han: Fast Rendering of Large Crowds Using GPU. ICEC 2008: 197-202
39EEHyunHo Jee, Doo Seop Eom, Taeyoung Kim, HunKi Park, Hyoil Lee, JungHyun Han: Multi-player VR game built upon wireless sensor network. ICUIMC 2008: 525-527
38EEKiwon Um, JungHyun Han: Leaking Fluids. ISVC (1) 2008: 1135-1143
37EEHan-Young Jang, Hadi Moradi, Phuoc Le Minh, Sukhan Lee, JungHyun Han: Visibility-based spatial reasoning for object manipulation in cluttered environments. Computer-Aided Design 40(4): 422-438 (2008)
36EEDongwook Ha, JungHyun Han: Motion synthesis with decoupled parameterization. The Visual Computer 24(7-9): 587-594 (2008)
35EEHan-Young Jang, JungHyun Han: Fast collision detection using the A-buffer. The Visual Computer 24(7-9): 659-667 (2008)
34EEHadi Moradi, Eun Kwon, Dae Neung Sohn, JungHyun Han: A Real-Time GPU-Based Wall Detection Algorithm for Mapping and Navigation in Indoor Environments. HCI (9) 2007: 1072-1077
33EEHan-Young Jang, Taek Sang Jeong, JungHyun Han: Image-Space Collision Detection Through Alternate Surface Peeling. ISVC (1) 2007: 66-75
32EEKwangsun Ko, Gu Su Kim, June Kim, JungHyun Han, Ung-Mo Kim, Young Ik Eom: Design and Implementation of a Security Framework Based on the Object-Based Storage Device Standard. ICCSA (1) 2006: 1028-1035
31EEHongJung Son, JungHyun Han: Dynamic Skinning for Popping Dance. ICEC 2006: 280-285
30EEIngu Kang, JungHyun Han: Real-Time Animation of Large Crowds. ICEC 2006: 382-385
29EEIngu Kang, JungHyun Han: Massive Autonomous Characters: Animation and Interaction. ICVGIP 2006: 333-338
28EEHan-Young Jang, Hadi Moradi, Suyeon Hong, Sukhan Lee, JungHyun Han: Spatial Reasoning for Real-time Robotic Manipulation. IROS 2006: 2632-2637
27EEIngu Kang, Young Ik Eom, JungHyun Han: A Multi-resolution Technique for Real-time Animation of Large Crowds. ISCIS 2006: 384-393
26EEDoo Seop Eom, Jungshik Jang, Taeyoung Kim, JungHyun Han: A VR Game Platform Built Upon Wireless Sensor Network. ISVC (2) 2006: 146-155
25EETaek Sang Jeong, JungHyun Han: Per-pixel Rendering of Terrain Data. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 40-47
24EETaeseong Kim, Christopher D. Cera, William C. Regli, Hyunseung Choo, JungHyun Han: Multi-Level modeling and access control for data sharing in collaborative design. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(1): 47-57 (2006)
23EEJungHyun Han, Ingu Kang, Chungmin Hyun, Jong-Sik Woo, Young Ik Eom: Multi-platform Online Game Design and Architecture. INTERACT 2005: 1116-1119
22EETaeseung D. Yoo, Eunyoung Kim, JungHyun Han, Daniel K. Bogen: Geometric and biomechanical analysis for computer-aided design of assistive medical devices. Computer-Aided Design 37(14): 1521-1532 (2005)
21EEJungHyun Han, Hoh Peter In, Jong-Sik Woo: Towards Situation-Aware Cross-Platform Ubi-Game Development. APSEC 2004: 734-735
20EEHyung Sik Yoon, Moon-Ju Jung, JungHyun Han: Alternation of Levels-of-Detail Construction and Occlusion Culling for Terrain Rendering. CIS 2004: 1161-1167
19EETaeseung D. Yoo, Eun-Young Kim, Daniel K. Bogen, JungHyun Han: Geometrical Analysis for Assistive Medical Device Design. CIS 2004: 916-921
18EEChristopher D. Cera, Taeseong Kim, JungHyun Han, William C. Regli: Role-based viewing envelopes for information protection in collaborative modeling. Computer-Aided Design 36(9): 873-886 (2004)
17 Hyunseung Choo, JungHyun Han: Forwarding Based Data Parallel Handoff for Real-Time QoS in Mobile IPv6 Networks. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 23(4): (2004)
16EEKeechul Jung, JungHyun Han: Hybrid approach to efficient text extraction in complex color images. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(6): 679-699 (2004)
15EEJungHyun Han, Taeseong Kim, Christopher D. Cera, William C. Regli: Multi-resolution Modeling in Collaborative Design. ISCIS 2003: 397-404
14EEJuneho Yi, Jongsun Kim, Jongmoo Choi, JungHyun Han, Eunseok Lee: Face Recognition Based on ICA Combined with FLD. Biometric Authentication 2002: 10-18
13EEKeechul Jung, Kwang In Kim, JungHyun Han: Text Scanner with Text Detection Technology on Image Sequences. ICPR (3) 2002: 473-476
12EEJungHyun Han, Mujin Kang, Hoogon Choi: STEP-based feature recognition for manufacturing cost optimization. Computer-Aided Design 33(9): 671-686 (2001)
11 JungHyun Han, Inho Han, Eunseok Lee, Juneho Yi: Manufacturing feature recognition toward integration with process planning. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 31(3): 373-380 (2001)
10EEHanhyuk Chung, Joongmin Choi, Juneho Yi, JungHyun Han, Eunseok Lee: A Construction of the Adapted Ontology Server in EC. IDEAL 2000: 355-360
9EEKeechul Jung, JungHyun Han: Texture-Based Text Location for Video Indexing. IDEAL 2000: 449-454
8EEKeechul Jung, JungHyun Han: Stereo Correspondence Using GA-Based Segmentation. IDEAL 2000: 497-502
7EEJungHyun Han, Inho Han: Manufacturable feature recognition and its integration with process planning. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1999: 108-118
6EEJungHyun Han, William C. Regli, Steve Brooks: Hint-based reasoning for feature recognition: status report. Computer-Aided Design 30(13): 1003-1007 (1998)
5EEJungHyun Han, David Rosen: Special panel session for feature recognition at the 1997 ASME Computers in Engineering Conference. Computer-Aided Design 30(13): 979-982 (1998)
4EEJungHyun Han, Aristides A. G. Requicha: Modeler-independent feature recognition in a distributed environment. Computer-Aided Design 30(6): 453-463 (1998)
3EEJungHyun Han: On Multiple Interpretations. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1997: 311-321
2EEJungHyun Han, Aristides A. G. Requicha: Integration of feature based design and feature recognition. Computer-Aided Design 29(5): 393-403 (1997)
1EEJungHyun Han, Aristides A. G. Requicha: Modeler Independent Procedural Interfaces for Solid Modeling. Computer Graphics International 1996: 176-183

Coauthor Index

1Daniel K. Bogen [19] [22]
2Steve Brooks [6]
3Christopher D. Cera [15] [18] [24]
4Hoogon Choi [12]
5Jongmoo Choi [14]
6Joongmin Choi [10]
7Hyunseung Choo [17] [24]
8Hanhyuk Chung [10]
9Doo Seop Eom [26] [39]
10Young Ik Eom [23] [27] [32]
11Dongwook Ha [36]
12Inho Han [7] [11]
13Suyeon Hong [28]
14Chungmin Hyun [23]
15Hoh Peter In (Hoh In) [21]
16Han-Young Jang [28] [33] [35] [37]
17Jungshik Jang [26]
18HyunHo Jee [39]
19Taek Sang Jeong [25] [33]
20Keechul Jung [8] [9] [13] [16]
21Moon-Ju Jung [20]
22Ingu Kang [23] [27] [29] [30]
23Mujin Kang [12]
24Eun-Young Kim [19]
25Eunyoung Kim [22]
26Gu Su Kim [32]
27Jongsun Kim [14]
28June Kim [32]
29Kwang In Kim [13]
30Taeseong Kim [15] [18] [24]
31Taeyoung Kim [26] [39]
32Ung-Mo Kim [32]
33Kwangsun Ko [32]
34Eun Kwon [34]
35Eunseok Lee [10] [11] [14]
36Hyoil Lee [39]
37Sukhan Lee [28] [37]
38Phuoc Le Minh [37]
39Hadi Moradi [28] [34] [37]
40HunKi Park [39] [40]
41William C. Regli [6] [15] [18] [24]
42Aristides A. G. Requicha [1] [2] [4]
43David Rosen [5]
44Dae Neung Sohn [34]
45HongJung Son [31]
46Kiwon Um [38]
47Jong-Sik Woo [21] [23]
48Juneho Yi [10] [11] [14]
49Taeseung D. Yoo [19] [22]
50Hyung Sik Yoon [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)